Why Do I Have Problem With Bowmovement And Have So Much Gas Everyday All Day

How can I cure my gas problem?

Although the production of gas is a natural part of the digestive process, many people dread the possibility of passing gas in front of others. Though it is common to everyone, but is still a taboo. Many of you would have had this embarrassing experience at work or during parties. There is something that wants to liberate itself, but you cannot do it for civility. This experience can be torturous. It might even be very unhealthy.Let us discover what causes flatulence, how to manage it and save yourself from public embarrassment, and when it’s totally unhealthy. We would also tell you when it’s time to consult a best Gastroenterologist in Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, New-Delhi or BengaluruSymptoms of stomach gas include flatulence, bad breath, lack of appetite, a coating on the tongue, abdominal bloating, belching and even stomach pain.Here are six steps you can take to cut down on painful gas:Drink before meals. If you drink liquids with your meals, you lose stomach acids and can’t break down food as well, Novey says. Try drinking about 30 minutes before a meal to help your stomach digest better.Eat and drink slowly. When you eat or drink fast, you can swallow a lot of air, which can cause gas, says Bickston. The simple solution? Slow down when you eat. If you have dentures, check with your dentist to be sure they fit properly so you’re not gasping air while eating.Try activated charcoal. Activated charcoal has been known to reduce and treat excess gas and bloating. Unlike the charcoal you find in your grill or fireplace, activated charcoal undergoes a special treatment that makes it safe for human consumption. Once you take activated charcoal (via liquid or pill), it attaches to fluid in your gut, reducing gas and bloating and creating firmer stools.Avoid artificial sweeteners. Sorbitol and related sugar alcohols used in many sugar-free versions of foods can also aggravate gas.Don't fill up on air. Habits like smoking, chewing gum, and drinking through a straw may cause your stomach to fill with air, leading to gas.Fortunately, this problem can be easily treated with some simple, natural home remedies. Here are some home remedies for gas:CinnamonApple Cider VinegarGingerButtermilkBaking Soda and LemonSome homoeopathic medicineNux vom 200 2 pills /nighCarbo veg 200 2 pills 4 times daily....also lyco give good result

Why do i have problem with bowmovement and have so much gas everyday all day?

For constipation, medication is only a very temporary solution if it works.

Wheat germ and wheat bran are very high fiber foods that often help for constipation.

Constipation can cause anal fissures, hemorrhoids and also some far more serious problems as in
You probably need to improve your diet as you seem to have a constipation problem.

For constipation, castor oil is very good for a one-off remedy as in but it is unsuitable for regular use.

For constipation, suppositories, laxatives, fiber supplements and enemas are all totally unnecessary if you eat the right foods.

All fruit and vegetables in very large amounts are laxative.

You need to permanently change your diet or you are likely to get colon cancer.

Constipation can make you extremely unwell and can lead to colon cancer as it causes a build up of carcinogenic toxins in the system.

The intake of foods such as milk, cheese, white rice, white flour and red meat should be restricted, because they tend to contribute to constipation.

Any food that has had the fiber stripped out, the nutrients processed out or slows down the digestion is a constipation culprit. Here's a list of foods shown to cause constipation problems:

•Meats, especially fatty meats, red meat and processed meats,

•Dairy Products, such as cheese, ice cream and whole milk,

•Fast Foods – burgers, French fries and other fried foods, pizza, etc.,

•Refined grains, like white rice or any refined white flour products,

•Highly starchy foods – white potatoes, corn and all refined grains,

•Pastries and other high sugar products, such as cakes, cookies and pies,

•Deep-fried foods, chips and other foods that are high in bad fats.

You can see lots more in which tells you "Natural Ways to Relieve Constipation" and the right foods to eat.

I get gas at the same time every day?

Too much information, but try to relax amd maybe take some laxative and dont worry atleast your regular that must be a pluss! and as for the farting its better out then in!

I get bad gas after I make a bowel movement in the morning and the gas lasts all day =/. read more below?

I know how weird the situation you have been dealing with. Here are the causes of the gas:
Eat or drink too fast
Chew gum
Suck on hard candy
Drink carbonated or “fizzy” drinks
Wear loose-fitting dentures

Foods that may cause gas:
vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, onions, mushrooms, artichokes, and asparagus
fruits such as pears, apples, and peaches
whole grains such as whole wheat and bran
sodas; fruit drinks, especially apple juice and pear juice; and other drinks that contain high-fructose corn syrup, a sweetener made from corn
milk and milk products such as cheese, ice cream, and yogurt
packaged foods—such as bread, cereal, and salad dressing—that contain small amounts of lactose, a sugar found in milk and foods made with milk
sugar-free candies and gums that contain sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol

Treating Gas:
Reducing swallowed air. Swallowing less air may help reduce gas, especially for people who burp frequently. A health care provider may suggest eating more slowly, avoiding gum and hard candies, or checking with a dentist to make sure dentures fit correctly.
Making dietary changes.
Taking over-the-counter medications like Alpha-galactosidase, Simethicone, Lactase tablets etc
Eating, Diet, and Nutrition

How long is too long without a bowel movement?

