Which Polynomial Is A Perfect Square Trinomial

Which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial?

9x2 - 12x + 4
(3x-2)(3x-2) or (3x-2)^2

Which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial?

(ax ± b)² = (ax)² ± (2)(ax)(b) + b²)
  = a²x² ± 2ab + b²

Note that, regardless of the sign of b, the constant term is positive. That alone allows you to toss the last two choices.

9x² = (3x)² and 4 = 2² so

(3x - 2)² = 9x² - 12x + 4   which is the first choice.

Checking the second choice,

36b² = (6b)²
16 = 4²

(6b - 4)² = 36b² -48b + 16

so the second choice is not a perfect square either.

Which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial?

A trinomial f(x)=ax^2+bx +c is said to be a perfect square if it has a double root.Thus if f(m)=0 ,f'(m)=0 but f"(m) is not zero then trinomial f(x) is said to be a perfect square.Consider f(x)=x^2-4x+4 then f'(x)=2x-4f"(x)=2.You can see f'(2)=0 and f(2)=0but f"(2)=2.Hence trinomial is a perfect square.g(x)=x^2-4x+5=>g'(x)=2x-4,g"(x)=2g'(2)=0 but g(2)=1,g"(2)=2.Hence trinomial x^2-4x+5 is not a perfect square.

Determine which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial.?


Determine which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial.?

A perfect square trinomial (ax^2 + bx +c) always has positive values for a and c, because a and c are squares of d and e in the factor (dx+e). It follows that you can eliminate the third and fourth equations above, because they have negative values for c.

Next, calculate b^2 - 4ac. If it's equal to zero, then the polynomial is a perfect square.
First equation: b^2 - 4ac = 28^2 - 4x16x49 = 784 - 3136, so that's not it.
Second equation: b^2 - 4ac = 30^2 - 4x9x25 = 900 - 900 = 0, so that's the one.

Determine which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial.?

Determine which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial.
Choose one answer. a. 4x^2 − 12x + 9
b. 16x^2 + 24x − 9
c. 4a^2 − 10a + 25
d. 36b^2 − 24b − 16

Which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial?

9x^2 -12x +4

Keep in mind I haven't taken algebra in a couple years, but that would be my answer.

Edit: You could go the route of the first answer, or factor each response as I did and the one which factors into the same polynomial squared is the answer. Both work. Imo, factoring is easier because that is what the classes in high school and college started with, but both work, for future reference.

Determine which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial.?

Trinomial Ax^2 + Bx + C is perfect square if:
A > 0
C > 0
B = ±2√A√C

36b^2 − 24b − 16 ...... not perfect square, since C < 0

4a^2 − 10a + 25 ........ not perfect square: 2√A√C = 2*2*5 = 20, B = −10

16x^2 + 24x − 9 ........ not perfect square, since C < 0

4x^2 − 12x + 9 .......... perfect square: A>0, C>0, 2√A√C = 2*2*3 = 12 = -B
= (2x − 3)^2

1. Which polynomial is a perfect square trinomial? (multiple choice)?

A. 49x^2 − 28x + 16
B. 4a^2 − 20a + 25
C. 25b^2 − 20b − 16
D. 16x^2 − 24x − 9

2.Which polynomial is a difference of two squares?
A. x^2 − 16
B. x^2 + 16
C. x^2 − 8
D. x^2 + 8