Why Do People Think Its Okay To Give Unsolicited Advice

Why do people give unsolicited advice?

My sisters in laws are younger than me and have never lived on their own. They give me advice all the time.
Advice on stuff they do not know about.
For example growing up my dad owned a mechanic shop for years I worked at the shop. I know how to change my brakes . On Facebook my 13 year old cousin wrote he is looking for odd jobs. Since I need to change my brakes and I hate taking off the tires and putting them on . I told my little cousin he could come over ( which he loves because we have a neighborhood pool) and help me change my brakes.
He was happy money and he can swim. My sister in law pulls me aside at an event last night to tell me I should not change my own brakes blah blah blah. I need to stop " being cheap" .
I asked her why did she care? She got offended and said why do I have to be so rude.
This is after she gave me advice on leasing a car. Marriage advice she has been married 6 months.
I am not perfect and do not mind advice but, unsolicited advice and advice from someone who does not have life experience is crazy. I will go to a chef for baking advice.
So what do you do when people give you unsolicited advice?
My one friend pretends she is listening she says.
Why do people give unsolicited advice?

As a side note:
My husband and I are trying to save money for various things . Why would I pay someone for something I know how to do?

Why do people give unsolicited advice?

I don't understand why it makes you so angry..
I`m 63 and more than happy to listen to any advice..
yes some is less than help full but sometimes a small gem gets thro..

Why do people think it's ok to give unsolicited fitness advice to fat people?

They have no empathy people that are overweight don’t say to themselves this is my goal in life to be heavy it’s the exact opposite!!Many have no control of the overweight problem because of health problems,type of meds. They take,genetics,mobility issues!!!!I was always very thin them my thyroid died because of exsposure to radiation than I got rumathoid arthritis ,through my whole body!!!So I struggle every day to move!!!!I wish things were different but it isn’t.But I must say no one has ever said any thing to me like that but I have seen it said to other people and it’s not appropriate!!!!We all want to look like models but some of us are dumplings and that’s life live it your way!!!!

What do you think of people who give unsolicited advice to strangers?

It can be annoying especially if it’s not helpful. Maybe once in a while, if ever, it works, but most of the time I’d say no, it doesn’t work.That’s why I try to work on my own issues and not tell strangers what to do, since I don’t know their life, or their story.So, As far as Seeing strangers on the street I would not give a single piece of advice to them, I would try to avoid them in general. I’m not some wise old sage that has the answers to their problems, so there would be nothing to discuss. I would hope whatever they need to do or whatever is going to happen to them is still going to happen, and I would just focus on myself and my own issues.

Do you think it’s ok for people without children to give advice/opinions/suggestions on parenting?

I strongly dislike it in general when people give advice that hasn’t been asked for. With the possible exception of a situation (like a visit the doctor) where this would not be unusual.Parenting is one of those things which is such a mindflip… It’s next to impossible to prepare yourself adequately for being a parent. Whatever you expect, it will certainly be different. And it’s a futile endeavour to try to explain parenting to a non-parent - even if they have nephews and nieces.So receiving unasked-for advice from non-parents is kind of… WTF? It’s a bit like me giving my auto mechanic “advice” on how to do his or her job.Also, I think it’s disrespectful, as it implies that you know better than the parents. It’s true, there are some crappy parents out there. But even they have more experience in parenting than non-parents, no matter how good their advisory intentions may be.In fact, I’ll even go so far as to say that I’m not interested in other parents’ advice - UNLESS I ASK FOR IT. And I wouldn’t dream of giving advice to other parents unless the explicitly ask for it or ask for my opinion.Question: Do you think it’s ok for people without children to give advice/opinions/suggestions on parenting?

Why do men give women unsolicited advice at the gym? (Especially when women do dead lifts/squats/etc)?

So I'm just minding my own business last week with my headphones in, and two random men came up to me at different times to instruct me that I was doing my dead lift wrong. One guy told me I needed to bend lower, and another told me I was doing the wrong kind of dead lift for my goals as a woman. I was doing a conventional BB dead lift, and he told me I should be doing Romanians instead. Then he told me I was lifing too heavy.

I finally hit a new PR of 170 the other week, and I tend to lift 135 for my weekly sets. According to a few friends, my form is decent. My back tends to round at times because the weight is a struggle for me, but it's not rounded in a way that would cause injury. I'm generally good at keeping my back straight.

What is the deal with men who approach women in the gym and instruct them how to lift? It made me feel so dumb, and I just put the weights back up and went in the corner to finish my routine because I felt like they were watching if I was going to take their advice or not.

Why does this happen, and how can one politely refuse advice?