Which Is A Better Profile Picture

Which of these profile pictures is better?

The second one is the one I've had as my profile picture since October, and the first one I just took today because I think that having the same picture isn't I'm just not very photogenic at allll ad i look hideous in pictures so I was always scared to change it. so is the new one good? or should have i kept the old one??

Thanks! :)

Should I put my picture on my profile?

Sure why not, hiring practices have changed since 1980. These days social networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook are part of the "background" checks many companies are doing on employees and prospective hires. Although the text books say employers should not hire based on looks, the truth of the matter is people make assumptions about names as well. People who have traditionally ethinic names will get the same speculations/stereotypes as someone who posts a picture. There is no escaping it, it's part of life.

With that said, if you have a professional picture then yes upload it. The fact is that attractiveness sells. Whether we want to say that's "not fair" it's the truth of how our society works. Harvard Business Review has done countless studies on how attractive people are more successful in life. People want to talk to others who are pleasant to look at - so make sure your photo is an accurate representation of you. If you think it will work to your advantage use it. Otherwise leave it off.

A photo that can convey "trust", "reliability" and "team player" will work to your advantage. You remember the saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words."

What are some of the best profile pictures ever?


How do I choose a good profile picture?

Mine is a little piece from one of the digital art pieces I did earlier this year.I’ve been thinking about changing it, recently. I like to change things up.I chose it because it was something that I created and it was something colorful. Those are pretty much my only two requirements: I want something that’s so very me, and I want something bright enough to stand out from the crowd.Now, I’m going in with the assumption that you don’t want to draw something, and you don’t want to use your face. And also that you want it to mean something.Photography is usually a good choice. Pretty much everyone has taken at least a few pictures that they’re proud of. If you have a picture of, say, a pet, or maybe a scenic view from your city, those could make interesting profile photos.Or, you can go your Google route. I’ll be honest: I tend to be averse to using anything created by other people in connection with my name. I don’t want to use someone else’s original artwork, or photography, as my profile or desktop background.However, I do really like the idea of using things that mean something to you in whatever way as your profile, even if the image isn’t your creation. Jake Williams, obviously, uses a Zootopia character, and User-12463841276110134944 uses Timon from The Lion King.Find something that appeals to you and is visually interesting.Try looking at movies or video games you like, a particular city you love, pets (if you have any), clear and colorful images, something easily recognizable, and/or nostalgia for any ideas. Make sure it’s something that you didn’t choose “just because.”

Which one is a better profile pic of me for myspace? ( ladies only )?

or this one....


Better profile picture to make ex-boyfriend jealous?

How could that idiot cheat on you!?!?!?!?!?!

The second one for sure! unless you want the guy in the first on to be on there.... Ya know :)

How do I take a good profile picture for my social network profile?

The guys at Photo Feeler surveyed 60,000 ratings of 800 profile photos off the internet and came up with a few guidelines that describe the basic tendencies of what people like in profile pictures, so that you can emulate them easily and create a better profile picture.The basic guidelines from the survey is:Eyes: Squinted eyes were more attractive.Face: People who were laughing and smiling in their profile pictures were found to be more attractiveBody: Pictures covering only head to torso were more attractive than Whole body or full face close up shots and formal dressing was considered popular.Background: the background of your picture doesn't play a pivotal role in making YOU look better.Editing: B&W photos had no effect on how people perceive profile pictures.For more info Check outHow To: Look Better in Profile Pictures at GeekParticle

Do attractive profile pictures get you more followers?

For the longest time I have heard this idea, repeated and repeated again.“Girls with pretty profile pictures get more followers.”“If you have a picture of yourself, guys just follow you for the photo.”There are countless variations of it, but in all honesty, I was unsure.It wasn’t like I would change my picture and suddenly followers would flow in, right?So, I decided to test it.It was a surprisingly difficult task to find a photo that was not too unrealistically attractive. Eventually though, I settled for this one:I decided to keep the picture for a week. Tracking followers daily and as a total. I wrote roughly the same amount as I would ordinarily.Day 11,377–1,422Day 21,422–1,491Day 31,491–1,514Day 41,514–1,579Day 51,579–1,629Day 61,629–1,705Day 71,705–1,818The average increase was 63 followers per day. To put this in perspective, the previous week I had gone up roughly 100, roughly 14 per day.Over these 7 days, the number of creepy messages sent to me increased almost as drastically as my followers.With all this being said, this isn’t conclusive. Initially, I thought it would be definitive; I would shoot up three hundred over night, with every profile being a middle aged man. The reality is, there are too many outside factors to draw anything but the most basic conclusions.Nonetheless, there was a change. Though my upvotes remained in the same realm, my follower count jolted up.To end this probably contradictory conclusion, here are my final thoughts. Yes, an attractive profile picture does something, how much it does is difficult to tell.