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Is it illegal to drink in your driveway at home, or can a cop give you a ticket for that?

In general, I try hard to read- and answer the actual written question.On this one however, I'll go out on a limb and read between the lines.Disclaimer: I'm not accusing the asking reader of doing anything illegal, I'm just approaching the general question from a different angle.Surprisingly many tickets for DUI - Driving Under the Influence (of alcohol or drugs) are given to people in their own driveway at home.How come that the police so often "patrol" in people's own driveways? They don't.What happens (probably not for the person asking this question on Quora, but quite often), is that the police are being tipped by a driver about a suspicious fellow driver in traffic. The tipper give a license plate number to the police.What can the police do?Initiate a large manhunt around the city?NoThey send a single patrol car to the private home of the owner of that given license plate. Eventually a car will arrive, the police will question the driver, and again- surprisingly often will be able to catch a DUI offender in his own driveway at home.I've met more than a few persons, who was arrested for DUI while they "only moved their car in the driveway at home and it's SO unfair! "Wiki-trivia: The first person to be arrested for drunk driving was one George Smith, a London taxi driver who ran his cab into a vehicle in 1897

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?

Are the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings justified?

IMHO, yes.Look, Imperial Japan wasn’t some innocent victim suddenly ruthlessly assaulted by the aggressive US. In fact she was probably the most direct opposite of an innocent country you could find on planet Earth at the time. For over a decade she had raped, pillaged, destroyed, invaded and brutally experimented on and killed over 30 million Asians to seize its ill-gotten empire, without a single hint of remorse or regret.When the US dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, four hundred Chinese, a hundred and fifty Japanese, one hundred other Asians, eight Americans and one British was being killed EVERY HOUR fighting the war. And reports still showed that the Japanese populace was still hungry and eager to continue the war, by conservative estimates, over 20 million civilians had been armed with the most rudimentary weapons, including bamboo spears and awls. (those things you pierce cow hide with) The LOWEST estimates showed 500,000 Americans, 3 million Japanese soldiers and 8 million Japanese civilians dying in X-Day, the invasion of Japan.To save the world, Japan included, the bomb had to be dropped.