Why Are Conservatives So Dirty In Public Toilets

Why are public toilets so dirty in America?

Truth is public toilets like that exist everywhere. I’ve seen some really bad toilets in the UK and in some other countries.It’s just certain people, if the toilet isn’t theirs, they seem to believe that they’re not responsible for anything they do.They seem to believe that cleaners are held responsible for these toilets.Personally I believe a cleaner is to maintain the existing cleanliness of toilets. Not to wipe down the walls and the floors because somebody seemed to believe that pissing all over the place is allowed. If the womens toilets are as you describe you should see the lads toilets. Sometimes I ask myself, do they use public toilets for target practice? Why do they throw the bog roll as it is down the toilet? Maybe it slipped.It’s strange you know because when a male dog aims to piss on a car tyre, it pisses on the car tyre with it’s back leg lifted too. Why is it that when guys aim at the toilet basin with both feet on the floor and better balanced than a dog they seem to hit the walls and the seat?I have no explanation.I think it’s just people, some of us are arseholes some of us aren’t. It’s not an American thing, it’s a global thing.EDIT: My answer is in no way referring to the elderly, to people with disabilities and to people who generally have valid reasons for not being able to use a WC with ease. My answer refers to people that have no excuse whatsoever and just do what they do because they can’t be bothered to do otherwise.

Why are liberals so confused about which public toilets to use?

We are just wary of using the wrong one, so we are super cautious, because we know that nine out of 10 public toilets contain a conservative child molester/groper/pervert with his pants down around his knees and “little friend” in his hand, waiting for the next victim, preferably a child, because you like the young ones... don’t you? Yes, you do...

Why are public toilets so dirty?

I guess for several reasons. Whomever provides the toilet thinks, okay I’ve spent money on providing a toilet, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend a lot of time cleaning it. People can be more careful and considerate when they use the toilet I’ve provided.The business, or whomever owns the bathroom, may be short staffed, and no one is assigned the job of cleaning the toilet, until someone complains about how dirty it is, and then someone goes into action.The public restrooms may be in a highly trafficked area, such as an airport, and the cleaning crew makes the rounds of the concourse, or terminal, and therefore can’t keep up with all the use.Some people don’t care if they piss over everything. They don’t care if they flush. They may not find someone to report a clogged toilet to and it overflows. Let’s face it, some folks are just pigs, and don’t mind if the place is a sty.

Why do girls leave toilets so dirty after them?

I think women do leave a little litter behind, because they use paper. They use it to line the toilet seat, blow their noses, fix their makeup, dry their hands, tidy up their mascara, and for various other reasons. To a woman, a trip to the restroom is an adventure in grooming. She has to put on lipstick, fix her hair, adjust her clothing, etc.

All men do is unzip and zip. There's no comparison.

Why are public toilets so rare in America, as opposed to Europe or Australia where they're everywhere?

In the built-up hearts of cities there is one situation, which I'll get to.In the rest of the country, though, public toilets simply aren't necessary.  Any convenience store, fast food restaurant, or open public building (civic or commercial) will have restrooms open for public use, without requiring any purchase or interaction.  In the city, though, it's different, mainly because a) there aren't so many convenience stores or fast food restaurants, and b) in most US cities the only people who are around the built up heart are people there on business and the down-and-out: Homeless, mentally ill, junkie/alcoholic, and other folks that life has shit on.  Those in the city on business either are at work, visiting an office or public building, or eating at a restaurant; so they have places to go and don't need public toilets.  That leaves the homeless, whom businesses don't want around to drive customers away.  It's legally difficult to bar people from your facilities just for being unwashed, but it is perfectly permissible to bar people for not being a customer.  So in the city, you'll get bathrooms with pass-codes given only to customers and guarded more zealously than the wifi signal.  What this also means is that in most US cities, the only people who would need public toilets are the down-and-out.  The only reason to build public toilets is to cater to the down-and-out, who have no political power, and whom nobody else wants around.   So public toilets don't get built. In cities that actually have tourists, you can find public toilets, even automatic ones.  I'm talking places like San Francisco, New York, Seattle, etc.   Otherwise, any public monument or museum has them, too.  So do most subway stops.  So places like Washington get by without automatic toilets at all. In the past, US cities generally did build public toilets for residents.  And public washrooms, too, in the days before everyone had running water.  But those days are long gone.

How dirty is toilet water?

It depends on if you mean used toilet water or the "clean" water that refills the toilet.

I don't know exactly how clean toilet water is that depends on how often the toilet gets cleaned as well. I did do an expeirement in High School though where we measured the bacteria around the school. I found that the mouthpiece on the school pay phone had twice as much bacteria as the inside of a toilet.

So i would say that yes the unused toilet water could aid in the growth of plants. It comes through the city water pipes just like water from a faucet. Only thing that adds bacteria is the condition of the toilet bowl it goes into.

Why are toilets in India so dirty?

Earlier there were, but now things are changing, people are becoming aware of it and are taking actions to counter it. But even so i do not refuse to the fact that there are still many places where a hell lot of cleaning is required.I remember in 2010 i was there in Lucknow for an exam, at the station i went to the public facility spot, on entering the Toilet, i was taken aback by the filth and and horrible stench in there. it was overflowing. But i had to use it anyway, so i grabbed the bucket, it was a big one, filled it with water and from a certain height poured all of that at once, and it worked, the force of that water opened up the blockage, and whole thing just swept away. At least it became a little cleaner.I did what i had to do, then left. The guy going in there after me thanked me, he said you didn’t had to do it. I just said its okay, we all use it, who then will clean it, someone will have to.On entering there and doing what i did, there was no thought at all of whether its right or wrong to clean it or not, i just did it.Take care of your surroundings. :) cause that’s what you are surrounded with.

Why are there blue lights in public toilets?

It prevents anti social behavior such as drug taking. Blue lights prevent veins from being visible on arms and legs which deters drug-injecting users. There is also anecdotal evidence to suggest the light makes it harder to identify forged currency (at least in the UK) and thus prevents drug deals and other exchanges of cash.

Why do public toilets smell funny?

Odor and strange smells in public restrooms are a common problem. Many people using the restrooms each day can cause this or the facilities not being cleaned enough to accommodate for the number of users can allow bad smells to thrive as well. An air freshener that operates 24/7 and is appropriate for the size of the bathroom will fight off airborne odor and maintain a fresh scent. Automatic flush systems paired with inline sanitizers prevent toilets from becoming a source of odor. The auto flush systems ensure that toilets are flushed after each use and the inline sanitizer treats the water to prevent scaling, remove buildup, and clean the toilet bowl. Lastly, floor drains can cause unpleasant smells as they collect organic buildup. These drains need to be treated periodically with a solution to break down buildup and prevent more of it from accumulating. These measures supplement regular cleanings and prevent odor from occurring.