Why Does Hard Liquor Make Me Feel Like Crap But Beer Doesn

What is the appeal of drinking straight hard liquor?

Because the really good stuff (and I'm talking single malt whiskies here, like Glenfiddich, Oban, Talisker, etc.,) has loads of different layers of flavour, all unique to the whisky, that you get from taking tiny sips and letting it cover your tongue slowly - if you swig it all you will taste is hot, burning pain. Sipping it slowly will get subtle flavours of things like toffee, orange peel, honey, heather, salt, peat, apricot....hundreds of things. You also get zero hangover because it isn't puffed up with all kinds of preservatives and crap like with blended whisky and cheap spirits. Same with decent rum, brandies...the good stuff doesn't need diluting with coke to make it taste good. :)

Why is mixing liquor and beer bad?

From a NY Times article:
THE FACTS Too much alcohol of any kind is never a good idea, but some people claim that mixing beer and liquor, particularly in that order, can also be a hazard. Some even know it by rhyme. "Beer before liquor, never been sicker," goes one old saying.

While it is not entirely clear how this claim started, experts say it may stem from the way certain alcoholic beverages are digested. Carbonated drinks like beer and sparkling wines, for example, tend to irritate the lining of the stomach, increasing the rate of alcohol absorption. Starting with beer and then adding wine or liquor may conceivably lead to intoxication more quickly.

But in reality, that has little effect, said Dr. Roshini Rajapaksa, a gastroenterologist at the New York University School of Medicine. What matters most, she said, is the amount of alcohol consumed and whether it is combined with any food, which slows absorption and minimizes sickness.

There is also another explanation for the popular "beer before liquor" claim, said Carlton K. Erickson, director of the Addiction Science Research and Education Center at the University of Texas College of Pharmacy. "Most people do not drink a lot of beer after they've had liquor," he said.

"The pattern, more often, is that people will have beer and then move on to liquor at the end of the night, and so they think it's the liquor that made them sick," he continued. "But simply mixing the two really has nothing to do with it."

THE BOTTOM LINE It is the total quantity of alcohol consumed, not combined, that influences intoxication and sickness.

Why drink cheap, crappy beer to get drunk?

hear, hear!
people are stupid, and the dumb kiddos at frat parties are, in fact, just looking to get sloshed. no respect for their tastebuds.
for some reason, it has been decided that chugging nasty beer until you're vomiting on strangers and stumbling about like a buffoon is a great way to spend a friday night.
isn't it great that this is culturally acceptable??

and, on that note, hooray for all the delicious autumnal microbrews that are in season!
i've had some darn good pumpkin ales this week.

Why do I hate beer?

All of my friends like beer and every time I take a drink I just say "How can you drink this crap?!" I mean I don't find beer remotely appealing whatsoever, it makes me gag. Why must I hate beer so? It sucks, if only I liked it...

Why do malt beers hurt my stomach?


They may call it a beer but it is not. It is a some sort of sweet & sour beverage made of water, chemicals, and added alcohol. They may call it malt beer because its alcohol is produced from fermenting sugars derieved from malted-barley. The alcohol is collected as pure ethanol add mixed with artificial flavors and water.

Just the ignorant marketing world making the rest of us ignorant.

As stated ubove your body does not like it. Perhaps you have a mild allergic reaction to the chemicals or acids in the hard lemonade drink. Stick to real beer.

How can I tolerate alcohol and why does it make me want to gag after each swig.?

When I drink alcohol, ANY alcohol, even light beer, it makes me gag, even if its the smallest swig. It's like, once the drink hits my taste buds, I get this horrible taste that gets more intense by the second until I want to gag. Then after a few seconds of taste I get an even WORSE after-taste. After one beer worth, my stomach already begins to get queezy and I want to throw up which each swig or shot I take.

[ Note to the Anti-Alcoholic Hippies ]
My friends and my brother all drink to have a good time. I have been drunk once, and it was a really fun time. My friends and I all drink responsibly and wouldn't be considered alcoholics, it's not like were addicts, it's just fun to do every couple weeks or so. So save me the "You shouldn't drink, it wastes your life away" speech please.
Those answers won't get BA.


Last week, ,me, my brother, and a couple friends were playing quarters with just regular Coors Light. It didn't take but about 20 shots of it (About a beer and a half) before I told them I had to quit drinking before I threw up. ( They ofc nagged on about me being a females bodily orifice hahaha ).

Is this just me having unlucky taste buds? Or could this be linked to a medical or bodily chemical condition? (Doesn't necessarily have to be an illness).

A lot of people tell me it can be an acquired taste, yet the more I drink, the worse it seems to get.
Is there any way this problem could go away or anything I can do about it?

Is my reaction to liquor - tingling and numbness in the mask of the face - normal?

Tingling and numbness in the mask of the face is NOT normal.
Suggestion: NEVER drink on empty stomach.
- Eat while drinking.