White People Inherited Lack Of Empathy From

Is it me or do white people generally think more logical than any other race?

Logically. I think that it's because Whites like games with rules, and that includes their debating games. Also, Whites like to seem well in their own eyes, at least, and preferably also to hold the good esteem of others. In order to do that, Whites have found it necessary to become inventive at producing clear arguments for self-justification. However, this is not always honestly done. White people have a habit of being duped and even duping themselves with oh-so-clever rhetoric. If it were not for that habit, White people never would have accepted the silly racial equality idea.

I should tell Joe that "logic" -- what it is and how it works -- is not a matter of opinion. Its rules are the same for everybody, and, if someone thinks with different rules, then logic isn't what he is using.

Furthermore, there is really no categorical gap between humans and animals. We are animals. Of our species. So therefore our species seems special, as if we were akin to angels... but that's merely a self-congratulatory delusion. We're animals, evolutionarily adapted for intelligence and tool-using. We can defray for a time the rigors of natural law by tapping the energy of fossil fuels. Other than that, we must obey every survival rule that nature imposes on all other animals, or else we will become extinct.

One of those rules is: kill your prey, but don't kill them off. Kill them as you need them, but do it conservatively enough that your children will have enough prey to kill also.

Another rule is: kill your rivals completely. Exterminate them utterly. You don't depend on them for anything. The food they eat is food you won't have for yourself. The prey they kill won't be available to you, or to your children, or to your tribe.

Nature does not respect sentimental kinds of morality. No animal in this world, other than certain misguided humans, puts any value on garnering moral kudos for cherishing rivals when they are weak. To stay one's hand in pity or in empathy for a rival is a fool's act. The history of life is the story of struggle, primarily against other life. And struggles sooner or later have winners and losers. If you don't fight to win, you are sure to be a loser, dead, and your kind with you.

RANT! Why do some people despise rich people?

I try to keep my family name quiet and try my best to remain humble! I don't tell anyone that I come from family money just casually though the teacher found out who my parents are out necessity to make a point as I was speaking to them!! in conclusion I feel that if I had kept a low profile I wouldn't feel their using the rich tag against me!! I by no means act like I'm rich because as soon as people find out they think I have things easy!