When I Eat Greasy Foods I Get Pretty Bad Stomach Aches

When i eat fat/greasy foods i get a bad stomach ache?/?

lately ive been noticing that when i eat fatty/greasy foods like mcdonalds burger king a burrito from a burrito stand anything like that i get a really bad tummy ahce and get if not the runs then the need to use the restroom 3-4 times & my stomach ACHES!! yesterday night my family had pork chops with white rice & my stomach didnt hurt at all..
i am about 50-55 pounds over weight..
is this like a sign telling me i shudnt be eating these foods..
wat r sum good foods 2 eat?
please HELP!!

Stomach aches after eating greasy foods?

I used to eat REALLY bad but I've been on a diet since June 2013, not eating pizza, fast food, etc. Mainly fruit, vegetables, etc. Whenever I *do* eat something greasy or fried, I get sick. I was at a restaurant and I was eating chips and queso as an appetizer and I got a really bad stomach ache and I later threw up. It happens now whenever I eat greasy foods.

My stomach used to not do this, why now?

Do oily/greasy foods give you stomach aches?

yes oily and greasy food would really give you stomach pains. If you want to cure it try eating 2 tums pills. If that still don't work put a hot pack over your stomach. Drink only water unless you have cranberry juice or that baby pediatric water that they drink. That would work. If non of these appeal to you, then rub some Chinese ointment over your tummy and that would do it's magic! I hope you feel better soon!

Can i get stomach ache from eating halal food?

of course you can, doesnt mean if it says halal its 100% clean... i have heard that certain parts in Kelantan they say prayers and jampi the stall so that more people come and dine there, even though the food does not taste nice... and yes its halal !!

you can see cats running on the table, rats at the kitchen as well, even if its a halal food stall ..

I can't eat fat or grease anymore, stomach aches.?

Been going on for a few months now, it felt like suddenly my entire body changed.

When and if I eat anything heavily greasy or fatty, I get this strange ache in my stomach, it is a very mild pain but more a discomfort. It is more like a bloating feeling without feeling bloated, as if my stomach is stretching, even when my stomach isn't full. I just feel almost as if the muscles stiffens, it is hard to explain.

I get it almost every-time I eat something fatty or greasy, I am not an unhealthy person, and love my vegs, but it happens.

On the upside, I can't look at greasy food anymore without feeling a little sick, so I don't consume as much fat.

But it has been going on for so long I am curious.

Bad stomach ache...what can i eat?

I have a really bad stomach ache...i've got a doctors appoinment later but i'm hungry now...what can i eat?
Is low fat yogurt ok? what about oatmeal (no milk, water)?
Is airpopped popcorn out of the question

please any input will be most apreciatted!!

Stomach pain after greasy food?

Some people, like me, just can't handle greasy food. You may never be able to handle greasy foods without problems.

What you can do it to see if there is anything in particular that sets it off (like I can't eat KFC at all) and stay away from it. You can also try eating less than a normal size serving - eat only 1/2 of what they bring you and see if that helps.

Lastly, this can be an indication of other problems. If things get worse over time, please see a doctor. You could have the beginning of gall bladder disease or another GI ailment (not very likely, but possible).

What do you call this pain in the chest after eating greasy food?

Heartburn is the common name. When you eat food with fats, your stomach and gall bladder start producing enzymes, acids and bile to break the fats down. These also attack the lining of the stomach, intestines and esophagus. While the stomach and intestines have ways to protect against this process (quickly regrowing and mucus) the esophagus does not and get burned. This is what you feel.Eating less fat and having smaller meals solves this problem in the short term as the acid and biles do not back up into the esophagus. Eventually as you get older, the damage becomes worse. The current medical term for this is Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux. This is because the sphincter valve that should keep the acid from getting up into the esophagus becomes damaged and more of this acid gets into places it should not go.