Why Am I Still Nervous About Going To College When I

Why am I so nervous going back to college?

well I didn't finish college and now after a five year hiatus, I'm going back in the fall and I am sooo nervous!!!!! I mean, I don't know if I think I won't do good or something but when I first decided to go back, I felt fine about then when I got on the phone with a different college I'm going to for some questions about registration, classes and such, I found myself a nervous wreck! Why am I so nervous? I been to school for 12 years plus 2 in college s it's not like I never been to school before. How do I deal with this extreme anxiety?

Im nervous to go to college because i look young!?!?

As someone who also looks younger than my real age I've been told, "You'll enjoy it one day." Just this week someone asked me if I am enrolled at the school I am at, to which I responded "no." I was then told that I looked too young to be in college and the person probably thought I'd was going to enter as a freshman in the fall. Here's the actual scenario which I explained to the person: I am not enrolled at my current school yet because I am finishing up grad classes through another one online and will be starting at the school I am at for another grad program this fall. I get this all the time and I really don't mind, I think it's funny more than anything.

You'll be fine, just don't take it to heart, they don't mean to upset you.

Nervous about starting college?

you get to pick your classes when ever you want to have them. if you don't like them, you can drop it, choose an easier one.
if you don't like socializing, you don't have to. no one will bother you. if you want to make friends, they are all very nice and respectful. you get to pick all kinds of classes you may want to take. you can choose to be a doctor, artist, musician, philsopher, scientist, football player. anything you want! there's no rules to follow.
good luck!

I’m going to college 13 hours away next fall. I’m already nervous. How can I get over my nervousness?

First, it's a perfectly natural anxiety, unless you have an unusual background, say boarding school, this will be your initial experience away from home. A way to weaken your anxiety is to make a weekend trip to your college and get to know the campus. If that is too stressful, take a parent, sibling or friend, ideally someone else going to the same school (I highly recommend of the same gender) and get some exposure to the way the place feels.Be careful and I hope you have a wonderful experience in college.Jeff

I'm nervous about going back to school...?

Woo! +1 for class of 2012

'nyway, turn your nervousness into excitement.

Think about it. You're going to have your old, familiar friends, and possibly a bunch of new friends as well. I've changed schools about 4 times in the last 5 years, so I understand what it's like to even go into a whole new place where nobody knows you. At least at your school, you still know people.

-New classes. You get to hang out with totally different people than last year, and maybe even get to know them.

-Freshmen. We're Juniors now. They look up to US. Sometimes we can even control them, if you play your cards right. Even if the generalization of freshmen reminds you of 'loud, annoying middleschoolers,' there are actually some freshmen that are pretty enjoyable to be around. Whole new class of people that want to blend in

-No grades from last year haunt you. A fresh new start, you get to know your classes, and maybe do better than you did last year. Make new habits, learn from existing habits. Remember, Junior year is arguably the hardest educational year in all of schooling [apart from college]. Once we're seniors, we can just goof off [sorta], because the teachers care even less than we do. But Junior year, you're going to have to focus, so lock and load your guns, you're in for a bumpy ride

TL;DR: Just turn that nervousness into excitement. Turn all the new things that your scared of into new things that you're excited for. Why would your friends not talk to you anymore? Just be yourself, and your friends will regroup with you just like they did last year

I am extremely nervous about going back to school!!!! Please help me!! I really, truly need it!?

Hello. Before i begin, let me start by saying I get extremely nervous all of the time. I am so nervous for school now. I have been worrying about this since last month. I start Wednesday and I feel like its impossible to go back. I dont know. I just feel that way. I feel like Im not going to be able to stay there. I feel so alone. I just dont know. Im so scared and worried and I feel like Im about to die of nerves. I really need help. Im gonna break my nerves down into sections so its easier to explain and its easier for you to answer.

1. I'm nervous about getting a panic attack. I get these panic attacks where I feel like throwing up and crying and I have gotten them and Im afraid its gonna happen on the first day. Im afraid I'm going to think about my mom or something and totally freak out.

2. There's this teacher I know I'm going to have thats really mean. Shes gonna teach one of my subjects and i dont like her. Im worried that i might need to go to the bathroom and she will yell at me for taking too long. Im really scared of her. she has yelled at me before.

3. im gonna have a guy teacher. I dont know but guy teachers freak me out. its just weird. i have one guy teacher at my school and thats it. i am used to lady teachers. i dont know. Guy teachers make me feel so weird inside

4. My best friend left the school. My best friend always makes me feel better when I see her and now she is gone and Im gonna miss her sooooo much. We have been through so much and I am going to miss her.

