Why Do My Ends Smell Burnt

Why does urine smell burnt?

Smelly urine have you in search of its cause? Abnormal smell and/or color of your urine can be caused by an array of factors. Urine excreted by an otherwise hydrated healthy person does not usually have a strong smelly odor and its appearance is straw-like in color. Some foods, vitamin supplements and medications may cause smelly or color change in your urine, for example, asparagus causes an abnormal urine odor. Your pee odor or color changes may be only temporary, so don’t automatically assume it is a sign of a disease, condition, or infection. Abnormal Urine Smell (Odor)Foul smelling urine may be caused by bacteria, a common sign of a urinary tractor bladder infection.Sweet smelling urine is a sign of diabetes or a rare disease of metabolism.Musty smelling urine may be a sign of liver disease and certain metabolic disorders.Ammonia smell is a concentrated urine due to dehydration.Burned caramel smell is a sign of a very rare life-threatening inherited maple syrup urine disease.Certain foods and medicines, including vitamins, may affect your urine’s odor ~ asparagus causes a characteristic odor.

Hair smells burnt and ends are split?

People with bad split ends should NEVER use a flat iron or curling iron. It fries the hair to a crisp. You need a deep conditioning pak, You can get one at any drug store, Walgreens, CVS, or Walmart. Keep the heat off of your hair and have your hair trimmed to get the burnt ends off, or your hair may get weak and start falling out. You need strength in your hair for it to be healthy. If you continue to use heat on your hair without correcting the problem first, you will have major problems in the very near future. Hair fallout, thinning. Get the conditioner. You can even get one at a Beauty Supply store preferably (Sally's) Talk to a sales clerk. They will help you at sally's. But get your hair trimmed and keep away from all heat. And you will be back on the road to healthier hair. Good Luck to ya.

Why do my ends smell burnt?

I never use heat on my hair. I shampoo and condition my hair every two days and let it air dry.

I do not blow dry, curl, perm, straighten my hair. no perfume. no smoke in home.
Even though I never do anything to my hair, the ends always smell burnt.

Why? And how can I prevent this?

Why do you smell burnt toast before you have a stroke?

The sudden presence of a smell associated with an event that is not in occurrence, is sometimes called a phantom smell, or phantosmia.  Phantom smells may occur with any type of injury to the olfactory nerve or its brain origin, which could be due to trauma, stroke, seizures, tumors, or even migraines.  To reiterate though, just because a person suddenly smells burnt toast doesn't mean they are having a stroke because there are several other conditions where phantosmia may occur (ie seizures, migraines, etc).What IS important is that if you think you or someone is having a stroke, you must immediately call 911 and make sure you are taken to a Stroke Center!  Its also important that you know and recognize stroke warning signs and symptoms using the American Stroke Associations's Spot a Stroke FAST!Face drooping on one side or numbnessArm weakness on one side or drifting downSpeech slurring or sounding strangeTime to call 911 now!So while smell can be affected in stroke, other diseases can also cause abnormal smells.  Its good to consider stroke if you suddenly smell burnt toast while shopping at the Macy's perfume counter, but its far more beneficial to learn how to spot a stroke FAST!The additional signs & symptoms of stroke (sans phantosmia) are conveniently listed on the screen-shot of the StrokeApp.

My hair smells burnt after after wash!?

Two days ago, I went to the hair salon and cut and straightened my hair. It look reallllly pretty but when I washed it today, It smells burnt. It looks fine and its really soft today, but I don't know how to get rid of the smell. Also, If you have any tips for taking care of mildly frizzy hair please leave them below. THANKKSSSS!!!
- no rude answers please

When I flat iron my hair it smells burnt.?

When it smells burnt, it's because THEY'RE BURNED.

Hair protectant does not protect hair 100%. Like sunscreen, you still get sunburned. Same with hair.
GOOGLE: Children's hair straighteners shelved after hundreds of young girls suffer serious burns
• Children admitted to serious burns units increased from 162 in 2009 to 252 last year
• Figures are the 'tip of the iceberg' and could be at least ten times higher Published 1 December 2012

How to get rid of a burnt hair smell?

I used to straighten and apply loads of heat to my hair almost EVERY DAY last year WITHOUT a heat protectant, but I stopped when I started getting a burnt hair smell throughout the end of the year. This year, I've worn my hair naturally and I've only applied heat to it twice per month. Even though I haven't straightened it frequently, I still get a strong burnt smell even if I use a heat protectant. Do I have to chop it all off? Do I have to wait 20 years to straighten my hair again? Is there still some hope for my puffy and damaged hair?

Why does the toilet smell like burnt matches?

Matches and POO GAS both have one common element which gives the smell to it!SULPHUR/SULFUR .The Burned match stick produces smoke, which contains sulfur di oxide gas. The liver and allied glands also produce sulfur which enters the digestive system (see the bile color) and hence the Gas released called bio gas also contains the burned down sulfur gas smell.

I curled my hair and now it smells burnt...?

My mom got me this new curling iron. I have no idea how much it costs but apparently, it was pretty expensive. $100-something.
Anyways, Picture day at my school was yesterday, so I decided to curl my hair. I noticed that there was an odd smell but ignored it and figured it'd go away when I took a shower. This morning, I curled my hair again for fun, again the odd smell. I ignored it too. When I took a shower a while ago, I combed my hair and I still noticed the smell. After realizing it smelt burnt, I told my mom and she tells me I "killed my hair" and I'm going to have to get it cut. Problem is, I already have shoulder-blade length hair and I can't "rock" the short haircut like my mom.

Is there any way I can get the smell to get and stay out of my hair AND help repair any damage I might have caused? I know the reason I burnt it was because it was too hot, so lowering the heat is something I'm going to do, but I need the smell out. It's giving me a headache and I'm getting queasy just smelling it... D:

My hair smells burned?

You're damaging your hair by heat styling too much during the week. You should go to a salon and have your hair deep conditioned at least once a month if you're going to be heat styling your hair this often. If you want to cover up the burnt scent it is okay to spray your hairbrush with your body spray and brush it through your hair. However, body spray does contain alcohol so it might dry out your hair. It's your decision to make.
