Why Do My Knees Pop All Of The Time

Why do all of my joints crack/pop all the time?

Noises in the joints, especially the knees, can be quite disturbing and cause concern. Often, these noises are not indicative of any underlying problem. Knee cracking and popping , for example, usually has a "bark that is worse than its bite." Such noise often persists for years without any real problem developing. If there is no pain with cracks or pops, you can assume it is being caused by the soft tissue in a joint.
The bottom line is this. If you hear pops and cracks with no associated pain in a joint, you may want to begin some conditioning exercises to improve the overall integrity of the joint. If the muscles are strong, they will take the weight off of the joint and relax the pressure on those articulating surfaces. If there is pain along those joint noises, there may be structural damage building in the joint, and it would be prudent to see a doctor for an appropriate diagnosis.
I hope this helps you. And good luck.

Why is my Knee popping?

In the past I have experienced something that felt like my leg (at my knee) was popping back into place. Whenever I sat down on my knees or bent my knees too long and got up it felt like as if it would pop back into place when I stood up. However whenever this happened there would be no pain so I forgot about it. But yesterday I was sitting on my knees and when I got up to stand my knees popped again but it didnt hurt. Then a little while later I was sitting on a chair normally and I got up to walk and my knees popped but it felt like they popped out of place and didnt pop back in as usual. This time there was pain and I couldn't move my leg up at all and I couldnt walk on it at all I had to hop everywhere. I tried to rest it and massage it so I just laid down and after an hour it got better and I was able to move it more, but I still have pain. I can move and walk but I can't bend down without it hurting. Does anyone know what this is? And how can I treat it? I've never experienced this before where my leg popped and caused pain and restricted joint movement

Why does my knee crack?

Your joints can make a variety of sounds: popping, cracking, grinding, and snapping.There are different reasons why these joints "sound off". I get this all the time too...hope this helps!

•Movement of joints, tendons and ligaments: When a joint moves, the tendon’s position changes and moves slightly out of place. You may hear a snapping sound as the tendon returns to its original position. In addition, your ligaments may tighten as you move your joints. This commonly occurs in your knee or ankle, and can make a cracking sound.
•Rough surfaces: Arthritic joints make sounds caused by the loss of smooth cartilage and the roughness of the joint surface.
Is joint cracking harmful? If you are feeling pain when your joints pop, than you should seek a health care professional. In terms of knuckle cracking, some studies show that knuckle cracking does not cause serious harm. Other studies show that repetitive knuckle cracking can do some damage to the soft tissue of the joint. It may also lead to a weak grip and a swelling hand.

Why do my joints pop nearly every time i move?

For as long as I can recall, there has been controversy and dogma about why joints “pop” or “crack”. In some cases — and perhaps truly most cases, but let's not be too sure — it seems that the natural lubricant in the joints can develop bubbles of gas, and that the “pop” or “crack” is from a motion that causes a bubble to, well, pop.

In other cases, there actually is an issue of worn cartilage, and bone scraping against bone. But if you're not suffering discomfort when the pop occurs, and especially given your age, this is very unlikely in your case.

A special trip to the doctor doesn't seem indicated. But the next time that you see a GP or nurse practitioner, demonstrate the “pop” for him or her.

Why do my bones pop a lot, my knees pop 24/7 when i move. is that bad?

Sounds like you have what I have. The cartilage is wearing away. I take gloucosimine/chondroitin. It helps to rebuild cartilage and really works. It takes a few weeks after starting treatment for the desired results. good luck.