Why Did He Ask Me If I Danced With Guys

So, he asked me to dance with him?

okay so the Junior High dance was last night, and I am really confused. My mom barely let me go, because she didn't want me dancing with a boy. I got her to agree, and I went and danced and had fun. But then the last slow song came on and I was sitting on the stage hanging out with my friends, it was a girl choice slow song, and none of us really wanted to dance with anyone, so we where hanging out at the edge of the gym, and this guy in my grade that I am sort of friends with, asked me if I would like to dance with him, I agreed, but was way out of my comfort zone. (see, I don't normally even date boys, because my mom says I'm too young, so I am surprised I was asked,) Not to mention, it was a girls choice slow song, so the girls were supposed to ask. So we were dancing, and he asked me, have you ever even danced with a boy before? and I told him no, I've never even been to a dance before. ( i have the curse of honesty, If someone asks me something, I respond with my honest aswer, I was really embarrased after that) Why would he ask me? I mean, I am not allowed to date, so what would he gain by dancing with me. What would his reason be?

What's it mean when a guy asks you to dance?

If a guy asks you to dance with him, does that generally mean that he's interested or that he likes you? I was hanging out with this guy yesterday and he asked me to dance with him, I had no idea what I was doing but he kept pulling me in closer.. lol

How do I ask a guy to dance?

It’s the same procedure whether you are asking a guy or a gal.1. Get the person’s attention. Eye contact is sufficient, if they can see you. Otherwise a light touch on the shoulder, back, arm or hand.2. Indicate that you want to dance. A hand gesture is acceptable if you know the person or at least have danced with them a few times. Some songs can be danced in more than one style. It is sometimes not obvious what type of dance you wish to dance. I usually say, “Would you like to dance x?” where x is tango, two-step, waltz etc. That saves the embarrassment of someone accepting a dance only to find out that you were expecting to dance something that they did not know.By the way, everybody, including guys, likes to be asked to dance.

Why did a cute guy ask me to slow dance with him at prom? He had been looking at me all night, but there was so many other girls way prettier than me at prom, so why did he pick me?

If it were me in your position, I’d be like “WTF why is this guy dancing with me what did I do???”Then again, I’m an anxious mess. I assume that if someone wants to talk with me out of nowhere, they might be trying to trick me somehow.Of course, there’s a good chance that I have no reason to be scared, because that guy might think I’m the prettiest one there even if I don’t think so.In other words, he must have a big crush on you or something. He must like you a lot…and he was too shy to talk to you until now.But be careful! If he wants to date you, look out for signs of abuse!Here they are just in case!Furious Goldfish

What does it mean if this guy asked me to dance but...?

...I was the one who invited him to the party in the first place?

Okay so I asked the guy I like very casually to come to this semi-formal ball since all our friends were gonna be there. I made sure that I wasn't asking him to go as my date.

But then at the party he asked me to dance and I was the only girl that he danced with and vice versa. Does that mean that he likes me or did he just do this because it was the right thing do since I invited him and all? :T I made it really clear that we weren't necessarily going as a couple.

I've known him for a couple of months and we're pretty good friends. We talk a lot, but not all the time. But when we do talk, he never ignores me and he holds eye contact and smiles a lot. We're both freshmen. (:

GUYS!!! Why did a random guy ask me to dance!?!?! Please help!!!?

if your not a known whore that puts out for every slow dance then he probably just thought you were cute.

At a dance, one guy asked me to dance. We talked some after. At the end, he asked me to be his valentine and I said yes. What does that mean exactly?

It doesn’t mean anything except that he enjoyed your company at the dance. It was a “sweet nothing,” which means words that enhance the romance of a moment. If you haven’t seen him or heard from him since the dance, feel free to consider it a nice memory and nothing more.

Why do guys never dance with me at dances? Am I not pretty?

You haven’t given any details of the situation—high school dance, salsa club, an evening of ballroom dancing, etc.—so I will have to give you some generic suggestions based on my own experience.A gentleman should dance with a lady no matter her appearance. (Or her age in some situations: I have danced with women in their 20s and women in their 80s.) But it’s true that in the real world, prettier women get more attention. No matter what God or nature gave you, it’s probably best to put effort into looking your best if you want attention at a dance.Beyond that, do what you can to give the impression that you would like to dance, and that you would be a pleasant partner. Here are some things I have seen women do that can work against that.Sitting with your coat on, as if you are ready to leave or haven’t really committed to being at the dance and enjoying it.Looking at your phone.Standing and holding a drink. (What do you do with it if someone asks for a dance?)Looking unhappy.Being deeply in conversation with your girlfriend.And some things that might help you.Sit up straight and watch the dancers or the other activities in the room. Smile a bit as if you are relaxed and enjoying yourself.If you are sitting next to a man, make some pleasant small talk. He may then feel it would be polite to ask you for the next dance.Stand instead of sitting, moving a little to the beat.If you see someone you would like to dance with, make eye contact and smile when he walks by.ETA: Now that you have added the details of your situation, I can say that I agree with your father. (I used to be that shy young teenage boy.) Have you tried asking boys to dance? I’m sure they will be flattered. But maybe still intimidated.

Why did my crush ask another girl to the school dance?

You think all of this probably because you are blinded by the feelings you have for him while he probably is very normally against anyone speaking like that about any woman. Guys don't have a magic machine in their body that tells when a girl is interested in him, having feelings for him. If you want someone go and express your feelings and let him know. It's not like a guy can guess what you are feeling based on the looks you give or the eyes locking that happens time and again. You can't expect to keep being in your place, and being silent about your feelings and for the guy to know just by the way you look at him. You ve gotta speak up.

Do you think that when a guy asks a girl to dance with him, it means that he feels something special for her?

Yes, of course. It's a rare emotion known as “wants-to-dance” and only comes out when music is playing. It’s also a symptom of the horrible disease known only as the “Jitterbug”. Beware the Jitterbug. It's a highly contagious disease, and can cause sudden outbursts of dance, beat-following snaps or stomps, and even (*gulp*) singing.In all honesty, no. Sure he could be about to profess his undying love for you, but honestly, guys like to dance too. We just feel awkward about it, so you don't see us asking much.