When You Loose Wieght

Why do you lose weight when you have diarrhea?

Yes, that is why he don't gain weight and actually sometimes loses weight. His body does not have time to absorb the vitamins and minerals in his food before his body flushes them <> he needs to talk to his doctor about this proble. Over a long period of time he could actually develope different diseases because of lack of vitamins and minerals. If he diarrhea as often as you say,he could become dehydrated in no time at all , his potassium could drop and ,he could have a heart attack. Have you ever heard about people that take laxatives to keep from gaining weight, well, this is how they do it, but long term, they are risking their own health. Some people just don't care as long as they are thin. Your friend needs to seek a doctors advice and find out what is going on. Sure hope this helped with your question.

When you lose weight, do your tattoos shrink?

Girl yes! I had one on my stomach and when I shrank so did my tattoo. It looked like a black blob so to fix the problem I had to get a larger tattoo in the same place. Actually I like the new one better but it hurt like hell!

When you lose weight will your gums lose weight too?

one reason I am asking this I lost 98 pounds and I am loosing more I am changing my life for the better I just tried off being a nobody I cant even get a girl to talk to me haha and not even online friendship I dont have to many friends no one want to go anywhere with me well I not going to tell my life story but I want to know I getting my top teeth taken out I fall down and broke off mostly all the top teeth so I need fake teeth if I get them now will my gums loose wieght and my fake teeth will not work for me please help me I thank you!

Can you lose weight when you masterbate?

This is highly unlikely. Unless you eat almost nothing during the day and mastubate non-stop for about four to five or so hours a day. masturbation wouldn't cause such a weight issue in your body.

Odds are your weight...less problem is due to an unbalanced metabolism which is burning off calories, fat, and other nutrients faster than you can replace them. or you aren't eating too terribly much.

However, if you're eating decent meals during the day, having a dinner and at least a snack if not breakfast/lunch during the earlier parts of the day then odds are you just have an extremely active metabolism that will slow down later down the road once you hit around 18-20+

Aitouazdi University of Houston Downtown

What happens when you throw up to lose weight?

Firstly, you need to know, and believe it to be true, that you are ill.As ill as someone who is in the midst of a high fever. As ill as someone who has broken her pelvic bone. As ill as someone who is hearing voices that are not there.I began making myself vomit after the meagrest of food intake when I was about 15. I would eat a little bit of fish (my favourite food) at the dinner table with my family, then disappeared in the bathroom for 30 minutes, during which I made myself throw up. I would flush the toilet multiple times, clean up after myself as much as I was able to, and wait for the smell to dissipate.My family must have been aware of what was going on after a little while, but nobody said anything. It might be ironic to some, but I think that was an act of kindness on their part, as I had been so ashamed of myself then, even without consciously acknowledging the fact that I felt that way, that their interrogations would have shredded the last of my sense of self-respect.The next time I ate, a meagre amount again, I let it stay in. I thought myself “sensible” then, as I was taking in food and nutrition, while being in charge of my body.I did lose a little bit of weight, but wrecked both my mental and physical health. The human body is a survival machine. Even without self-induced vomitting, when there’s less nutrition available when you are on a diet, the body clamours for nutrition to compensate for what it has lost. My body cried out to me in the form of hunger, and an irrational obsession with food. I even dreamt about gorging myself on food.When I moved away from home, the self-induced vomitting transformed almost overnight into full-blown bulimia. I thought I had the best of both worlds: I ate as much as I could to calm my body’s cry for help, and then I vomitted, to appease my distorted mind’s disdain for body fat. It was a lonely and shameful time.I have since grown up from alienating and making an enemy out of my body, to an appreciation and fondness for it. I’m not sure how helpful it is, but I want to tell you that your body will win, yet, at the same time, your body is trying to win for you.Please seek help.

What happens to your vagina when you lose weight?

It all depends on how much weight you are losing. If it's a few pounds then not much, but if it's a lot then you'd better get ready for more action because the guys will be wanting it a lot more.

Does your head gets smaller when you lose weight?

Your skull cannot shrink (or expand for that matter) so your head size won't change, however you can have facial fat that will be reduced by your loosing weight, so the answer is...kinda.

You can have fat deposits in your head but your actual head size doesn't change.