When I Read The Description Of Characters In Books I Immediately Feel Hideous What Should I Do

Fan fiction readers and writers: What do you feel comfortable with?

1- Yes. About 90 percent of what I read and write is slash (m/m), and it varies from PG to NC-17.

2- Yes, read it (Supernatural- Sam/Dean, Primeval- Danny/Ethan) and written the second pairing.

3- This one is more selective. it would really depend on the characters as to whether I'd read or write it. That said, I've written Primeval- Connor/Lester (Connor is meant to be about 27, Lester is in his 40's).

Which brings forth another question- what about things like Jack/Ianto from Torchwood? Technically, Jack is immortal and he's been on earth for at least a hundred years, yet Ianto is in his late 20's. Or things such as Buffy fic- I've written Spike/Riley and Spike is about 200 whereas Riley is again in his 20's. Their age difference is huge but because both characters look the same age, do people see is as a big age gap?

Any tricks on how to make yourself trow up? READ DESCRIPTION!!?

I am sick with a cold and I keep trowing up but not all at once a little at a time I keep spiting and i am getting a headache from getting up and spitting all the time I have the feeling i am going to trow up but its IS NOT COMING OUT!!!
it is driving me crazy and its making it hard for me to breathe
I just need to get this out of my or else I am going to die well fell horrible any tips on how to trow up all at once

How Do I Make a Reader Feel Sorry For a Character?

You have to have good characterization. If your reader can relate and feel bad for your character you know you did a good fleshing out. Bring your character to life. If you know your character well you should be able to bring out that emotion in people.
In some cases your supposed to pity a character but it comes across as that character being weak, needy and therefore annoying.

Would you read a romance novel with an ugly male character?

This is a question for anyone who LOVES reading romance. :)

I love romance, and usually the male characters are strong, have great bodies, are great lovers (if it's adult, haha), and are very good-looking.

Well, if you love reading romance, would you like reading a novel with an ugly male protagonist? I thought about this the other day and I'd probably throw the book down in disgust because it ain't romance unless the man is hot. I actually did read a romance novel where the main male character was described in such a way that made me think he was ugly. The only reason I kept reading was because I was almost finished, but after reading the description of the character (very detailed) I actually lost interest in the romance and love story that was unfolding.

I just cannot read romance when there is an ugly main character involved - they all have to be good-looking. I'll even go as far and say that the male character has to be my fantasy male, haha.

What about you?

How do you describe really bad bruising in a book?

The bruises were a multitude of hues, colors that normally should not be on someones skin. There were garish purple splotches, roughly the size of a fist, while others were more grayish, but still looked just as bad. And they were all over her. It was horrible.
And it wasn't just the bruises. There were scars, too. Lines across her body, like someone or something had dug it's nails into her, tearing her flesh. Someone had clawed away at her, the gashes told the whole story. It was horrible, I could hardly bear to look at her.