Why Do People Act So Polite To Me

Why do rude people exist?can`t they be a bit more polite?

no, and I'm taking the points anyway

Why do some people act nice if you are rude and act rude if you are nice?

Awful people! They want power. But they are afraid. If you are rude, they are not secure enough to face you and they try the easy way out- being “nice”, so they don’t lose face in front of others. If you are nice to them, they try to be rude so they feel what it is like. Those are people with problems!

Why do people behave so rude suddenly when they were so polite all this long? Is there any psychological problem?

Not necessarily. Being polite is not always a reciprocal act of respect.Someone being polite doesn’t always mean the other person is being kind or fair, and deserves a kind polite response. Being polite can be giving the other party the benefit of the doubt. It can be a social expectation in a hierarchy. It is a tool to minimise conflict. A relationship that is always polite and avoidant of conflict maybe one sided or relatively superficial.Capacity and willingness to tolerate unfairness or unkindness varies.If a person is not sleeping or eating well, are sick, under stress, or using drugs or alcohol, their capacity to be calm, considered and polite is reduced.. Under a lot of stress people may lose control more easily, they may overreact. Some people can tend to be more controlled and polite than others. Some tolerate more abuse. Some people are not easily offended, some are. Some have the skills to diffuse and resolve conflicts in a relatively calm manners, others do not deal well with conflict and avoid it as long as they can.Anger can build to a boiling point. A reserved person may be inclined to tolerate something they find annoying or unjust or wrong for a limited time to avoid conflict, if they are are not skilled at handling conflict, they may eventually explode into rudeness after a time of holding back and being polite. This is not necessarily a psychological problem.There are many possibilities.If someone was polite for a long time and has became rude in a way that is out of character and you don’t know why, maybe they are going through something tough. If there seemed to have been a change in their personality in the way they act with you and other people, maybe they need help from a friend. If they are really sad or angry or anxious for an extended time maybe they could benefit from professional help.However, if you find a lot of people in your life are losing their cool and are going from polite to rude… Maybe the problem is not how the other people are reacting to you, may be it is how you are treating them. Think, am I being kind, considerate and fair. Are people interpreting my words/actions as I intended. Are we seeing things the same way. Try to see your interactions from an outside perspective, or from the other person’s perspective. Do these people have a genuine reason to be upset with me. Can I be more thoughtful, can I do better.

Why are people so rude these days?

I'm disappointed of people these days. I see things that are hard to believe. A month ago I had a certificate course in which I was new and everybody was there for the 6th or 7th time and I wasn't as good as them and believe it or not perfect adults were making fun of me and acting like teenagers!
Yesterday I had some sunscreen on my face which happens to have a nice color. One of my "friends" were laughing at my face and saying it was uneven. And it wasn't! I checked it 3 times.
Then again a girl doesn't like me but her dog happens to like me a lot. We were at picnic unfortunately together and I was playing with the dog and she and her friend came and pulled the dog forcefully away from me. What is happening to people!?

Why are people so rude to cashiers ?

I'm seventeen years old and work at a Lumber Store as a cashier. I try to be polite,prompt and honest as possible at work often going out of my way to help carry things to cars etc. even though I'm not obligated too. I'm sick of grown a s s men walking into that store and cussing me out. They will get mad because i don't ring them up quick enough because we are more expensive than Lowe's , because we tax rental deposites.. literally things I have no control over. One man cussed me out because I ( a average if not a bit on the small side teenager ) wouldn't load his cinder blocks from our Garden Center which was closed for remodeling. .... Another time I was cussed out because I wouldn't allow someone to return a very used ( about 4 yr old) hot water heater.. Sometimes I get cussed out because I have to ask for I.D for checks and Credit cards.. . ...Are you ever rude to cashiers just because you can be ?

Why do guys always act polite and serious with me?

I've noticed guys seem to act polite and serious around me in class or wherever and never really start conversations with me or make jokes like they do with other girls. Like today I was playing badminton with random guys in gym and they were polite and serious and praised me whenever I hit it or served...then one guy gave me a hug after he just met me....I don't really get it. maybe cus I'm shy?

How come when I'm so nice to people they are rude to me?

No good deed goes unpunished. People may be misreading your motives for being nice to them, or then again, they could be just jerks! Either way, don’t stop being kind, you will bring joy in the lives of others. Avoid and ignore those that are rude to you. It will drive them crazy that they lost you as an audience.

Why do people respect rude people over people nice people?

In my opinion I think it is because rude people are, unfortunately, linked with success. You can say this is kinda halo effect. Usually, many successful people forget their roots and act in a not so polite way. For eg, mostly every celeb out there do not care about fans. In fact, these 13 yrs old kids act so rude as if they own the world. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea to handle fame. I mean, just look at probably the most influential celeb rn, Justin Bieber. Tween girls go crazy over him, and all he does is act like an snobby brat, and later ‘apologize’, and repeat. (no offence to any belieber).Nice people on the other hand, are seen as naive…I think media plays a great role as well. Just watch an Indian tv serial or movie. The successful person would be rude, arrogant, chain smoker, heavy drinker etc. Nice people are shown to be clumsy, cry babies, naive, below average, etc. Nowdays being rude is thought to be cool as well. Just look at Jake and Logan Paul.Although, not everyone is like that. There are mature people out there who are mature enough to know who to give respect to. So, don’t stop being nice to other people. :)

Why are people so mean and rude to cashiers?

I've been working as a cashier for 2 months now and I can't believe how mean people can be. Yestreday I felt like quitting because it was one of those days where everything goes wrong. I always try to be nice to people not because it's my job but because it's the right thing to do. One lady was talking on the phone the whole time and when I told her her total she kept looking at me and talking on the phone and after 5 minutes she had the nerve to tell the person on the phone "I didn't hear her say anything, she has a soft voice" like I was not there. The assistant manager was right there bagging her stuff and didn't say anything. I know they have to respect the customer but usually the customers don't respect anyone. I hate when people put their baskets on the belt and expect me to take their stuff out. People will argue with me over it like it's my job to do it. Even though there are moments when I feel like crying I still love my job.

Why do guys act so mean when i reject them politely?

well i guess you can look at it that way but i certainly dont agree with you, not all guys are like that. this is just based on experience that you have no way of knowing how many other people share. remember what happens if you lose five times at the proverbial slot machine.
or am i misunderstanding the question? are you saying there are too many douchie guys for the journey to be worth the reward? well that is up to you but if you dont make an effort you might never find that perfect guy.
the truth is those are just isolated incidents involving guys who think theyre real macho (but actually theyre babies). i am living proof that not all guys are like that; what do they expect? every girl to fall for him? the girl to be unhappy in a mismatched relationship?
im sorry you had to deal with those pathetic guys but if you keep trying you will find the right guy.

maybe the slot machine was a bad example, with those things you virtually never win.