Why Do Liberals Think That The Government Has To Control Everything To Make The World Work Right

Do liberals really think socialism will work in America, like in countries such as Sweden and Denmark? America is a superpower, both militaristically and economically. How could we ever install socialism, with so many differing political views?

Do liberals really think socialism will work?You’re american, aren’t you? You should stop listening to Fox News.Sweden and Denmark are not socialist. They are capitalistic, social democracies. There is no command economy, just a strong welfare state funded by high taxes. And that’s exactly the point why american establishment calls them socialist, to provoke an emotional reaction based on the experience of the Cold War. They want you to think of a state of permanent threat of destruction, of oppression, of shortage on pretty much everything, not of social security, civil rights, health care and overall high living standards for everyone. They want you not to want a social democracy because that would mean high taxes that they would have to pay. They already have social security, civil rights, health care and a high living standard. They just don’t want you to have it, too, if it means they have to share their social security, civil rights, health care and a high living standard. Therefore they constantly relabel everything social socialist so that you would not want it.And even if you don’t buy it, a critical mass of people in a similar situation like you does. And that’s the real reason why you don’t have a social democracy, not differing political views. You believe in the wrong persons. Stop believing in the Trumps, start believing in the Sanders. Once the critical mass realizes that a social democracy is possible, that they would greatly benefit from it and vote for the politicians who actually want to make a change, you can have it. But not with the Trumps, the Obamas, the Bushs or the Clintons.

Why do liberals want to control everything?

They want the government to control everything so that people live off the government dole; if this happens, people will always vote democrat because they don't want their taxpayer funded handouts taken away. They think that Big Brother knows best despite the failures of the VA, Benghazi, IRS, stimulus bill, Obamacare, Common Core, gun control, and every other government handout/program.

Liberals pretend to be "open-minded", yet when you disagree with them they call you names. How childish.

Why do liberals and democrats believe in big government?

Your premise is incorrect and an echoing of GOP propaganda.  Government has repeated grown more under GOP governance than under Democrat governance.  Remember that before the GOP used ‘liberal; as part of their campaign strategy, that there were liberals in the Republican party. The Tea Party radicals purged them from the party. Our environmental and conservation (saving our wilderness) comes from the old Republican party.So what are the actual differences between the two parties as they now stand.  Democrats core values are defending civil rights for all people. This spans gender, gender identity, race, religion, etc.  Protecting the environment, giving us clean air, water, land and wilderness. Educating our people, giving every child and young adult equal quality education.  Getting basic health care to all of our people.  While both parties support our military, the Democrats focus on our soldiers while the GOP focuses on industry.  Republicans increase the size of our government by increasing funding to industry and as I said that includes the military. Currently if you want to decrease our debt, the only way you can do that is to decrease military spending.To understand how much our military spending has gotten out of control, that spending is larger than all of our adversaries combined. You would have to include allies to make it equal. So we are basically putting ourselves against the entire world. We have enough nuclear weapons to blow the entire world up over 50 times.  "At the beginning of World War II, we had a relatively small army, smaller than Portugal’s." — Ken Paxton on Friday, June 6th, 2014 in a speech at the Republican Party of Texas convention. Despite that we were able to change our industry almost over night and fight WWII. The GOP essentially supports corporate WELFARE. The military is forced to buy equipment, weapons, ships, aircraft, etc. that it does not want and cannot use. When they are forced to make cuts due to a sequester they eliminate soldiers. Our wealthiest corporations do not pay taxes and are in fact getting taxpayer money.  President Clinton and Vice President Gore cut our regulations more than any Republican before or since. That administration eliminated our deficit spending and actually gave us a surplus. Our debt is the GOP debt and it comes from military spend and tax cuts to the 1%.So please don’t repeat the GOP propaganda. That bird won’t fly.

Why do conservatives blame everything on liberals?

Let me add a more general thought here. Yes, each side blames the other. We’ve designed politics as a competitive game, so that’s what they are supposed to do. But this political game blinds us to one really important, and quite recent, development. Specifically, it has only been in about the last half century that thinkers in various fields—economics, immunology, climate science, and so on—have actually had the conceptual and data analysis tools to know how to diagnose and solve or mitigate collective and societal problems. The major difference between the parties is that Dems, haltingly and imperfectly, want to take advantage of these tools to solve problems. The GOP just wants power and wealth for itself. In these more enlightened and interconnected times, we can see that government DOES play a central role in problem solving. Government is not the enemy. There really is a difference between the two approaches, and blame is properly directed at those who deny science and progress for their own selfish advancement.

Is this world becoming too liberal? Would there actually be a time where being “ liberal” and possessing basic rights become completely distinct different things? Is being liberal negative, such that it is being manipulated to suit one’s desires?

Are you a billionaire? No? Then the world isn’t becoming too liberal.Do you want to work sixteen hours a day in a dangerous factory and be required to buy all essentials, including food from the company store? Does that sound good to you? No?Then you’re a liberal.Do you want the police to break down your door, steal your stuff, possibly shoot a family member and then bill you for the raid? No?Then you’re a liberal.If your house burns, do you want a private company to ignore you because you didn’t pay your bill and then extort the neighbors so that their houses don’t burn down as well? No?Then you’re a liberal.The reason that these things don’t happen anymore is because liberals fought (and sometimes died) to make things better.Being a liberal means using our collective strength together to make the world a better place for each other so that bullies, be they government or corporations, don’t control our lives.Personally, I think we need to work together more, not less.

Why do liberals think that Fascism and Communism are polar opposites?


Capitalism DOES work. Most of mans greatest achievements have been thanks to free markets and entrepreneurship.

Did some government bureaucracy tell Albert Einstein to create the theory of general relativity?

Did government bureaucracy tell Henry Ford to revolutionize the automobile?


The reason that things are so bad in many third world country's is due to socialism. The only hope for these people is that they will have a chance to work themselves out of poverty. The closer you move to Marx, is the closer you move towards shortages, famine, and impoverishment.

Don't you remember the bread lines in the Soviet Union?

That's the result of rationing.

The reason we keep having these boom and bust cycles is due to these Keynesian economic policies that have been dug into the thought of most of our past presidents. We need to stop the spending and let markets and the price system work. I want real growth and not a series of bubbles.

What do people have against Libertarianism, where the government just stays out of people's business?

people would rather not work if a politician promises free money/stuff