Who Is The Winner While Rope Cut During Tug Of War


I know sometimes kids get outta hand with stuff... especially playing games that seem super dangerous to us moms.. but in your case, I feel ya! It seems like this should bother your daughter, it should hurt. Does she maybe have back problems and that's why it doesn't bother her? I don't know, but if this is really grating under your skin and your afraid of her getting hurt, tell all the kids and your daughter "NO MORE!" Do it nicely but firmly with the stern voice all us moms have. Regardless of what they say, just tell them NO. When they ask the, "BUTTTTT WHHHY????" just cut them off and say, NO, NO, No, no. Period. I am not sure if it can hurt her, but it might... better safe than sorry on this one. You seem like a super sweet mom, and I totally get where you are coming from. Good luck sweetie!!! :)

Two people pull on a rope in a tug-of-war. Each pulls with 400 N of force. What is the tension in the rope?

This is one of the concepts where most people get it wrong.
So , sit back and listen.

If you pull the rope with 400 N of force and your friend pulls on the other side , there isnt acceleration.
With what force your friend is pulling ? Its obvious that its 400 N.

Consider pulling 1 rope end of the rope with 400 N , how much is the rope pulling ON you ? Its 400 N.
How much is the rope pulling your friend now ? 400 N .

Coming to the middle of the rope , cut the rope exactly in the center , how much do you get pulled ? 400 N in each directions . Isnt it ?
Cut the rope at any point , the result would be the same , 400 N.
You come to a conclusion , all points on the rope are pulled equally in both directions by the 2 end points of the rope ,
so the net force acting on the rope would be ZERO.

So what exactly is tension ?
Tension is in the rope and its force pulls EQUALLY at both the ends.
Tension in an object results if pulling force act on its ends, such as in a rope pulling an object. If no forces are acting on the rope except its ends, and the rope itself being in equilibrium, then the tension is the same throughout the rope.

What do you conclude ? The tension along the rope is 400 N.

According to Newton's third law, each team in a tug of war pulls with equal force on other team.?

Not quite. The simplified version of the third law is "every action has an equal and opposite reaction", but the two teams in a tug of war are not the action/reaction.
If you think of a tug of war, when the teams pull they lean back and push with their feet while pulling on the rope - the action is pushing on the ground, the reaction is the ground "pushing" back.
Who wins is determined partly by which team is stronger, which team hangs on to the rope tighter, and which team keeps their footing better.

According to Newtons 3rd Law,each team in a tug of war pulls equal force on the other team.which team win?

The team to give up last will win.