Who Is The First President In American

Who was the first President of America?

Since I seem to have everyone confused.....
I'm looking for the very first person elected president in the colonies....
The president that was elected when the first Continental Congress was held

Who was the first president of america?

george washington 1789-97 but he was the first president of the UNITED STATES of america - prior to that no president

Who is the first African American President? How old is he? Have he ever held a governor office? When?

There is none.

Barack Obama is president-elect. He is not yet president

Trick question

Which will come first: America's first Muslim president, or America's first atheist president?

Openly and publicly atheist or agnostic president.First of all, there are more non-religious people in the US than Muslims,[1] which means that there are simply more atheists and agnostics to choose from. I predict that, despite immigration from Muslim-majority countries, this will continue to be the case for a long time.Second of all, there’s a lot of hatred toward Muslims, particularly by people on the conservative side of the political spectrum, though there’s certainly some on the left as well. That hatred is intertwined with a sense of “Muslim = unamerican.” Just look at Carson. Or Trump.However, there isn’t the same level of bile toward atheists and agnostics. And while both would probably run with the Democrats, automatically denying them the Deep South, I wouldn’t be surprised if red-leaning swing states (think Florida or Ohio) would go for an atheist or agnostic over a Muslim. In a race between an atheist/agnostic and a Muslim, I would expect the atheist/agnostic to win.Footnotes[1] Christians Decline as Share of U.S. Population; Other Faiths and the Unaffiliated Are Growing

Who was the first American president to visit Vietnam?

Don't know, but it had to be someone post Teddy Roosevelt as he was the first sitting President to visit a foreign nation. I guess an ex-President could have visited prior to him, but I don't know why. We didn't have a lot of interests in the area prior to the Cold War.

It might be Clinton after all.

Who was the first U.S. President?

John Hanson, first president of the United States in Congress Assembl'd. Frankly, today's "Tea Partiers" are just another bunch of socialist pansies as far as I'm concerned. They only want to repeal the 14th, 16th and 17th amendments. It's too late for that! These united States have wandered too far from the ideals of our Founding Fathers and it's time to return to the tried and true system of government, the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, that served our country so well between 1777 and 1789. We must restore the noble traditions of the 18th century--chattel slavery, voting restricted to property owners, disenfranchisement of Jews, Papists and women--if we are to restore our country.Let Jefferson ("all men are created equal" indeed!) and Washington (the traitor who put down by main force the entirely legal Whisky Rebellion) be stricken from the history books. Once the Articles are restored, sovereignty will be returned to the states as the Founders intended. Washington Monument will be renamed the Hanson Monument in honor of our first president (see picture). Paupers and vagabonds will be relegated to the workhouses as they deserve, the rapscallions. Colonial dress will be mandatory and thofe funny looking efses that look like effs will be obligatory in all mifsives publifhed in thefe united States.Let the united States be reborn as God intended them--a safe haven for true citizens, such citizen being white, male, Chriftian, and rich. No Irifh need apply.John Hanson, our firft prefident