What We The Results Of The Ciompi Of 1378

What were the Causes, Goals, and Results of these 3 Terms.?

The Jacquerie was a major and extremely violent peasant revolt in France in 1358 (rather than in 1356).It was brutally suppressed by the French nobility.

Cause - major social and economic dislocation resulting from the death toll of the Black Death.

Goals - seemingly,extermination of the aristocracy

Results - crushed by the aristocracy,with large numbers of peasants being killed,which hindered the national economy even further.No change in the social system.

Peasant's Revolt in England,1381:

Cause - High taxes to pay for the ongoing Hundred Years War,and popular perception that Richard II's uncles (Richard was only 14 at the time) were effectively running the country through corrupt officials to enrich themselves at the expense of the common people.

Goals - removal of these officials from public office,an end to high taxes.

Results - once the government had removed the senior leadership,the rebels dispersed.Promises made to them by the king to address their grievances were not kept.No change in the system.

The Ciompi was a popular revolt in Florence in 1378 by workers in the textile industry,at the time the basis of Florentine state wealth.

Causes - workers in trades and doing jobs not represented by any guild wanted representation in the government.Guild members in other trades and jobs had such representation,and thus better working conditions and pay,as well as representation on the Signoria,the governing body of Florence at the time.

Goals - to achieve political representation and,ultimately,control of the Signoria for themselves.New guilds to be established to represent them.Lower taxes.

Results - the Existing guild s banded together to crush the Ciompi and repeal all the reforms they introduced.No change in the system.

Goals -

What we the results of the ciompi of 1378?

Revolt of the Ciompi, (1378), insurrection of the lower classes of Florence that briefly brought to power one of the most democratic governments in Florentine history. The ciompi (“wool carders”) were the most radical of the groups that revolted, and they were defeated by the more conservative elements in Florentine society.