Why Do I Always Want To Cry How Do I Make It Stop

Why do i always cry?how do i stop it?

Stop trying not to cry.

Just telling yourself "Don't cry" won't stop you from crying. You need to develop alternative emotional outlets. Have you tried being angry? Have you tried being quietly depressed? Have you tried rationalizing?

There are many emotions out there. The key is not suppression, but alternative expression. What are you thinking when you get a low mark?

"The world is out to get me! I can never win! I'm a total failure!"

Tears are for victims. Try to get angry at the person who assigned you the poor grade. Or be rational. "I have no right to cry. I am not a victim here. The grading was entirely fair and objective, and the reason for my poor grade was a lack of preparation on my part. In the future I will prepare."

Try a new perspective. Someone punches you? If you cry, you accept the role of the victim and they become the bully. But if you fight back you become warring equals. Or if you tell a witty joke, he becomes the punch line.

Play around with different reactive emotions until you find the one that's right for you.

Why do I always end up crying?

Whenever me and my sister get into a fight I end up crying.. I don't know why but I HATE it! She's a year younger and she has made me cry lots of times but I never let her see me cry. Once she saw me and the next day we got into another argument and she was like aren't you gonna go cry now? It hurt. Like hell. And the first time I ever cut myself was when she told me to go to hell. Because the only thing that I believed at the time was god helping me (I was going through a rough time) and when she said that I was speechless. But I stopped cutting even though at times I have urges. When I get into a little argument with my younger brother she buts in, like today. She called me dumb and a failure and mentioned the mark I got in math 3 years ago and keeps going on how stupid and dumb I am. It cut like a knife, I have tried so hard to prove I'm not I put so much effort into my work and she says that. I've been through horrible things to the point I just want to end it. It sucks hearing how that you're a failure, I don't feel all. N of course I hate hearing bs and fire back but after I just went to the bathroom and cried so much but so quietly then I feel horrible for not being the bigger person ending it. But she pisses me of so much I can't help but defend myself. Why do I always cry after she says these hurtful things to me, I mean she never has cried about of our fights actually she never does cry. she has no emotion.. I'm strong one moment and completely weak the next. I hate crying over things like that. Or just crying in general. It makes me feel weak. How do I stop myself?

How do I stop crying in school?

You need to build your confidence in yourself. Sweetheart, if you are crying for little reasons like this, without even meeting you I can tell you are a wonderful, sensitive person. There's no need to cry when we get a question wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. And there is no need to be perfect. Embrace yourself for the wonderful person you are. We are all works in progress.

Take time each day to think of 3 things about yourself that are great. For example, I am sensitive. I am kind. I am compassionate. I have a beautiful soul. Or 3 good deeds you did that day. Even if it was just holding the door open for someone. Focus on the positive. Let go of negative thoughts. Don't let them stay in your mind too long.

You have a thin shell that's easily broken. From a psychology perspective, this usually happens when, as children, our parents did not comfort us and tell us that everything would be okay when things went wrong. I'm quite serious. When we are children and we face problems, if we have a parent who comforts us, hugs us, holds us and whispers to us "don't worry, everything will be okay", that message sinks into our subconscious. As we grow older, it becomes rote. We learn to comfort ourselves. When trouble arises, we then have the ability to easily work through problems. Things can roll off our chests and not get to us. When we don't have parents that comforted us in times of trouble, this internal mechanism was never set into place. That's why you are so easily wounded by things that go wrong.

To make up for this, you must try to surround yourself with people who support you. Make friends with people who compliment you and think you're great. You need people in your life who really listen to you, and you to them. Don't worry about whether they are the "cool kids" or not. Good friends - I mean really good friends who stick by you and support you - are hard to find. Don't be discouraged if it takes a while to meet them. When you find them, you take them no matter what shape or size they come in. Cherish them and work on maintaining the friendship once you find it. If you do this, years later you'll find you've built your own support structure or people you can go to when you're feeling down. They can pick you up and you can return the favor to them.