What You Think Of Brazil

What do you think of Brazil?

yes I'm Brazilian! I live 14 years in the U.S., arrived in the U.S. when I attended the program jovems ambassadors'm not here to compare our countries, so I put this question to see what you think Native American culture of my country not to offend you in no time I I offended you or offends you? I love the USA as well as you love, work to strengthen the economy as if it were in my country. you should not criticize my country because I do not criticize her, Brazil has lent money to the usa. 2 is the best country to live, and one of the largest economies in the world and the only one that is not in crisis. I love America like you, even from another country do not speak ill of america. I have several American friends that I have the utmost respect, if you want to be my friend spends his facebook, you will see how nice to have friends of various nationalities.

even more!

What do you think about Brazilians?

I think (generalizing here of course) they “get life” better than a lot of Western people.What I’m talking about here is that they are experiencing every day the very things we crave: connectedness with each other (being seen, heard and cared for), happiness and freedom (no worries about tomorrow, freedom to dance, laugh and joke anytime).I wrote more extensively here about how I think the Brazilian mindset of Unity makes them happier than the Western mindset of individuality if you’re interested.At the same time I think they are very limited in their approach to their own future because they seem to have a tough time to suffer for a little bit today, to then enjoy a greater benefit for much longer in the future.Super simple example: Do 7 rounds to the supermarket and carry 7 jugs of water so you can spend all the other 6 days of the week on the couch and being able to get that drink of water right after you come back from a run without having to realize the water ran out and you need to first go out and buy it at the supermarket before being able to quench your thirst.

What do you think of Brazil?

Oi. Meu nome é Lucas e sou brasileiro. Ando pensando sobre os esteriótipos sobre o Brasil, como o carnaval, o futebol, as favelas etc. Eu não gosto do carnaval. Não sou ótimo em futebol. Passo o dia todo no computador, sendo que aqui são 4:14 da manhã. Não moro em uma favela, nunca fui ao Rio de Janeiro. Não gosto de samba, gosto de rock. Minha banda é AC/DC. Gosto de The Big Bang Theory. Que eu saiba, o Brasil é o país HUE, é o país mais odiado na internet, principalmente nos jogos. Qual a opinião de vocês sobre o Brasil? Por favor, respeito.

Hi My name is Lucas and I'm Brazilian. I've been thinking about the stereotypes about Brazil, such as carnival, soccer, slums etc.. I do not like Mardi Gras. I'm not great at football. I spend all day at the computer, and here is 4:14 am. I do not live in a slum, never went to Rio de Janeiro. I do not like samba, like rock. My band is AC / DC. I like The Big Bang Theory. I know, Brazil is the country HUE, is the most hated country on the Internet, especially in games. What is your opinion about Brazil? Please, respect.

Sorry for my english. I'm not very good.

What do you think about Brazil and Brazilians?

Oi, tudo bem? rsrs

Well, I've been to Brazil a few times and I can speak from some experience. I'm over 30 and from the USA.

Brazilians are often passionate, expressive and affectionate people. Relationships with one's family is very important... and friendships also. Brazilians have a lot of national pride. Pride for their country... proud to be Brazilian. Many Brazilians are hard-working, sometimes working 6 or 7 days a week. And, many Brazilians are beautiful people.

I enjoy walking the streets of normal Brazil - to avoid the tourist areas. Yes, Ipanema & Rio are very beautiful. But, there is much more beauty in Brazil than the tourist areas, the beaches. I enjoy the culture beyond what you see in the magazines and TV. (Brazil is much more than the Amazon, the beaches, Rio, etc).

Like any country, there are things that are challenges and problems. But, this is true in every country. And, some of these challenges or problems are more common in some cities (than other cities).

One thing I notice in Brazil is that many people want to tell me about how terrible the President of the USA is. "Americans are great, but I don't like your President." And, when people from the US visit Brazil they don't always want to be hearing this. It's better that Brazilians complain about their own President before complaining about the US President. Well, that's my opinion. I would prefer this.

Of course, many people don't know so much about Brazil. They have false beliefs for one reason or another. And, I hope you don't believe everything you see about the US on TV and hear in the Brazilian media, ok? Some people think Brazilians speak Spanish and everyone lives in the Amazon. But, it's not true. So, every time you hear something about the US, don't believe it because someone keeps saying it. It may not be true. Or, it may only be a little true. Brazil is more than Rio, the beaches, etc.... yes? So, the same is true about the US, the President in the US, other countries, etc. There is often more than we know! I hope this is one thing you remember from everything I say. :)

So, I hope you like my thoughts. rsrs

Boa noite e abraços!