Why Do Women Have Cartoonish Faces

How can I draw something that doesn't look cartoonish?

Cartoons are created by taking real things and flattening and/or distorting them.This comes from a habit one of my mentors called drawing what you know. If most people are asked, they will tell you that eyes are almond shaped, heads are round, cups are cylinders, and cars are made up of squares and circles. Breaking out of this simplification requires what she called drawing what you see . This requires practice, and requires you ignore what you are trying to draw as a finished product and instead only drawing the lines and shadows that are actually there.A great way to practice is to get some reference photos and flip them upside down, then try to draw the upside down image. Your drawing should be upside down as well. The reason this works is because the brain can't process things that are upside down the same way. Once you're comfortable, try going back to references that are the right way up, or take a half step and finish most of your drawing upside down and finish it the right way.Another good trick to see how a drawing is going is the mirror trick. Looking at your drawing flipped in a mirror can sometimes help you key in on details that are off somehow.And of course, always keep trying!

Why do cartoon characters wear the same outfit all the time?

Every time an animated character has a costume change, a new design has to be drawn, approved, cleaned up, approved, and colored. This takes time and effort that is usually better spent on designing new characters. So unless the costume change helps the story in some way, it is not done. On some shows, there is an even better reason, you may not recognize the character if they are wearing different clothes. On South Park, for example, three of the four main characters all have the same face shape and proportions. If their costume is changed, it is very hard to tell who is who, (Stan has black hair, Kyle red, and Kenny blond) and dialogue has to be written around it, unless it is to be intentionally confusing.

Is the addition of women and wacky, cartoonish customizations to Battlefield V disrespectful to those who died in WWII? Does it make the game less fun?

It depends on the kind of game you’re looking for.If you want to play a game that’s sort of similar to the events of World War II but don’t mind historical inaccuracies, then having all kinds of extra customization and having as many female warfighters as their male counterparts shouldn’t bother you in the slightest. It’s only fair that people should be able to choose the gender of their in-game character, right?However, if you’re like me, you do care about games being historically accurate. When I heard that DICE had done all this new crazy stuff, I was disappointed. I really love the Battlefield franchise and I hope this isn’t the first of many steps towards pandering to the whining of a bunch of sissies. It’s a goddamn video game after all; what does anyone care if you can play as a man or a woman? Why not focus on making it very historically accurate in order to better represent World War II? The truth is that there weren’t craploads of women fighting on the front lines during the war. There were some, it’s true, but only in certain areas. Also, adding character cutomization is an important part to any game, but it’s also important for the developer not to take it too far. I have yet to see all the stuff you can do to your character, but if it’s too excessive and crazy then I’ll be disappointed by that as well. I think it’s cool how they’ve added new gameplay elements like more realistic physics and new building mechanics, but that’s all stuff that makes sense. Being able to play as a female soldier on the front lines in Europe with 4 colors of bright face paint and a gold-plated gun in the 1940’s doesn’t make any sense. Again, the argument could be made that it’s just a game so why care? Well, it’s simple. I think an inaccurate portrayal of World War II does injustice to the war itself, as well as everyone who fought in it and was affected by it.It’s better to make a historically accurate game instead of one that makes some crybabies happy and takes away from the history lesson that is World War II.Also, it’s hard to feel fully immersed in the World War II experience when there are so many blatantly inaccurate elements surrounding you in-game.

Why do female cartoon characters have longer eyelashes than male cartoon characters?

For the same reason that in Japanese-made cartoons about Japanese people, all the characters seem white to Americans.

As part of our culture, we're taught that in simplistic art, certain markers stand for things. You can have two faces, one with a curved upper eyelid, and one with a triangular upper eyelid, and very few Americans would hesitate to say, "that's a white guy and an asian." From people who are Asian, and not raised on American culture, you get, "What's wrong with that guys eyes?" No-details defaults to "just like me." Weird details stand for Others.

Over-pronounced eyes and eyelashes, and some kind of ornament on the head or ears, are our standard markers for females. The default impression (even among people of color raised in the US, although NOT among young children of color) is white race. Add a splash of dark color on the upper eyelid and thicker lips to the same doodle, and you have a black female.

What can I say? The way we process symbols is funny and bizarre. We ALL learn them so young and so thoroughly, most people couldn't even give you the details of how they know Squiggle-A is a female bunny and Squiggle-B is is a male cat.

Neat question.

Why are womens boobs and butt so touchable?

I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
I get sprung!

But why?

Why are "so many" white people so fake, phony, two faced and such hypocrites? It's become a perpetual issue!

well, it is very unfortunate what happened to your best friend. I think that it is fortunate that your friend did not have the same views of his parents. You sound like you were close. Please do not judge all white people by what his parents did. Not all white people are fake. Just like not all black people are fake. But the world around us shows us the differences and prejudices only and usually not the good things inside of people and of this world.

Assuming that you and your best friend were the same age since you were in school together....I think that should show you that there is a new generation that is trying to emerge from the old statistic of black vs. white. It is an old and stupid thing racism.

I used to be in the military. I associated with all kinds of people from all different backgrounds. I have meet many people. Many people are afraid to bring up sensitive subjects to people of other races because they are afraid to offend them. This does not mean they are racist, it means they are actually trying to make the world a better place and lessen racism.

It is terrible that Mike's parent were like that, but please do not judge all people by one group of people's actions. All of you were/are hurting from the loss of him. It is not a time to make decisions about life, it is a time to heal. I am truly sorry for your loss.