Why Do More Women Than Men Abuse Drugs

Why are women and childeren an easy target for abuse?

Children are because they are helpless. Women are because they choose to remain hopeless.

Why do men like doing drugs so much?

Maybe because are weaker than a woman. They are unable to find inner strength when somethings goes wrong like a women do. Moreover, most men are introverts and they are unable to share their feelings with others. A woman likes to talk and share so even if she is sad or broken. She will never need drugs to overcome a bad situation.I think men should learn to speak more this will solve their drug issues.

Which country women are more loyal to their men?

In whichever country men are most loyal to their female partners, probably.

You get what you give.

Why are women so attracted to drug addicts, felons, and filth or rich guys?

I am friends with several women. Most of the guys they date are drug addicts, felons, or something like that. For the most these guys are well built physically as they spend hours at the gym. They don't typically have jobs that are 40 hour a week and are not pursuing an education or additional job training.

Alternatively, they date guys that act like trendy metrosexuals and do the whole paying for dates thing (prostitution).

I am not don't know that many women so my sample size is not very large. Is this consistent among women as a whole?

Do women suffer from depression more than men?

Statistics say they do indeed. However, men usually find it much harder to admit that they have an emotional problem, so maybe there are lots of men walking around with a depression without even knowing.