What Would Be A Good Computer

What can I become if I am good at computers?

The term “Computers” is very vague. It sounds like an ocean. But, you need to dive down further to figure out what exactly you are good at with computers.With computers, you have multiple options. You can become a Software Engineer (expert in some particular languages like Java, Python, etc, technologies like Android, iOS, etc subjects like Machine Learning, Data Science, etc), Hardware Engineer, Network Architect, Graphic Designer and lot more. But, to understand, what you should do, decide in the below stated way.Say, for example, you are good at designing stuffs with computers, then graphic designing could be a preferred avenue for you. Whereas, if you are good at assembling a computer or stuffs, then you should choose something from computer hardware.Hope this was able to give you a picture on how to choose your pathways if you are good at computers.All the best!!!

What would be a good computer for me to buy?

You have to decide what sort of performance, what interfaces and what storage you want.

You probably want one that is very quiet if you are using it to watch movies etc.

I have no particular brand preferences, and I have used HP, Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Asus and Sumvision with my TV.

In fact, I currently have a Sumvision mini PC connected to my TV for streaming HD shows from Netflix, Youtube and other streaming services and also to get the catch-up services from the terrestrial network TV services in my region. It has WiFi and Ethernet network capability and HDMI connectivity to the TV. For normal steaming, I use is as it is, but I add extra USB3 storage when I want to watch shows I have recorded. I use a mini wireless keyboard and touchpad to control it. It is convection cooled, so there are no fans screaming away.

Only you know what specification you need.

I hope this helps.

What would be a good color to paint our computer room?

Check out a color called "silverpointe" by sherwin williams. it's a light, cool neutral that should brighten up the room & coordinate with any other colors that you might have in there:

How do I become very good with computers and software?

Well, to start let me tell you that even I was same as you when I started my engineering. I was ashamed to say I am studying computer engineering when I didn't knew some  basic stuff also.      The first question here is do you really want to learn? Do you really want to be good with computers and software? If the answer is yes, then there is nobody stopping you.      The first thing is spend maximum time on your computer/laptop. If you don't have one buy one first. The only way to learn is by using it. You might fail at first and do some weird things but be happy that this mistakes are a part of learning. You need to commit certain mistakes to learn.     Ask questions. Dont be ashamed to ask a stupid question. Don't think what would my friends think if I ask such silly question. Its only through these questions, your knowledge would increase. Be proud that you do not know certain things but still are ready to learn from anyone.      As far as formatting is concerned, you could not do it on your computer as a trial and without reason. Tell all of your friends that if they are planning to format a computer then to call you. Be a part of that.     You need not be embarrassed about your lack of knowledge on computers. The only reason you don't know certain things is because you have not encountered it yet. I do not know how to drive a plane and I am not embarrassed about it. It's not because I do not have the capability to drive a plane, its because no one has ever taught me to fly one and I am sure the day somebody teaches it to me, I'll be able to drive that too.

What is a good way to say "very good with computers"?

You are computer literate. Without school certificates, there is no way to prove how competent you are. Being proficient means you can perform all types of operations, from web design and development to hardware maintenance. Sorry, you really do need a certificate from at least a Tech school to make any better claims.

Who can come up with a really good "Computer" metaphor/simile? What would you compare a computer to?

So I was discussing desktop and laptop build... and failing at coming up with ways to simply compare the different parts of the computer to something else as a way to simplify it. Any ideas?

For example... comparing a computer to a person... would the gpu or video card be comparable to your eyes? would the cpu be your heart or brain? what would the ram or hdd be? the case would be your body, then what would the motherboard be?

Or compare it to a car?... or anything you can think of to best give an example... feel free to do one part or all... how would you explain RAM and CPU using other things as an example?