Where I Can Find This Red Hundreds Beanie

Where can one donate a bunch of old beanie babies?

Goodwill will be happy to take them. Their stores both train people who are trying to enter or re-enter the work force and raise money for their work training programs. And they train *everyone* -- they are not religious-based.

You can also call your local United Way after the holidays and ask if they know of a charity that might accept these. But most places want new toys for children in need, so the children can feel just like any other child.

Where can I buy a RED BULL hat like the sponsored athletes wear? (Fake OR Legit)?

This is the Motorcycle Racing section not the gay and lesbian or fashion section. Nobody here cares about some gay hat and if they do they aren't real racers.

Here are some God damn hats...

Dangerous to wear a colored bandana around head?

Like a headband? I live by New York City and was thinking of wearing a headband while I skateboard. I am asian by the way, would it matter? Would a gang member see me and dismiss me wearing their color because I'm not black or spanish or would I get attacked?

What color is the stocking cap traditionally worn by Danish men?


Why do modern soldiers wear hats instead of helmets?

The question originally cited these two pictures:Answer: Because the soldier in the first picture looks less intimidating.This concept is called “force posture” in military jargon. I.e. Don't drive a tank through the town if a Humvee will do. When the threat level allows, commanders try to be as unthreatening as possible because in theory we are supposed to be the good guys!Also, soldiers usually remove helmets when safe to do so because even with the best armour technology in the world they are hot, heavy and uncomfortable to wear.This soldier (who may be male or female, not sure.) looks properly dangerous with ballistic helmet to protect their cranium, goggles to protect eyes against the debris of combat and the face shield to stop lungs getting clogged with dust…But what if the task is to conduct a reassurance patrol? Or a “hearts and minds” op? Those “i’m going to f*ck some shit up” vibes are not going to go down well; the protective gear says “we don’t trust you, you are our enemy”, and will create antipathy against your forces in the local population.If you can work with the local people and persuade them that you are on their side they will tell you things, not tell the enemy things and generally be a help rather than a hinderance. Its called trust, and it goes both ways.The hard part is holding these two mutually exclusive factors of trust and protection in balance, its a tough call.Shamelessly stolen from the comments:“Not to mention a lot of day-to-day military work is in an office, where helmets are appropriate only on Casual Fridays.”5th November 2017 - 4500 upvotes! Wow! Thanks for your support.