We should aim to have a bowel movement between twice a day to once every two days.Most likely your dietary habits changed, so your dietary fiber intake is too low for having a good defecation. You need 25 to 30 grams dietary fiber daily, since bran is too light not effective, take broken 4 tablespoonsful of linseed/flaxseed/rapeseed, mixed with yogurt, fruit juices or plain water and afterwards drink another large glass of water to make your stools wetter and softer, works within ±3 days, if it works keep it up, or be constipated again.

How can I cure the incomplete bowel movement?

Incomplete evacuation goes hand in hand with IBS. I believe that incomplete evacuation underlies all IBS - not just IBS Leaky Gas or IBS-C (constipation). IBS-D could be a form of incomplete evacuation as well. Dr Pimentel authored a study that shows that methane gas can cause constipation. Methane gas (maybe all gas?) in the colon can act like a neurotransmitter and directly affect motility. This is probably true for all people, but IBSers produce a lot more gas so the effects are more noticeable.In my experience, pockets of gas in the colon also seem to block stool as well. I don’t think there’s been any studies on this unfortunately which is a shame, as proof of this would do a lot to demystify IBS. I’ve explained my dietary cure in length in my other posts here - but basically I believe I can’t digest certain carbs that contain the proteins lectins, phytates or opioid peptides. The foods high in these are the delicious foods - anything made from wheat, all grains, nuts, dairy etc. A diet that cures the IBS symptoms, such as mine - just animal protein & mostly insoluble fibre - will starve out the pathogenic bacteria. This means very little fermentation - the process that causes all the gas in the first place. No gas means no gas pockets in the colon, so there’s no pseudo-blockage to impede the passage of stool. I say pseudo-blockage because if you have a colonoscopy chances are they won’t find anything wrong with you. Same thing with defecography. A lot of IBSers have gone through this humiliating procedure only to be told they have a gut / brain problem which they probably don’t. What they do have is a problem digesting certain carbs, as outlined above, and there could be a genetic basis for this.Anyway, I have found that a diet low in the foods that bacteria feed on fixes the long delay between bowel motions.

Diarrhea once a week.. gas and tiny pains everyday?

So, first, I would make sure you get a copy of all your test results. Sadly, sometimes, doctors don't interpret them correctly, so you want to make sure you got the proper conclusions drawn from your tests. As an example, celiac tests have a few tests at once, because of the higher incidence of false negative tests (20% or so). Some of these, if positive, are considered a positive test EVEN IF the others are negative. Some doctors, however, had given a negative diagnosis if ANY of the tests are negative, because they didn't understand the tests correctly (this is more common that you'd think, sadly.)

Second - IBS - don't accept that as a diagnosis until they've explored everything else, because that is what they are supposed to do.

Third - If you have not yet been referred to a GI doctor, you need to get in to see one ASAP.

Fourth - I would start adding your food choices and environment to your log and see if anything begins to correlate with the diarrhea. A food you eat, or even a stressor or an environmental similarity (like, you go to the same house, the same gym, play in the same yard, whatever). Allergies can cause diarrhea, it's not an uncommon symptom. So see if you can find any connection. And when recording the food you eat, record EVERY ingredient. Even something small, like a natural dye, can cause a problem. For example, a common natural food dye called Annatto can cause persistent diarrhea. It's called annatto, or natural food dye, or in some cases, not even labeled. But it may be worth looking for in your diet, too.

Fifth - I'd start thinking about parasites and potentially look at that. I don't see them mentioned as having been looked at. Giardia is a common one to look at first, and can cause persistent diarrhea. you might think if you had been to any place that serves any ethnic food, or visited any countries, a little while before you got sick. That might help you narrow down types of parasites to look at to ones from those countries.

Stomach Problems, Please Help!!?

I’ve been dealing this for a couple months already and I can’t take it anymore!
Every morning I wake up to noises happening in my lower stomach (bubbling/farting noises) and I usually have to pass gas in the morning and have a bowel movement. This happens mostly all day. They are very loud noises like air or I don’t know what is just moving around in my lower stomach, sometimes I can feel a bump move. I sometimes have an apple for snack and nothing usually happens, except sometimes I feel like its going to make a loud gurgle noise. After lunch it starts to happen all over again, weird LOUDDD! bubbly noises coming from my lower stomach. It’s so embarresing to the point where everyday at school I feel super nervous where I can’t even concentrate (mainly when its quiet I get really nervous). I burp a lot and feel like I always have to go to the bathroom or pass gas. I’m only 16 years old in high school and its making me really depressed. How can I get these noises to go away!! I feel as if its anything I eat (no just dairy products) I thought it could be that I may be gluten intolerant, but I really don’t know. I feel like I can’t eat anything because then my stomach will make the bubbling noises

Also when I lay down my stomach gurgles like crazy but im not even hungry and I don’t know if this matters but my feet are always either falling asleep or vibrating.

this is really ruining my life!