Why Did Muhammad Pbuh Go To War

Why did Muhammad wage war against people who refused his demand to accept Islam?

How could Muhammad demand people to accept Islam when he himself said there is no compulsion in religion.Had he demanded people to accept Islam he would have either said that there IS compulsion when it comes to religion or would have left out that verse entirely.Not only that but the quran itself tells Muhammad to not spend too much time debating religion and philosophy with the unbelievers. The Quran very clearly says you are only sent as a messenger just to deliver the message, stick to that job only.Besides that there were many non Muslim tribes who were allies of Muhammad which proves that he did not wage war with people who refused to accept Islam.Finally I present this letter by prophet Muhammad which proves beyond a doubt his attitude towards non Muslim tribes.Prophet Muhammad's Letter to Monks of St. Catherine MonasteryAny logical person who read Islamic history will come to the conclusion that the wars waged by Prophet Muhammad were more political in nature and not based on religion at all.A modern analogy would be US attacking Iraq and Afghanistan. Are we to say that since America is a majority Christian country, therefore Christians have attacked Muslims?Please read up the details of the 'Peace treaty of Hudaibiya', if you are genuinely curious about the question posted.

FOLLOWING MUHAMMAD. Since Muhammad led 26 battles of war to start Allah's kingdom, should I do the same?

WWJD stands for "what would Jesus do".

It reminds Christians that following the messiahs example is what Christianty is all about, so remember that the next time someone slaps your cheek or wants to murder you...turn it and love him with every stroke of his sword.

Islam is all about following the prophet Muhammads example. The Quran directly tells Muslims that Muhammads conduct is the literal "path to heaven".

Now, almost all Muslims are literalists (fundies). Unlike Christianty, literalism in Islam is MAINSTREAM. Most people dont get that. Whats worse is that Islamic doctrines are the worst doctrines to take literally, after all, Muhammad's life is the source, and Muhammad was not only a warlord, but an accomplished one, who led 26 separate battles. Anyone who has studied military history can respect the bloody achievements of muhammad.

So, If I want to follow Islam, I know I have to bend over for Allah 5 times a day, with lots of men...but how murder? For how long?

How many wars did Muhammad wage?

According to al-Mas'udi, the Prophet (s)'s ghazwas were 26, but some people took their number to be 27. The ground of the disagreement is that some people take the Prophet (s)'s return from Khaybar to Wadi l-Qura to be identical with the Battle of Khaybar, but others take them to be two distinct ghazwas. However, whereas Ibn Ishaq did not mention Wadi l-Qura after Khaybar, he took the number of the Prophet (s)'s ghazwas to be 27 by counting 'Umrat al-Qada' as a ghazwa.For more information, see:Ghazwa - WikiShia

Why is Muhammad so different from Jesus/Buddha/Ram?

Jesus Christ: He didn’t initiate any war, never killed innocent people, and didn’t abuse women like Muhammad. He has not left any question mark on his character before leaving this world.

Budha: A man who left his home, luxury life and all the advantages he could have because of his rich background, just because he was really looking for truth and peace and make them reach to the humanity, which he did without putting sword on anyone’s neck. That’s like a truly holy personality.

Ram: Even in Hinduism, Rama, the god of the idol-worshipping Hindus was a much better example than Muhammad, who spent many years of his life in jungles, leaving behind his entire luxurious kingdom. He engaged in some war, but on valid excuses. He never killed or tortured poor people on flimsy excuses as did Muhammad. He never forced someone to embrace Hinduism.

Muhammad said he is a "prophet of war", according to sunni hadith. Do you agree with Muhammad?

"I am the prophet of mercy, I am the prophet of war. I am the smiling prophet, I am the prophet who kills"
[From, "Battlefields", by Muhammad Hamidullah, who translated "Sahifah Hammam ibn Munabbih", one of the earliest authentic hadith books which had not been translated for years]

This hadith is also mentioned in this islamic video on the internet:
youtube. com/ watch?v=oOITp0ND66Q