Why Are There So Many Questions About Cons

Why are there so many *** hurt cons on here tonight, did President Obama rip them a new one or what?

What a laugh. So you think we pay any attention to him. Here is a Democratic talking point. "Donald Trump appeals mostly to uneducated white men." Here is what the talking point means. Trump supporters are stupid ignorant people who don't care about minorities and are not as smart as Democrats.

In looking at this talking point we see it comes from people who promised us high quality high paying jobs in 2008. Both Hillary and Barrack made this promise. So where are they. Obama pointed to the unpatriotic national debt for George Bush of $9,000,000,000,000.

Now the expect us to believe these uneducated white voters think a $19,000,000,000,000 debt is a good thing and that the Democratic Super Majority didn't spend us into near bankruptcy with no regard for the security of the nation. The debt during Obama's two terms has risen more that all the debt accrued in 58 presidential terms held by 43 presidents.

No, I don't think Obama can school anybody on economics, jobs, the military, foreign policy nor the Constitution. Both Hillary and Obama are crooks.

Why do cons hate abortion?

Use logic when addressing conservatives... oh wait... That means you might convert and you can't have that.

Most conservatives are not against abortion per se. What they are against, is using abortion as a form of birth control. And I agree with that.

You see, your phrase here, you just said, was that expecting girls not to go out and get pregnant is unrealistic... you said that. Not me. I didn't say that. YOU said that. As a woman, I find that very insulting. You just in effect told me that as a woman, I can't be expected not to get pregnant. Why shouldn't I be insulted by that? You just said I can't be expected not to have sex and get pregnant.

Have you ever considered that the rise of teen pregnancies isn't because we expect too much from our youth, but that we expect too little? And because we expect too little, we make futile attempts to curb the consequences when they screw up. After all, the consequences of not living by the rules is too much for them.

But how much sense does that really make? You're not expected to either live by the rules or expected to live the consequences of not living the rules. Where does that leave our youth?

You know how I know this is true? Because teen pregnancies have gone down because of the recession. Before, you got pregnant and the daddy didn't want to stick around, you could at least count on ma and pa to help you out. Ma and pa have money. Now, ma and pa don't have money. Teens are smart. They figured that logic out, "Hey if I get pregnant, who's going to take care of me with no money?" So, why aren't you treating them like they're smart?

Why are there so many questions about blood groups on here lately? Really, it seems like everyone in the country is doing the same study unit at the same time and posting their homework questions.

My question exactly ! But there was a discredited individual who claimed our blood types were connected to our diets. And there are evidently a religion or two around the world that claim a similar thing! Total hogwash! And so much misunderstanding about the inheritance of the blood types and who can or can’t marry who! I was beginning to wonder if some biology or health teachers hadn’t skipped the entire unit in blood types and how they are inherited. Or just didn’t take enough time on the unit. Or they didn’t know about types themselves. The public schools better make sure their teachers have the correct material to teach this or to re-educate their teachers cause there are lots of confused people in this world.Sorry , public school teachers, but blood, blood types and how they are inherited seem to have fallen through the cracks. But from years ago in the public schools classrooms, I have experience in how much this topic interest students And it does affect the students lives as they marry and want to have children. Or should we caution the state school boards that we need more time with the topic before the test is included it with their end of course test?

Why are there so many questions on Quora that start with "Why can't liberals…"?

Why are there so many questions on Quora that start with "Why can't liberals…"?Since the Presidential election, there have been a large amount of questions that ask “why a liberal can’t (insert issue here)” and I'm curious as to why. If we're to start trying to unite, why are we asking questions that will surely get petty answers, instead of trying to find common ground?It’s the same reason there are so many questions that begin with something like “Why do conservatives XXX” (fill in the x’s with anything derogatory you like).These kinds of questions are not questions. It’s called “begging the question”, and it simply means that the questioner is making a statement under the guise of a question so that they don’t have to take responsibility for that statement. It’s meant to forward and agenda, as if someone will look at the question, then make the assumption that the premise must be true.Why don’t liberals support removing terrorists from this country?This kind of question (I’ve seen several very much like it in the last few months) is trying to sway anyone looking through their feed that there seems to be a liberal conspiracy to protect fanatical terrorists in the U.S. It’s not true, but if you’re not getting regular news, you may make the assumption that you haven’t heard some story or another.These are lazy questions, asked by people who don’t want to stand up for their opinion since they know they’re just flat out wrong. But, when confronted, they think they can claim that it’s just a question, and they have concerns. Don’t believe this. They either actually believe the crap they’re putting into the question, or they understand the falseness of the premise, but think they can sway the opinions of anyone who isn’t informed on the subject.I’ve answered several of these questions, and was immediately attacked on several occasions, basically telling me how I’ve drunk the kool-aid or that I’m nothing more than a mouthpiece for the liberal elite. This proves to me that the questions were nothing more than a way to push an agenda with no intention of soliciting answers that disagree, or basically trolling for targets.I usually just downvote the questions when I see them and move on. Because I’m a liberal, and I follow a number of liberal topics, I tend to see more of these questions aimed at making liberals look bad, but I’ll downvote unfair questions aimed at conservatives when I see them, too.

