While Trying To Watch Impact/tna I Noticed

How can I join TNA impact?

Well, based on what we’ve seen in the past, here are some good tips on attaining your dream job at TNA:Be willing to work for free. They like that, and they’re on a bit of a budget at the moment.Be a former WWE star. Doesn’t matter what your role was, if you were in WWE, you have a good shot of not only getting money and a good contract from them, but will probably even get the World Title on your first night in the company. See Cage, Christian and Patron, Alberto El.Be an indy guy who probably isn’t getting a look from WWE anytime soon. At the other end of the spectrum, these folks work hard to try and get noticed, but will work SUPER cheap. You’ll notice TNA doesn’t usually keep many people between this and ex-WWE stars around for long.Hang around TNA tapings and hope a spot opens up for you if someone gets hurt, hired by WWE, or fired. This actually happens fairly frequently, so this may be your best option.Just walk backstage and start doing stuff. So many people come and go from there, both talent and production/office, that there’s a good chance you’ll fly under the radar if you do this.Good luck, and let me know how it goes!

Have you noticed how the IWC complains about predictability in the WWE today but praises the Attitude Era?

What I would like to know is - were they even paying attention during the attitude era? If they were they would know how corny and predictable it was too - how many times did the faces win? how many times did they lose cleanly? You are complaining about things that have been done the same for years and years but complain about it now because a wrestler you don't like is doing it? 5 moves of doom - Rock, Stone Cold, HHH -all top faces had them so stop being so biased because you grew up watching these guys! The formula John Cena uses now is not far off from all the big faces of the 80's and 90's (getting beat up 3/4 of the match then coming back to win in the end). Remember the "die Rocky die" and "Rocky sucks" chants because he did the same moves over and over? Then you say storylines were better during the attitude era - you had japanese guys trying to cut off a man's penis, an old woman giving birth to a hand, and 24/7 hardcore comedy skits which retired guys and a hoe won (and these were BETTER storylines)? The WWE today compared to the 80's and 90's = Same Formula/Different Faces.
The bottom line is that the WWE doesn't care about IWC bloggers and they certainly won't miss you not buying a PPV! They care about the masses and guess what? The masses LOVE John Cena!!!

Why do "wrestling purist" feel the need to pick apart TNA and WWE?

peice by peice, bit by bit? They seem to complain about EVERYTHING. This person should be pushed, that person should retire b/c he can't move fast paced, the show doesn't have enough wrestling and so on and so forth.

I see alot of people claim that TNA is being "ruined" by Hogan and Bischoff, which, btw is complete BS. I watched TNA for years, and just b/c Aj, Joe or Angle don't have a world title, doesn't mean TNA has been "ruined". Just b/c there aren't any 6 sides to the ring doesn't mean its "ruined" and just b/c the X divison isn't TNA's main attraction anymore doesn't mean TNA has been "ruined". TNA wants to grow, and its supposed "fans" don't seem to want it to. Its like people want TNA to stay the same, if thats the case, then those "fans" obviously don't understand a damn thing about the business world, no business wants to stay at certain growth, its always looking to GROW.

Now that EV2.0 are basically on their way out, I'd love to see the argument of "hasbeens" having to much airtime. The only "hasbeen" to wrestle lately is Ric Flair, and its ALWAYS in a losing effort. He PUT OVER Matt Morgan tonight.

Hell, Hogan RARELY makes an appearance and I STILL have to hear "he gets to much airtime". how is that when he appears maybe twice a month?

As for WWE, I'm not to thrilled w/t the product, but I still don't sit here and pick it apart peice by peice. The only thing I can tell you "wrestling purist" is if you really could care less for charisma and the drama part of wrestling, and are "all about the workrate", then go watch ROH. They have a company full of unknown talent who are all about the workrate, don't sit here and be a killjoy for WWE and TNA fans who actually ENJOY the product and don't nitpick at it.

Do you think the TNA audience is staged?

Every time I watch TNA recently, the audience is just strange. They chant things in unison WAY too fast and often, and chant stuff that would probably never be chanted otherwise. Several times I've heard them start cheering all in unison, after silence as if they are either to chant at a certain time, or its piped in. I know some of it probably is piped in, but the audience is just weird to me. Also, if they don't tour, how do they get a full audience every time that is SO in to it? Maybe they do, but with the quality of the show as of late, I highly doubt it. What do you think? Am I crazy?

BQ: What do you think of the Beautiful People having all the titles?

Why does TNA always talk about WWE so much?

Here's the deal. TNA is a much smaller company and their main rival, obviously is WWE. TNA has tried EVERYTHING to beat out WWE in the world of wrestling but they just cant seem to do it. Really, all they have left to do is talk and smack and poke at WWE's weak-points, hoping to gain fans. The fact of the matter is, they just look like total D-BAGS! WWE knows it's going on but they don't bother firing back at TNA because, well, they don't need to. For TNA, they need to get as many people against WWE as they can by talking crap. WWE doesn't need to do that to WWE because they're already higher then them on the scale. It's also bad publicity and it just looks bad if your constantly bashing you competition. WWE just lets TNA look immature and doesn't get involved and in the end it all works out for WWE. Don't get me wrong TNA and WWE and both great but TNA is just proving its not ready to shine yet by talking smack about WWE every week.

Doesn't this TNA crowd look bored to death?

Woah, they look REALLY broed. Half of them aren't eve......Wait a second? Look at the crowd again. There are 47 fans in that shot. Like, 20 of them are either female or kids! That's a little over 40%. WWE's female/kid audience is 60%, so doesn't that mean that WWE and TNA are almost equal in their kid/female to guy ratio? Ha, and people say that the REAL men watch TNA! See, people, both WWE and TNA have child/female audience, so STFU!

Oh' yeah, your question...Yeah, they looked freaking bored. Half of them aren't even looking at the ring!