Why Are My Friends Being Mean To Me On Social Networks

Why is my friend so mean to me?

first, how old are you and your friends,not in a mean way though

and what i think is maybe: she's jealous of you
she got her period?
she's having a bad time at home
maybe one of those?

Why would an ex follow me on social networks if he broke up with me?

We've all been there, so you are not alone in wondering. As difficult as this is, my advice would be: don't read into it. It can be so hard! But here's why I say that...The painful but very important thing that you state in your question is that he broke up with you. That's the important message he sent. You don't need to try to decipher the message he's sending by staying connected on social media. It could mean a million things. Social media is just something we have to manage after a breakup, and there's no rulebook on how to do it, so everyone handles it differently.In case you're still curious, here are just a few potential reasons, based on what my friends have told me (starting with the three reasons I've heard the most) and what I've done myself:-They aren't that active on social media, so they haven't bothered to yet-They are indifferent/they forgot-They want to remain friendly and feel social media is a platonic/low impact way to stay updated on your life-They don't want to hurt your feelings or seem mean/dramaticUsually I hear a combination of those things. I typically always unfollow people I've broken up with so that they have space (if they want to keep following me, they can, but they usually follow suit), but there have been one or two cases where I actually just forgot to unfollow. Here's what I would take from this: You will unfortunately never know the answer. Even if you asked him, he might not tell you the truth or even know himself. So decide what makes you feel comfortable (is staying connected holding you back? is it causing you pain?) and do what is best for you. This may change over time, so check in with yourself as often as you need.You might find Sarah Hallacher's project User Experience of Heartbreak interesting: (Disclosure: I run the site that published this interview):

My boyfriend doesn't post any pictures of me on social networks?

tell him again that it makes you feel bad! if he really cares about you and there's no secret reason why he's not posting pictures of you two, then it should be an easy response to think what you're saying and the fact that it makes you feel bad is super cute. and when you suggest posting a picture on fb or instagram or you two, there would be no hesitation to do it. however, if he tries to change the subject or refuses to post a simple picture of you two, then there's something more going on. i know it sucks because it feels like he's either playing you or he's embarrassed to be with you/seen with you. it's the worst feeling in the world trust me girl i'm with you and i've been there. and even if he says again that he doesn't go on fb of instagram a lot (which is obviously false because you said he changes his fb profile picture a lot), he should care enough to just put up a cute simple little picture of you two. it's so easy it's not like you're asking him to move to another state with you. good luck girl i wish you the best. remember communication is key! and if he refuses to put up a stupid picture of you two after a year of dating, you deserve better and someone who proud to show you off to his friends!

My best friends are being so mean?

Ok so my one friend I know since gr1 and were best friends a few years ago, her parents died. And last year I met another friend, and we got real close, now the 3 of us were great friends but my friend from gr1 Mimi, she kind of has a lot of emotional problems and has a bit of an depression. She staerted ignoring us every now and then but we got her to talk to us. Yesterday I found out she felt I was replacing her with T,the one I met last year. She felt we don't care about her. But T's bin a ***** lately. She says she has "problems" and she gest totally depressed at school for the silliest reasons, and she blames her self that her parents had to merry cause her mom got pregnant with her. In one class she wanted to borrow my book to copy but the teacher said we had to hand in our books. At the end of the class I asked for my book and she told me she gave it back but I knew she didn't. I told her she had it but she kept saying she didn't but she wouldn't look me in the eyes. The next day she said sorry she did have my book. But anyway. Later that day Mimi started ignoring us again and we couldn't get hger to talk to us again. At the end of the day T said she'd leave us alone to figure things out. So today I went to school and walked up to Mimi, she ignored me flat. And so did my other friends standing around her. Then I walked away and felt I was going to cry. I cry easily. So I walked to T, she did the same. I started crying and I felt so bad my mom had to come and get me at school. Now Mimi keeps texting me she's going to kill herself un stuff. I don't know what to do. My mom says I should get new friends and that there both horrible friends. But I don't want to loose them even though they hurt me. Oh that reminds me, T actually has the tendency to kick or hit me and Mimi, even though its just playfull it hurts, so now if she hits me I would hit her back. :) :( ????

Why does my ex girlfriend still follow me on social media? Does she still like me?

From the most honest woman on earth who will answer things other women will never admit. It could mean she still likes you however chances are ..we as females are very agressive on men we are at the time closest to not being with anyone else. This is most likely why. More women then in sure will admit have stayed in abusive or unhealthy relatio ships just because they could not see or Imagine what is theirs with someone else. U less she has no love for u which means she has hate for you and she is looking for ways to get at you because you did something to make her feel this way. Either way. She is an ex. Leave her so what she needs to. If it's a reunite then ok if it's a disater let it be lol.

Why would your crush’s best friend add you on social media?

I just recently got a friends request from my crush’s best friend. I mean we hung out a couple of times with me my crush and her best friend but I don’t know her that well. Why would she add me?

Why are social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter bad?

The 2 main problems I see are firstly they establish an alternative reality...a community that doesn't exist in the real world where people exchange gossip and insights that they wouldn't normally share if they were face to face. people become addicted, shutting out the real world and obsessing on being part of an internet group, constantly being 'connected'.... and back in the real world they talk about what they said or heard like people used to talk about things they had actually done. people are linked to strangers and people with dubious motives and have their photos and personal information passed around, out of their control.

The second is related, by substituting electronic words for real relationships people rarely see the effects of what they share...if you broke some news or told a lie in real life you could see the other person being shocked or upset and you would know if you ought say more or apologize. People report being bullied on-line and others of having intimate secrets plastered across the world wide web... sure those things happen in the real world but there you can chose to stay and join in or not, you can show your anger and frustration and bystanders can come to your rescue.

My friend is being mean to me all of sudden!?

I've had this problem before.. It was horrible..I would constantly ask her what her problem was but she always insisted that she didn't have a problem. With the whole 'sweetie' thing: I just think that she's changing.. Not all friendships can last forever; one or the other will eventually grow out of eachother, or just start changing intO a cOmpletly different person. If she keeps acting like a b**** then I would suggest distancing yourself little by little and start becOming better friends with other people. When she's calling you sweetie as pointing out every small flaw, she's thinking that she's better than you.