Why Did He Ignored My Friend Request

Why did my ex ignore my friend request?

Will he ever get over the damage that I did after he broke up with me? (ie:trying to convince him it was a mistake). I now realize it was a good thing and I guess its too late to change things?

Why did he ignored my friend request?

I ask this guy to be my friend on Facebook and he ignored it but he is still under my sent friend request. I said mean things to him three months ago but i apologized to he. He hasn't accept my apology. I sent him a friend request but he ignored it. I know he been on Facebook because he comment on someone Facebook statues and its been a week and he hasn't accept it. I don't understand why he didn't hit the declined friend request button. Why did he ignored my friend request? is their a declined friend request button on Facebook mobile? why is his picture still on my sent friend request when he ignored it?

He ignored my friend request but still stares at me?

Ok so there's this guy I THOUGHT was into me. He'd always look at me and his friend would act strangely whenever I was around. I never talked to him since I'm super shy, but I sent him a friend request on Facebook last month. He never really seemed to get on, but I looked back at his profile yesterday and it said my friend request was sent. But it also said he became friends with two people. So that means he was on and just let my request sit there. I'm kinda pissed because I thought he liked me but I guess not. I cancelled the request lol. Why else would he stare at me all the time though? And why does his friend behave strangely when I'm around him? I really thought he liked me.

Did he ignore my friend request?

Facebook does not send an email to the you, or notify you in any way, if they reject(ignore) a friend request.

However it's very easy for youto find out if they rejected their request. If you go to your profile page / search listing, youwill see the "Add as a friend" link will have re-appeared (it will have changed to "Friend Requested" while awaiting for thei rresponse).

So in short, as long as it still says "Friend Requested", he has not accepted nor rejected your request.

My crush is ignoring my friend request?

Ok I have a crush on a guy one year older than me I sended him a friend request in
facebook in October and waited three weeks but still didn't get a reply I know that still he didn't ignore my request I know that he go online because I see his comments on our friends walls . I sended another request three days ago and didn't get a reply yet and I know that he opens his fb profile . In school we don't talk to each other but he always stare at me even if the hallways are crowded and he peak at our class every morning without saying anything to his friends . I don't know why he is ignoring my requests . He accpect everybody even the people he don't talk to in school

The guy I like ignored my friend request on facebook. I'm so hurt?

I added him on facebook and he ignored me. I was kinda crying about it. I don't know why he ignored me but we used to kinda talk to each other in the beginning of the school year. Two of my other friends added him and he accepted them but not me and he barely even knows them. He knows me a little more than he knows them. Should I ask him why he ignored me or leave it? I'm not gonna send him another friend request because that will make me seem desperate and he will think I'm a stalker. Please be nice or I will report you.

I'm gonna be 16 this year by the way and we are in the same English class so thats how I like him.