5. I have this feeling i get when im used to things. Its hard to explain but i get this feeling when im used to things. When things happen that arent the normal, it feels as if that day didnt happen and that it was all a dream. i get so weird and i feel bad. I dont know....

6. Im gonna miss my mom. i know this is stupid, but im gonna miss her soooo much. i dont know fi i can get a day though without her.

I am soooo nervous. how do i stop being nervous. please help me. im so scared. I also have this thing where i tap my body and my nerves go away. It was working for me but when i tried it once last week for my nerves, i still felt nervous. I dont know if its gonna work. I cry every night becuase Im so nervous and I feel like im gonna throw up when i think about it. please help. Thanks for reading.

Nervous about moving into my college dorm tomorrow?

higho, congrats on going to college, it really is going to be fun time despite the initial nervousness...
i was an RA in a freshman dorm for a year so here's some tips/advice for moving into the dorms

1) you will most likely get a little homesick.. its your first real time away from home... to counter this you need to meet people, find a group of friends to hang out with, and call home a lot.

2) how do you meet people? after both you and your roommate are moved in, both of you need to walk around your dorm and introduce yourself to everyone on your floor, your going to be living next to these people for a long time so why not become friends... a good way to do this is the first night, you and your roommate should go around and meet people and then after you've met them, invite them to join you guys in meeting the rest of your floor..

3) leave your door open when you are in your room, it sort of "invites" people to come into your room and introduce themselves... but dont forget to lock your door when you're not around

4) be nice and become friends with your RA... that way you will be more likely to get away with things because your RA likes you... (only applies if you have a cool RA like i was)

5) invite your newly met friends over to your room to hang out

6) if you're the party-type, throw a party in your dorm room. (caution: there is a slight chance of getting into trouble if alcohol is involved with the party..)

dont worry, its not like high school where everybody already knows everyone and already has their group of friends... in college, nobody knows anyone so they are going to want to be nice to you and want to become friends...

so basically the best thing to do is meet people in your dorm. it counter's homesickness and gives you a new group of friends to hang out with

I'm scared of going to college for engineering because I've heard it's so hard that even with study, I would still fail. Is this true?

That's total BS.  If you study well, you will do fine.  Engineering IS NOT THAT HARD - but it is a lot of work.  Most people who fail, do so because they did not put in the work required and tried to take shortcuts.  Engineering school is notorious for failing the "geniuses" of hs - this isn't because they don't have the aptitude but because they were so accustomed to drifting by.  You can't drift by in engineering. Are guaranteed magna cum laude? - of course not.  You will be in a class with many smart people.  But I have not seen someone who worked very hard and still didn't pass.  I have seen plenty of people who didn't work hard, and failed.  I posted two previous quora posts on how to do well in engineering school.  Check them out:How do I study smartly in engineering? What is the best strategy to get a 4.00 GPA in engineering school? In general, take everything one step at a time.  It's really not that difficult but you need to stay on track.  Failing happens because people fall behind, lose confidence, and then give up.  Never give up and you'll pass.

I'm nervous to go back to school. What should I do?

I definitely remember that feeling! Whether it was as a kid, teen, or young adult, there were always moments of nervousness when I got ready to get back in the swing of things-both academically and with friends I hadn’t seen in a while.So, I think it’s perfectly normal, and to some extent you just have to ride it out until you’re over that first day back. And I think usually you find that most of your worries weren’t warranted.With that said, if you have some serious concerns about returning to school, it doesn’t hurt to talk to someone about them. For instance, if you’re younger, you might tell your parents, a trusted teacher, or a school counselor. It’s possible they could help you make your return go a little more smoothly.Lastly, hopefully you have some friends at your school? If so, talk to them and let them know your fears. You might be surprised to learn they’re feeling the exact same way!

Should I be worried about my boyfriend going to college?

Well, it's not wrong for you to be worried, but don't let college be the reason for you guys to grow apart or for him to find someone else. Make sure to talk to him often, or at least leave him long messages that he can read. Keep your relationship strong and keep doing what you're doing to better the relationship. My boyfriend or as I call him my husband, LOL, is also leaving for college this year too, and we've been together for a year as well. I'm pretty worried as you are, but he leaves me no reason to be.

So my advice to you is just to keep doing things that will better your relationship. Try to make the time you see him worthful and wonderful. If you're not able to see him then mail him gifts or things that will remind him of you and tell him how much you mean to him. I also advise you to tell him that you're worried that you guys will grow apart because of the new distance. But yeah, since he's a good boyfriend I'm sure he'll comfort you and things will be fine. Just keep doing your thing and I believe you guys!

Good luck!