Which Of The Following Expressions Is The Factored Form Of -2k 3 S 5z 3 S Help

What is the factored form of the expression, 2x^2 + 6x - 20?

2x² + 6x - 20
2(x² + 3x - 10)
2(x² - 2x + 5x - 10)
2(x(x - 2) + 5(x - 2))
2((x + 5)(x - 2))

What is the completely factored form of the following expression? 6x2 + 7x - 3?

6x^2 + 7x - 3
= 6x^2 + 9x - 2x - 3
= 3x(2x + 3) - (2x + 3)
= (3x - 1)(2x + 3)

Factoring with special patterns...factor the expressions....please help?

Factor the expressions

1. x²-25
2. x²-6x+9
3. 9s²+12s+4
4. 49-100a²
5. 81c²+198c+121

These are the question I don't understand. Plese help me on these ones. If you can't type in the ² then plese copy and paste it. I would appreciate it if you can show all the work so that I can understand how to do it. Thank you very much.

What are the factors of the following expression 2x^3-10x^2-12x?

Q: What are the factors of the following expression 2x^3-10x^2-12x?A: It is easy to spot a common factor, 2x so let’’s take that outside the brackets.2x ( x^2 -5x -6) we need to find factors of the bracket part like this:2x (x - ?) (x - ?) the unknown numbers (?) multiply to MINUS 6 and add to MINUS 5. What numbers do that? -6 and +1, giving the factors 2x, x-5, x+1

How to write quadratic expressions in equivalent factored form?

1. (x-6) (x-2)
I"ll only explain this one use FOIL multiply the First number x times x gives u x^2 then Outer which gives u -2x and Inner -6x then add these to get -8x then Last -2 times -6 you get +12==Equals x^2-8x+12
2. (X+9) (x-2)
3. (n-5) (n-2)
4. (s-7) (s+2)

How do you find the factored form of 21r^3s^2-14r^2s ?

The common factors are 7, r^2 and s. Divide the expression by these to reduce it to

7r^2s(3rs - 2)

Can anyone help me find these quadratic expressions in two equivalent forms?

Ah. For the first different form, just expand all the equations. Example:

2x(5 - 3x) + 4x = 10x - 6x^2 + 4x = 14x - 6x^2

Second form: Then you can just use a GCF to factor it differently, depending on the equation. Example:

14x - 6x^2 = 2x(7 - 3x)

The second form depends on the equation. If there isn't a GCF, use an unsimplified equation and a simplified equation. Good luck!

How do I insert brackets to make the following equation true: [math]2+4\times 5-12=18[/math]?

It looks like you’re trying to find a way to finagle the order of operations.I came to this answer by accident, but here’s how you do it:(2+4) x 5 - 12 = 186 x 5 -12 = 1830 - 12 = 1818 = 18I don’t think there’s any specific method to doing this other than trial-and-error.

Which is a factor of x2-8x+15?

(x - 5)(x - 3)

What are the values of m for which the expression [math]2x^2 + mxy + 3y^2 - 5y - 2[/math] can be factorized in to two linear factors ?

A2A, i have no idea why as I’ve never answered a maths question on Quora before, but thanks i guess, Helps with my prepImagine the equation is quadratic in one of the two variables, say y. It can be written as (ay^2+ by+c) In this situation, a = 3, b = mx - 5, and c = 2x^2 - a quadratic equation factors into linear factors only when the discriminant b^2 - 4ac is a perfect square trinomial. Applying it to our current equationb^2 - 4ac = (mx - 5)^2 - 4(3)(2x^2 - 2)= (m^2 - 24)x^2 - 10mx + 49= (m^2 - 24)x^2 - 10mx + 7^2Taking it as an equation of the form a^2 +(-) 2ab + b^2, we can write the middle term in the following way= (m^2 - 24)x^2 - 2(7)(5mx/7) + 7^2.In above equation, a^2= (m^2 - 24)x^2, and b^2= 49, and also a= (5mx/7)which means(m^2 - 24)x^2 = (5mx/7)^2 for all x.=> m^2 - 24 = (25/49)m^2,=>49m^2 - (24 * 49) = 25m^2=>24m^2 = 24 * 49=> m^2 = 49=>m = +-7.So the possible answers are (a) and (b).