Why Do All The Girls At School Hate Me

Why do girls at my school hate me?

ok at my school almost all the girls tell me to shut up whenever i talk, they ignore me a lot too. but if i go to another school for a bball game or something girls are all over me. like even semi bad looking girls ignore me and it makes me mad. honestly i dated one girl from my school for 7 months, then after we broke up i told her i cheated on her, then now all the girls hate me here, but love me everywhere else? whats the deal? also ill admit im a player. but other girls and diff schools dont care but the girls at my school treat me like an outcast.

The popular girls at school hate me :(?

ye i know how you feel, i have the same probolem oK first off dont buy them anything anymore, if they ask you to go anyhere with them just say casualy i cant i going out with a friend smile and walk away make out your buisy anddont need them. Ye sure be nice but if any one says naything mean to you emediently jump down there throught let them know your not scared of them and theyll back off. have you noticed popular girls always have things to do? and always stand up to them selvs and dont get involved with any other peoples buisness so if some one spreads gossip to you just say that none of my buisiness ya know .dont be mean be friendly but not so much so they can boss you around. hope i helped. Rowan

Girl in my school hates me for no reason. What should I do?!?!?

I have found in my own life experience, that people who come off like they don't like you, are usually scared or jealous. In some way or another, you are a threat to this girl. But, if she isn't going out of her way to harass you, and you have no connection with her, just kill her with kindness. When you see her mean-mugging you, just smile and wave. Please O please don't let her get the best of you. So many people will come and go in the course of your lifetime, that this silly little girl is hardly worth all the time and thought you have already put into her. And as for worrying about other people not liking you....that is going to happen a lot in life. Not every person you meet is going to like you. It just doesn't work that way. But, seeing as they don't like you, and you have made it thus far in life without them, i'm sure you will be just fine;) Don't waste your precious time worrying about what everybody else is worrying about. Just live and have fun with the people who do like you;) Good Luck

Girls at my school hate me, please help.?

hey there, okay so i am a 14 soon to be 15 year old girl, and i'm going to be a freshman. So every single girl in my grade and the grade below me hatesss me. i have one girl-friend, and now the other girls are starting to get her to not like me. The girls all think i'm a slut, but people only think this because theyy are the ones who start nasty, horrible rumors about me.
I'm at my breaking point because lastnight at this summer festival thing, a girl in the grade below me started making fun of me and making up rumors right in front of me. Everyone was ganging up on me laughing. I left the place in tears.
I just want these girls to stop and to accecpt me. I cant loose my one girl-friend to these bi*ches. Please help me, i've gone to school counselors for bullying and harrassment, but they don't help. Help me:/
Thank you for reading and for your advice<3

Girl at school hates me for no reason?

I'm in grade 8, and there is the girl who I've got the impression hated me from the start of last year. I've never really spoken to her, had classes with her or anything, but she hates me. HATES. Please note she is one of the people at school who is friends with everyone and everyone thinks she's so kind... Cept me.

Today when my friend asked her If she wanted to come to lunch with her and she said yeah, got up, packed up her stuff before seeing me and said "oh, I didn't realise SHE was coming, no thanks" and sat down again. This isn't the only time she's done something like this, and if I sit at her table at lunch(she's friends with all my friends) she just glares at me and gets up for a different one taking half my friends with her. Last year, she managed to find out I was on my period and she told everyone in the school.(well everyone in my year found out). She also was taking to be and my friend and I was like oh I don't do much sport, and she was like. I can tell. You aren't skinny you know(I'm not actually fat) and everyone laughed. Then she was like to me go steal us some biscuits from the school I was like no. And then she was really rude to be so I just got up and left. And I spent the rest of last year just keeping out her way. She also found a really bad picture of me and put it on Instagram. And she started telling everyone I'm a lesbian because I'm not really into dating at 13

So yeah any advice?how to ignore her?coping?

The most popular girl in school hates me :(?

Shes probably stuck up, shallow and concieted.

She probably thinks she's better than others.

But, if you could do anything to make her feel bad, DO IT.

Why does a random girl at school I've never met hate me?

I’ll give you the real, blunt straight-forward answer. She hates you because she finds you disgustingly ugly/unattractive so she thinks she’s somehow got the right to show you faces and make comments which is really rude and disrespectful.She’s insecure herself which is why she feels the need to do this to make herself feel better. I’d suggest you find her physical weakness (about her looks) and do the same so she can realize how it makes you feel. She’d be making fun of your appearance and mocking you right in your face. You don’t deserve this, fight back and put her in her place.

Why do kids in my school hate me so much?

I was never bullied, but I had a best friend who was kind of poor and didn't always dress the best or have the best looking hair. Also she was very dark skinned, her chest was very very small, pretty much flat. She never said anything back, she just stood or sat there and took it. I could tell that it hurt her feelings very much and I always used to tell her to shake it off and that those people were insignificant. She would try and do things to get her less picked on, like she would try and use my face powder to make her skin lighter so the kids would stop calling her "black as night" (I'm caramel complected). I would let her. She also came to my house sometimes and I let her have things (pads, body wash etc.) and sometimes more expensive things like shoes and stuff. One time I asked her to hold my purse, which had a small amount of money in it, and when she gave it back the money was gone. I knew she stole it, but because I knew what she had to go through, despite stealing still being wrong from someone as good to her as me, I let it go. Her mom refused to buy her bras saying "she didn't need them" so sometimes I spent my own money to do things like that for her. My whole point is, sometimes kids are mean to other kids without knowing what they have to go through, so ignore all those people and remember that they don;t know you and more importantly, the mean things they say to you are wrong and untrue and that people love you no matter how much others are mean to you. It is unfair by a long stretch. Remember that no one is universally ugly, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so no matter how many people call you ugly, there is someone who thinks you are not. Keep your head up, go to college and be successful.. maybe one day they will wish they had been nice to you. Good luck girl!