Whats Going On I Get Hungry Very Often And Ive Also Been Dropping Lots Of Weight Even Though I

Dieting, but not losing weight. What am I doing wrong?

I've been dieting a lot for about 3 weeks (I don't eat over 1000 calories per day) and I do 100 crunches every night. Sometimes I do side crunches or different leg exercises and when I look in the mirror I look a little but thinner.
I had a really bad weekend with eating last weekend, but this week I've really started to eat less. Even though I did this I haven't lost any weight yet. What am I doing wrong? Are there better exercises? Please help. I want to lose 35 lbs in as little time as possible.

How can I lose weight without constantly feeling hungry?

Sure it is possible.  I agree with Geoffrey Hamilton that eating fat increases satiety (based on things I have read).  You don't specifically need to go low carb to avoid feeling hunger,  though it seems to be one way to do so.  Hunger pangs often arise in conjunction with a drop in insulin, and this is more likely to occur if you've eaten carbohydrates (particularly, simple ones that are low in fiber and easy to digest).  Combining proteins and fats with carbohydrates in a meal will make them take longer to digest and dull the insulin spike and thus the subsequent drop.  You can also look into glycemic index and glycemic load if you want to know more about this.  Two meals can be exactly the same number of calories, with one leaving you hungry after 45 minutes whereas the other keeps you feeling full for several hours.  Suggested behaviors: Add some proteins and/or fats to carbohydrates that you consume. Choose complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates (Eat the fibrous stuff, like whole grain -- pick oatmeal instead of corn flakes). Eat more fiber by eating more fruits and (especially) veggies. Drink more non-caloric fluids -- like water and tea.  It's easy to mistake thirst for hunger.  Also, caffeine has slight appetite suppressing effects.  Get some moderate exercise.  Intense exercise will probably make you hungry, but fast walking for 30 minutes will raise your core temperature and act as a slight appetite suppressant.  (I've found that leaving the A/C off in the car during summer has a similar effect.)I don't have specific citations for these things, but I don't believe any of the things I've written here are particularly controversial.  At least not yet. :)  This is a mix of what I've read from fitness magazines, bodybuilding websites, and diet-related booksAll that said, I do find that if I go to sleep a little hungry I am more likely to be losing weight.  I think weight loss is probably faster if you are feeling hungry.  But you don't have to be.

I need to lose weight but I love chocolate. I have to have chocolate after I eat. How do I combat this?

Sweetie, I'm about to drop some mind blowing shit right now. People don't tell you this because A) If you knew this you wouldn't need to pay for someone for help, and B) Most people don't know what the fuck they're doing. It doesn't really matter what you eat, the only thing that really truly matters (when it comes to losing weight) is if you're in a caloric deficit by the end of the week. Meaning you're eating 100–500 calories less than your maintenance calories a day. So as long as you are hitting your deficit by the end of the week, drinking water, eating a sufficient amount of protein, healthy fats and fiber you can eat as much chocolate as you like DAILY. PEACE OUT GIRL SCOUT.EDIT; Guys, obviously I know that all calories are not equal. I always recommend eating 75%-95% “healthy” on a daily basis and the rest can be naughty foods. Like I said, you still need healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates to provide your body with NUTRIENTS. What I’m saying is, is that you don't have to eat 100% clean in order to lose weight. Contrary to what many people believe, you can still enjoy the foods you love in moderation and lose weight. Many people who believe that you can't eat a certain type of food while dieting use this as an excuse not to be fit. When the truth is, people have gotten shredded while eating dirty. Is it ideal? No. Is it “healthy” for you? Most certainly not. But is it possible? Absolutely. I’m taking about LOSING WEIGHT not necessarily being “heathy”. This is why, being thin does not always equate to being healthy.In a nut shell; you should always try to eat whole foods to provide you body with nutrients but you can also still enjoy your life a look amazing.LET THEM EAT CAKE SHE SAID!!!!!

Teenager and always feeling hungry?

It depends on what you eat. If you eat foods that are primarily carbohydrates, but have little or no fiber, then that could be the reason why you get hungry so often. Carbohydrates with little or no fiber are more easily digested and cause an insulin spike, which causes a quick drop in the level of sugar in your blood. The quick drop in blood sugar sends signals to your brain to let you know you need more sugar in your blood, thus the rapid hunger.

One way to solve your hunger problem is to eat more protein and eat foods high in fiber, such as brown rice, oatmeal (not the instant kind, because they strip out some of the fiber for easier cooking), fruits, and vegetables. Do not eat white rice, candy, chips, sugary drinks, white bread, or anything else with refined sugar, as these products will cause you to get hungry quickly.

Breastfeeding gain weight or loose weight?

Ok is it just me or does breastfeeding not make you loose weight? For those of you out there that have breastfed or are breastfeeding did it help you loose weight, gain weight, or stay the same? It has been 3 weeks since I delivered and I have not seen that big a difference other than weight lost from baby, placenta, and fluid. Do you still retain alot of fluid when breastfeeding?