When Should I Apply For This Job

Can you apply for a job before your 16?

I'm about to turn 16 on June 13th and I'm wanting to apply at my local Taco Bell, because they have a position open, but I don't want to wait until I'm 16, because then the spot won't be unavailable. If I can apply, when should I? Could I today?

Should I apply to more than one job at a company?

DO NOT DO THAT!! I'm not sure if your aware but an HR person can see your "taleo candidate profile" within the information shown is a tab showing what jobs you've applied for. So a HR person will definitely put you in the stinky pile if you're applying for different seniority.  They won't see that your excited to work there at all cost, they'll think your desperate. You may be skilled but they're thoughts will be if he's truly talented he'd either be employed or would only apply to jobs that suit what he wants to do. Not any job at all cost. I disagree when people think that finding a job is a numbers game, its not! Its being able to pick a few jobs that suit your skills and giving those specific applications everything you can offer.  Create a single profile on the application program and apply only for one job, however fine tune your sills and relevant working experience to suit what they're looking for.  Lastly make sure that your resume contain relevant keywords because that's how the majority of HR professionals filter/screens CVs by entering keywords to look for. Finding a job online is though business, follow this guide to better your odds. Fingers crossed and good luck! PS: Finding a job is like asking a girl out, show interest and confidence but never show signs of desperation...

Should I apply for this Job at Dunkin Donuts?

Your social security number identifies who you are to the IRS. You need that number so your employer can deduct taxes and you can file at the end of the year to get some of it back. If you don't have your number, hopefully one of your parents have it. If you've never had one you need to apply and get one.

Can I apply for a job a week before 16th birthday?

I would do it now. Even if they interview you fast, by the time everything is done, it will be your 16th birthday already. It will show that you are eager and that you are hardworking. :)

Is it okay to apply for multiple jobs?

Yes, it's perfectly OK to apply for more than one job. People do that all the time.

The only tricky part is that you might end up in a situation where you get a job offer from one place while you're waiting to hear if you got a job with another (more desirable) place. So then you have to decide whether to take the sure thing or take a risk.

And you won't be *hired* for one than one job, unless you agree to have more than one job (because technically you have to accept the position before you are officially hired). So, if you get two job offers in the same time period, you simply have to decline one of them gracefully and thank the company for the chance to interview for a position.

Should I apply for a higher paying job even if I just got a new one?

No minimum wage job can or should expect their employees to stick around when better offers are about. However, understand that the managers may not necessarily feel that way. For instance, when I left my job that paid roughly $3.35 after taxes, to freelance, the company I left gave me hell. They felt I should stay and work my butt off some more.And as a freelancer now, when I acquire better paying clients, I give others the chance to re-negotiate or end the relationship. Business is business. Do not be ruthless and selfish, but do not put your dreams on hold for a company (or client) who does not value your time at less than 6 pounds per hour. Make sure you give notice though. I try to give clients up to a month; the standard is about two weeks.In short, you are not wrong, and should apply. However, be prepared that someone in management who may try to make you feel bad for doing so. Ignore them.