When Can I Take My Sleeping Pills After Drinking Alcohol

Is drinking alcohol then sleeping pills really bad?

You'll be fine. Less than one beer is basically the equivalent of nothing. They say to not drink and take sleeping pills because both are Central Nervous System depressants. In high doses of both (or either) they can stop your heart or your breathing. So don't go taking like 9 pills and drinking a 30 pack or anything. You're fine. Besides, after 2 hours you've more than metabolized the entire beer, so it's like you had none.

Mixing alcohol with sleeping pills?

I wanna mix alcohol with some pills(like antihistamines) that u can get easily from drugstore (not need prescription) to get more sleeping effect, while it has no serious danger
what kind of pills I should get and how many pills will be enough for a glass of wine?
thanks a lot.

Sleeping pills with alcohol?

Mixing both zolpidem and alcohol increase risk of death compared to using either one substance alone (ie synergy).

However drinking a small amount of alcohol is rarely an issue especially if you have been taking zolpidem for some time. Also each unit of alcohol drunk is metabolized in about one hour. 1/2 litre of beer is about 1 unit of alcohol.

And most information you hear about sleeping pills is just wrong. Not to mention that logically you proved the statement "mixing sleeping pills with alcohol is fatal" to be fallacious since you have done it (without dying) with other hypnotics.

If you do mix alcohol with any medication, especially a hypnotic be careful.

Information about alcohol units:

Is it ok to take sleeping pills after drinking alcohol if you didn't drink that much?

To answer, simply, you'll be fine. If you took like, an excessive amount of sleeping pills. Then, drank a 26 or something, you might be in trouble.

Can over the counter sleeping pills kill you if you drink alcohol after having taken them?

For Tylenol PM, the "sleeping" ingredient is the same active ingredient as in Benadryl. One or two drinks will not kill you, at least immediately. The reason Tylenol PM recommends against alcohol is probably more because of the Tylenol part of it. The active ingredient in Tylenol is acetaminophen, which has come under increased scrutiny for liver toxicity which alcohol can make even worse. If you are not suffering aches and pains, you are better off taking another OTC sleep aid or just generic Benadryl rather than taking unneeded painkillers.

Is it safe to take sleeping pills with alcohol?

No, it is not safe. Both sleeping pills and alcohol dulls the mind and is like over dosing on one medicine. If she is drinking more than one glass of any form of alcohol she could be in real trouble with her health.
To get help you might call AA and ask for help. I know that they have groups for non-drinkers to help you deal with the problem.
Good luck.

Is it safe to take sleeping pills after drinking soda?

They're not "sleeping pills" in the classic sense; not like the type people on TV take with alcohol and almost die, or you see presciption ads for. They're advil or tylenol and benadryl since diphenhydramine is benadryl. See?

Anyway, benadryl and soda don't have any interactions.

Is it good to take sleeping pills when consuming alcohol?

No.People have had liver damage, fallen into coma, brain damage and lived in a vegetative state for years after having done so.Alcohol and sleeping pills are both central nervous system depressants. Together they have a synergistic effect that is stronger than either one alone, and therefor make a very bad, toxic combination.

How long should I wait after drinking alcohol before taking sleeping pills?

Dr Duck referred me to this site, but feel free to research others yourself.It might look good in a movie, but real life is different.How long should you wait to take a sleeping pill after drinking a bottle of beer? - Answered by top doctors on HealthTap