Why Do Most Women Can

Why do most women toy with men?

Well, since you've stated "in my experience" so we have to keep your question specific to you. Listen...I'm just going to give it to you straight, while both women AND men engage in this type of behavior, you asked about women so that's what I'll address.Some women are mature and level headed while others are gold digging hoes. Feel me? These are the women that drain energy out of men faster than Bram Stoker's Dracula. They're just as cold hearted as vampires too. They have one common interest: themselves.These are the groupies who run though football and basketball players with no condoms as if HIV and AIDS doesn't exist, hoping to get pregnant so they can cash in on a baby. They are winners only in their minds. Now different things drive these women to pursue men with money, yet only they know what goes on inside their heads.They have very little respect for themselves. They put up with being the side hoe and taking whatever punishment the man dishes out. They delude themselves into believing these men actually care about them when they know full well they don't.Now a man who will treat them right? They don't respect them and don't appreciate what they do. They use them up like cheap tampons and discard them with no remorse.I don't know what kind of man you are but I will tell you this: no one is able to disrespect you without your permission. These women can't "toy with your feelings" unless you allow it. Reflecting on behavior you cannot change or control wont do you any good.What will be more helpful is for you to figure out why you have allowed this to happen at least more than once. No one deserves to be disrespected. Yet, only you have the power to stop it. If these are the kind of broads you're going for, then you'll need to change who you're falling for.If not, you'll be on Quora asking this type of question for a long time. xo

What do most women like to do with men?

Well, with my boyfriend, I like to do the obvious — but basically I like doing everything with him.Some of my favorite things to do with men, besides the obvious, are dancing and watching movies.One thing I don’t really like to do with any man is go shopping, because I know they don’t like it, and I like to linger and look at everything. I know that drives them crazy, so I’d rather shop alone. I don’t like feeling like I’m making him miserable the whole time we’re in a store together. Grocery shopping is one thing — I expect him to participate in that; I’m talking about all other shopping, the kind that most women like and most men hate.I do like to talk about things, but I’m not a huge talker like some women are (in fact, those women drive me nuts! I can relate to how men feel about it). I’m perfectly happy sometimes being in the same room and not talking.

Why do most women prefer successful men?

It is very clear to me now, why most girls prefer successful men. It was not clear to me when I was 30 years younger. It was most frustrating. I was reasonably clever and reasonably good looking, but lonely.Achievements came to me at a slow pace. Gradually I rose through the ranks, and gradually I started feeling more and more attention from my female coworkers. At certain point I started to get some quite frank invitations. I was really puzzled by this phenomenon. I was getting older, less energetic, less good looking, but somehow more attractive to the women around me. I started to ask myself, what newly acquired qualities make me that attractive? The only possible answer was that it is my professional success. This success was associated with power and money, but I don't think that these were the main reasons for my sudden attractiveness. It was my professional confidence and my ability to induce confidence in those around me that brought the adoration of the opposite sex.We all want to associate ourselves with success. Being loved by a successful man is important for a woman even in our egalitarian world. From the point of view of evolution it makes a lot of sense for a woman to have a relationship with a successful man, it is increasing the chance for survival of the offspring.But who cares about the evolution when you have all the attention that you were missing while growing up?

Why do most women not approach men?

Sometimes they do - I’ve been approached (much more in my younger days) but, let’s be real: in all honesty, it’s rare for the gender at large unless you have Brad Pitt like looks, aren’t too old and are in certain cultures/places/meatmarkets/vacation spots etc., women generally do not approach.So back to the reason why: it’s hard-wired from mother nature for men to pursue and women to present themselves. Yes this is one-way street and a lotta’ guys find it unfair - but how fair is it you weren’t born an antelope on the Serengeti plane running for you life from some predator? It’s the way nature has unfolded and you better get used to it and get good at the slot you’re in, because if you’re waiting for her to approach you’re simply going to miss out on life and likely the girl of your dreams who WANTS you to approach (mother nature has also made it that she can’t just come out and say it, other than those rare occasions but don’t bank on those.)So WHY is that? Simple again - a woman has no choice but to be selective about her mates… while a man has all the incentive to run around with as many potential mates as possible. Again…why? Because both setups help propagate and insure survival of the species:Man insures survival of the species by implanting as much “baby batter” into as many women as possible and causing as many children as possible thus stacking the odds in mankind's future in it’s favor. Furthermore…Man has no responsibility after impregnating a woman for the aforementioned reasons.Woman insures survival of the species by being selective about who she mates with. This is so for a number of reasons:She’s looking for the strongest (physical, mental etc.) of men to provide for her and protect her and any offspring they produceShe has to make sure (by any means necessary) that the mate she picks won’t flee (as she knows it’s in his nature) and continue to look after her needs because…She’s going to be stuck potentially with a child for up to 18 years, more or less.She is considered less attractive to man if she mates with other men because this equates (however unfairly) to the inability to raise his own offspring and potential conflict with other male offspring/other men she’s mating with.Short answer - she’s built this way… again - hard wired …just like we are.