Why Do I Have Trouble Breathing As Im About To Fall Asleep

I think I am having trouble breathing while sleeping?

Okay, this might get a little lengthy, but I sure would appreciate any help/advice. Last night, as every time I started dozing off, I would sit right up in bed because I felt like I had stopped breathing. And even when I did sit up, I felt like I was not getting enough oxygen- like my throat was closed up or something. I have not been sick. I have been getting head aches at the base of my skull, though I don't know that that has anything to do with breathing problems. I finally had to go outside for a while and then I came back in and cranked down the air conditioning and drank some water and tried to go back to sleep. I felt possibly dehydrated because my spit was kind of bubbly, but I was not thirsty at all. This morning, I still don't feel quite right; it's just like I can not get enough air. The glands in my neck are somewhat swollen, but I do not have a sore throat. I don't have tonsils. And last night after it all happened, I realized this was not the first time something like this has happened. This summer, my fiance and I were at a movie and I asked him if we could leave because I felt like I couldn't breathe. I searched the web this morning and found sleep apnea, but could I possibly have that? I do not feel like the problem is in my lungs; it's more like my throat, like it is not open enough to pass air through all the way. Sleep apnea risk factors include being a male over the age of 35 and being overweight. I am only 19, I am a female, and I am not overweight. Thank you for taking the time to read this and giving any advice you have.

I'm having trouble breathing while sleeping.?

couple of things to ask yourself first. Are you overweight, do you have a thick neck, large tonsils or adenoids. do you snore, is it worse on your back. Does it get worse with intoxicants or if you are overtired. If you answered yes to any of these you may be suffering from OSA or obstructive sleep apnea. Look it up. Basically as you fall asleep your muscles relax, your airway is not stiff enough to hold itself open, it collapses and you stop breathing. Once your blood oxygen levels drop ( or CO2 increases) you wake up, get muscle tone back, your airway opens and you start breathing again. This can happen multiple times an hour so you never feel rested. It is easily diagnosed and there are some pretty simple and effective treatments. depending on the severity of the OSA. See your Dr and book a sleep study. While usually not an immediate threat to health it can have several long term negative effects on your health

Im having trouble sleeping?

I have such a bad sleep problem too. even without a cold. i go to sleep around twelve, wake up a three in the morning, stay up for an hour or two and then i still have to get up at six for school. so what might help is get a Humidifier for your room or open the windows because you will be more comfortable in a bed. sleep with 2 pillows instead of one and don't drink too many liquids before bed. try to cut down on all the sleep medicine and try doing it naturally. you can also just go along with it until the cold is over. just watch TV until you fall asleep. maybe turn the lights off or dim them to a lighting that makes you sleepier. I know people say to turn the TV off but it makes me fall asleep too. i cant stand it to be quiet so just do whatever makes you feel comfortable. you can also just put on some soothing music or keep a warm washcloth on your head. Hope this helps! get well soon!

When i'm about to fall asleep i stop breathing and i wake up right away because i cant catch my breath?

This didn't happen to me before but it's been happening for about 3 weeks now. Every time I go to drift off to sleep I stop breathing and then i wake up immediately with intense panic breathing and it takes me a couple of second to finally be able to take a breathe. I'm 16 and i'm not over weight. in fact i'm skinny. My period also skipped the last month and i guess all this is happening because i'm stressed and depressed? but i've always been stressed before and that never happened. so anybody has an idea what is going on with me

Thank You :)

Trouble breathing and ringing in ears?

That's called tinnutis. Both depression and anxiety have been associated with it.

I'm having trouble breathing at night?

I know this probably isn't the exact and specific answer you were looking for but sometimes stress causes breathing problems, like those associated with a panic attack. If you feel more anxiety at night, which anyone who has laid awake in bed can relate to, this could cause such things to happen. Also, I don't mean to dismiss what you are saying, but a lot of times at night I feel like I am having heart palpitations, but it is usually just me thinking about it that causes them to occur, if it isn't only my imagination in the first place. It sounds to me that it may just be caused by stress. Hope this helps a little.