Why Does Every Question In The Philosophy Section Have Nothing To Do With Philosophy

Why yahoo answers philosophy section sucks now?

It isn't just the philosophy section going downhill, it's the entire YA site. Years ago there were many sincere questions that were enjoyable to answer as you knew you were helping someone. Now there are many purposely foolish questions by those with nothing better to do than try to troll for answers. YA is poorly policed by Yahoo. Problems with the site will continue for days as if no one at Yahoo knows or cares. I spend much less time on YA than before. There are still some great questions and very knowledgeable answers, but not as many as there used to be as the users have moved on to other forums or given up on YA.

Something I don't understand is why there is little philosophy in this section?

I've noticed that in this section I see many religious questions. And yet you see very few philosophy questions (and answers)... If this is indeed a philosophy section then please ask your religious questions in the Religion & Spirituality section. So I ask: is there are reason for this mockery of the section? Give your best answer please...

How do u deal with a crazy philosophy teacher that questions everything?

I got a crazy philosophy teacher who questiones everything. She asks what is time? What is the past? Does it exist? Does the future exist? I like philosophy, but this women is nuts. She said "When u look in the mirror, what do u see? The person u think u r or the person other people say u r? I told her both cuz I need the other persons to define myself and at the same time I don't follow what all the others think. How can I answer this women? Tell me something I can understand I am only 16 folks! Thanks.

Is it common to have philosophical questions in teenage?

Yes mostly it is good sometimes to be philosophical and psychological in life .As myself being a teenager I find it difficult to decide what to do as my future and that is only possible if I will start crossing my limits and explore different careers to find not a career but talent which is the only possible and easiest thing to do as a career.Being psychological and philosophical is a way to question our own limits and crossing them to find a way away from the rush and make a remarkable mark in the world for us .so I don't find any harm in being philosophical .for us I feel a good learning environment not only in school but in society as well can help us answer all our questions ourselves .Thank you

Has philosophy ever actually solved anything?

Once philosophers seem to make some progress in a subject, ie come up with a set methodology, then usually the subject is passed out of philosophy and a new discipline is created. A recent occurrence of this can be seen with psychology. Psychological questions used to be largely philosophical. Now there is a clear methodology to answer many of these questions.The philosophers job is to ask the necessary questions and formalize possible methodology to answering these questions.However, note that philosophers aren't done with the subject once it gets a methodology. Many times subjects will run into fundamental problems by following their methodology. This is what we call a paradigm shift. The current model has been over turned. It is also during this time when philosophy is needed to guide the new questions and create a new model.Note that philosophy doesn't always have to be done in the philosophy department either. Many times when scientists spend time speculating about possible theories trying to reason through for a testable hypothesis, what they are doing IS philosophy. What you learn in the philosophy department is how to best make speculations and reason properly.So yes philosophy has solved many problems by formulating methods and models for people to use in order to further study a subject.