Why Does My Back Hurt So Bad After Swimming

Is it possible for swimming to hurt my lower back?

Easily possible. Swimming involves just about every muscle in your body. If you haven't swam in a year and then started up and pushed yourself then you could hurt your lower back. Back pain is pretty common for swimmers, though usually it's upper back and shoulders. Usually if I get lower back pain I focus on stretching and taking 3-4 days off before starting back up at a lower intensity. If you feel sore I wouldn't worry too much, but if there's any sharp pain after a week then I would get it checked out. Also be careful with your swimming form since it can be easier to hurt yourself with poor technique. Source: 14 years competitively swimming

My neck hurts after I came back from swimming.?

Its not any 'brain eating amoeba crap'. Amoebas do not eat brain, you are thinking of bacteria. And the pool probably does have lots of bacteria in it, but it probably isn't affecting you.

Water pressure sometimes can cause the muscles to later ache, and if you had a girl on your should that could be the cause.

Put hot/warm towel around your neck and then stretch it out. If it doesn't get better than see a dr.

My chest and back hurt from swimming?

You could have the flu, you might have worked out a little harder, or you might need to take a day or two off and give yourself a bit of a break. You really shouldn't be swimming hard 7 days a week over a protracted period. If the pain gets worse, go see your doc (or if it changes to a severe piercing pain.)

Why does my head hurt when i go to the bottom of a swimming pool?

You are experiencing what is known in the scuba and skin diving world as a squeeze. This could be ear squeeze or sinus squeeze. When we go to depth the weight of the water pushes on the air spaces in our bodies. These air spaces get smaller the deeper we go because air molecules are pushed closer together (compressed). Air spaces include the space behind the eardrum, stomach, intestines lungs and sinus cavities. A squeeze is when the pressure outside of an air space is greater than the pressure inside of that air space. Sinus squeeze usually occurs when congestion is present due to a cold or allergies. The pain is a sharp and is similar to a headache (pain is felt is the facial areas above, behind or below the eyes which are the areas in which our sinuses are located).
Ear Squeeze is when the water pressure starts pushing in on our ear drums. The pain is felt usually in the area of the neck behind the earlobes. Scuba divers and skin divers overcome this type of squeeze by holding their nose and gently blowing through it. This gets air to go through the eustacian tubes that lead to the area in the ear being squeezed. This is called the Valsalva maneuver. The addition of the extra air straightens the eardrum back to its proper position by making the internal air space pressure equal to the external pressure being exerted on it. The second way to equalize the pressure on the inner ear is by wiggling your jaw back and forth and swallowing. This is called the Frenzel manuever and is sort of like chewing gum in airplanes to relieve pressure on take offs and landings.
Scuba divers are taught to equalize their ears before pain in felt and have to do it every few fet they go down as the deeper they go the more water pressure is exerted.
As long as the air spaces are equalized depth is not a factor. The other parts of your body will not be "crushed" because the body is mostly made up of liquid which is not compressed.

Is swimming bad for spine?

When there are no injuries, no severe spinal deformities, or advanced degenerative processes in the spine, when the only problem causing back pain is weak muscles and prolonged and/or repeated bad posture - it is now a known fact that this is the case for 85 to 90% of back pain sufferers -, swimming regularly is an excellent choice of physical activity.Swimming strengthens the back, the entire back, and it does that symmetrically. In fact, almost every muscle in your body is working when you are swimming. Additionally, this sport constitutes an excellent cardio-vascular form of exercise while being kind to your joints.Most recommended swimming style:To help back pain, the two most recommended swimming styles are the front crawl and the backstroke. Breaststroke is not recommended as it can lead to more back pain if performed incorrectly, especially if you swim with your head constantly out of the water. This tends to put a great deal of pressure on the neck and it hollows the back.If you have doubts about performing the crawl or the backstroke correctly, take one or two lessons to perfect your style in the beginning. There is no shame in wanting to do things right. You will feel safer about returning to physical activity and this is crucial. Most back sufferers fear hurting themselves and find it difficult to believe that their back is actually an extremely strong and sturdy structure, hence their reluctance to return to sport. The proven reality shows that, in fact, quite the opposite is true: a gradual return to a physical activity which strengthens the back muscles will in many cases of non-specific back pain (caused by weak muscles and bad posture only) eradicate completely and for good the pain.Have you been suffering from back pain for years? Have you seen all the doctors and they can find nothing structurally wrong with your back? Then chances are you fall into the 85 to 90% of back pain cases which are simply caused by weak muscles and repeated bad posture. The only way to correct this is to start practicing a sport - or to do exercises - which strengthen the back muscles, all of them from top to bottom. Swimming is one of those sports.

Legs hurt alot after swimming?

If you are taking things like creatine - stop.
I am not saying there is no value to creatine, because there definitely is. If you are taking it though, you are taking too much. That is what is making you cramp up.

If you are not taking creatine, there are a few things that you can do:
1. Stretch. A LOT - I stretch a couple of times a day. Every time I work out. period.
2. Do flutterkicks. They simulate swimming, but without the resistance.
3. Your kick could have bad form. When you are swimming, try not to bend your knees. If it is like you are running, your legs are bending too much and you need to straighten them out. Smaller is better.

Why does my back and my right eye hurt when I get a brain-freeze?

Interestingly, the phenomenon of brain freeze is most likely due to a stimulation of the pterygopalatine ganglion that is located in the back of the mouth (oral cavity). The low temperature of a frozen drink or food can cause a wave of activity in this cluster of nerves (ganglion) in the back of the throat that is then communicated to the spinal cord, causing a reflexive pain stimulus that can travel anywhere in the local region of the spinal cord.The back pain you may be experiencing could be “referred pain” which is the illusionary sensation of pain in a region of the body not associated with a true injury. The spinal cord happens to have areas of convergence and overlap with crosstalk, allowing signals from one area to amplify another. So, my guess is that your spinal cord is overreacting to the pain stimulus from your oral cavity and causing pain signals in areas close by in your spinal cord and causing the illusion that your eye or back is injured.

Is a swimming breast stroke good or bad for people with lower back pain?

I'd say it was good. Your back pain is not caused by swimming, it's caused by tight muscles attached to your pelvis that have taken yourt pelvis and the bones above it out of alignment.You can fix the problem yourself with a set of flexibility exercises designed to get your pelvis and the bones above it back into better alignment.For the long story: - if you fill in the contact form at the bottom of Global Back Care website - - and ask for a complimentary copy of the Back Pain Relief ebook, I'll send it to you. (This offer is open to anyone else reading this post.)Included in the book is a more detailed explanation of what I've just outlined and the exercises designed to both analyze the cause of the problem and fix the problem. If you find that the information is useless, press the delete button.The rule of thumb is that for 80% of people there's an 80% chance they can get themselves back to 80% of good musculo-skeletal condition in around 80 days - if they're diligent. Them's not bad odds.Good luck. If you spend a couple of hours every night doing the exercises - three of which are really relaxation postures - you should soon be on the way to recovery. If you were to take a week off work and ran through the 2-hour routine four times a day, then I'd say your recovery could be even shorter.In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, I can give you the exercises but I can't do them for you.Regards and best wishesJohn MillerPS: if you want to read more about this and similar joint and muscle pain questions I've answered over the past year or so, click on this link:John Miller

My lower back hurts after diving?

So this morning in swim class (around 8:15 am) i dived off a diving board but when i hit the water my back arched a really weird way and it hurt. After I got out and through out school it felt sore. it feels more sore now (9:00 pm) I tried putting sore sports cream on it but it didnt help. Do you think its more serious?