Why Am I Socially Inept

Are you socially inept?

Yes, for the most part. I'm only decent when it's a 1on1 with someone I know well.

Very handsome but socially inept guy?

According to women (and my own eyes, dont mean to come off as arrogant) I am a very handsome guy. 1 problem is I am a complete m0ron socially. Lets say you dont believe me about being handsome. OK thats fine. Just assume I'm telling the truth.

As a woman, would you go out with a socially clumsy guy if he were very VERY good looking? Please don't lie and say "Its whats inside that matters most blah blah" I am so sick of people giving phony answers on this site. If thats how you REALLY feel then OK. But know I wont think less of you if you tell me the truth that you'd go out with a guy based soley on looks. Because I would date a good looking woman if she were interested, based soley on looks, at least initially.

Anyway women call me handsome, good looking etc. quite often. Women I don't even know. But like I said I s*ck talking to women and dont have the nerve to ask them out.

What would my chances be, as a good looking guy but socially clumsy, if I asked some of these women who find me "good looking" out on a date? Whats a good 1st date idea for a social m0ron like myself? Cmon be honest. Thanks.

Why am I socially awkward?

I have been socially awkard my entire life. I've tried to change my ways but I go back to my old ways. Im akward at work, school, and social settings (unless I'm drunk then I am more social). Now, every now and then I can click with a class or work group, it doesn't happen very often but when it does, I have a good time but for the most part I am quiet and reserved.
I try to be more out going but it never comes off right, I end up feeling like a dork. In a way, I have to accept the way I am because no matter how hard I try to change, I just can seem to do it. Any suggestions?

Why am i so severly socially deprived. Im 15 and i never get out im so innactive!? Help me please 10pts :D?

Its like i just feel like my life is so boring its like i have no freinds i have this freinds in school i even have this really close freind in school im a guy. You know the kind of freind you have laughs with and can tell anything but hes got his close nit circle of freinds out of school. I have no one its like im so self concious and insecure its like im 15 and i see my 12 year old brother going out everyday and im just at home all the time i never get out at all and i cant interact with girls. Its like me and my bro are so different with him hes confident he'll go out regardless of if he knows anyone there he'll still play. But with me its like i'll just go home and im shy. Its like i just want a close nit circle of freinds who i can hang with on the weekends and meet new girls etc. Now its like all my freinds at school have freinds outside of school who they hang with. Im 15 and im supposed to be enjoying my life im supposed to be active and metting girls and im not. Its like people are like wow today was weird i just had a day in but we me im always having a day in because i never get out! My life is my laptop im on the internet all day i haven't have a girlfreind in like 9 months its just ridiculous. Im just shy and insecure im not even ugly because i don't think i am and im always have girls saying im cute but i just cant hold a proper conversation with them.

Secondly ive got this important decision to take im going to a new school in september and i can either stay in my school with my original freinds but still be socially retarded because they all have freinds outside school. Or i could go to a new school no absoulutly no1 and try and make new freinds who i can hang with. The problem is, is that im shy so i feel i'll just be there in the corner whilst everyone is socializing. So what should i do?