Why are there so many neo-cons on yahoo answers?

I think generally, conservatives have more money, and therefore can afford more computers for their children who have nothing to do but play video games and post nonsense on Yahoo all day.

The neo-cons from the Bush era are a dwindling population, plus the Tea Bag party will further erode any hope republicans have of regaining power.

These neo-con posters have never served in the military, or witnessed the horrors of war, so it's easy to sit back and be critical of differing viewpoints.

I'm sure there are a few older neo-cons who post, but generally the neo-cons seem to be incredibly young and naive and oblivious to the travesty that the Bush administration left our nation in.

Why are cons against multiculturalism?

First, you need to know the difference between Multiculturalism and the Melting Pot.

The secret to American immigration since the late 19th century has been the Melting Pot model of immigration. This process helps to choose immigrants who want to be Americans first, their native culture second. Preserving the aspects of American culture which is the reason why those immigrants wanted so much to go to America for in the first place.

Multiculturalism on the other hand, doesn't hold any one culture (not to be confused with race) more important than others. It often values diversity for diversity sake, with the politically-correct feel-good feeling from that. Multiculturalism doesn't place the values of the host culture as any more significant than the foreign cultures moving in. Not only does this dilute the host culture, but it allows the baggage from the immigrating cultures in, often the kind of stuff those immigrants were trying to escape from in the first place.

This is why Conservatives are against Multiculturalism. They are not against foreign cultures, they just want aspects of American culture to be recognized as being the secret to success of this country everybody wants to come too. Foreign cultures will change American culture over time, but slow enough that the good aspects of it that make it exceptional, will remain and be passed on.

To many of the answers are ignorant of the differences between Multiculturalism and the Melting Pot and jump to ignorant conclusion of Conservatives, not having the integrity to keep from using their misconceptions for what Conservatives ACTUALLY believe.

Why are cons so confused about welfare?

I know that was the legislation, but I also know that it is not working that way. There are a lot of people who have found ways to circumvent the system. THEY HAVE TO!

Why? Because the system is designed to punish those who try to improve their situation. For example say that someone is getting AFDC, Rental Assistance, WIC, Energy Assistance, etc. Totaling $2000/month (approx) and they get a job earning $500/month. The system takes away around $1100/month of their entitlement. So they have a net loss of $600. This is not a hypothetical. My brother's neighbor had EXACTLY THAT happen.

How are they circumventing? They are getting diagnosed bi-polar. It is not hard to get a doctor to diagnose it, and they are getting disability instead of welfare.

Sorry, but if you want sympathy in this situation, it will not come from me. The system is busted, and the dems do not want it fixed because if the poor get off of the govt. nipple, they typically become middle class, and if the poor go away, so does the democratic party.

Unfortunately, the dems have been very successful in blocking legislation which would help the poor improve their situation. For example school vouchers.

Why are so many cons in favor of public executions?

LOL. Can you name ONE conservative who's in favor of public executions? (And by conservative, I mean a real conservative with a real name, not some anonymous liberal pretending to be a conservative)

Why do cons assume liberals don't pay taxes and are unemployed?

I like how liberals always frame it to where the government is the only ones capable of helping poor people. Do you guys have any idea how many centuries people like you have been doing that stupid crap all over the western world? Go read some political books from France during the 1700's and will you see the same stupid nonsense you people are doing today.

What are the pros and cons of having jealousy as an emotion in our lives?

A2A request about the pros and cons of the emotion jealousy.This is an interesting question so I had to think about how there could be any positive qualities for such a negative emotion.In the tradition of Christianity, envy (jealousy) is one of the seven deadly sins. These seven (envy, sloth, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, pride) are considered deadly as they are the root of all other immoralities.NEGATIVES: So jealousy could cause one to:lash out physically at the person who is smarter, more handsome (or prettier), has more money, is better educated, has more friends, etc;tells lies to others about the object of one’s jealousy, so that they lose their friends, their spouse or significant other or even their job;play mind games with the object of one’s jealousy, causing mental stress for that person. In other words, bully them;Steal the stuff of the person you are jealous of (or even their identity);Torture the person; kill the person…POSITIVES:In the absence of sloth (laziness, especially intellectual laziness), if someone were insightful about their own shortcomings, jealousy might work as an incentive for both self-improvement and self-acceptance.