Why Does My Bunny Nudge Me Even After I Move Out Of His Way

Why does my rabbit nudge then bite me?

This could go either way. When my rabbit nudged me it was because I had stopped petting or brushing him and he was annoyed. The biting is what I'm not sure about. Does it draw blood? If it's a bad bite then he's probably angry but if it's just a nip then he could be trying to groom you. Either, way, the biting needs to stop. When I first got my rabbit he bit a little so I would make a soft high-pitched squeal whenever he bit me and he soon stopped. This is because rabbits squeal when they are afraid or hurt. But it sounds like your rabbit is just trying to be friendly.

Why does my rabbit nudge me?

It depends on the context. They will nudge to get your attention for affection or treats. Rabbits will also nudge as an acknowledgment. Kind of like waving to your neighbor 'hi how are you'? it is considered to be very bad bunny manners to hop by and not acknowledge somebun.

Why does my rabbit nudge my hand?

Rabbits do not have vocal chords, so they use their body to communicate variety of the time. If you sit down and watch your bunny, you'll notice they communicate in a variety of ways. This makes up for the fact they cannot vocalize.

Nudging can mean one of two things; either "Move" or "Pet me!". If your bunny nudges you and turns or pulls his/her head away, it could be an indication that you are in the way. Failure to move may cause your bunny to begin nibbling or scratching your clothes.If you bunny nudges your hand and either tucks it under your palm or rests it on your hand, it means he/she wants to be petted and cuddled. It can also be an indication that your bunny wants attention. Even so, it's nothing to be worried about. :3

What does it mean when my rabbit nudges me and bites me softly?

Nipping: feels like a little pinch and can mean several things. It is not the rabbit's intention to bite. Translation: "I want your attention now. I like you petting me so I will groom you. Move out of the way now. This is a warning."

Nose-nudge: rabbit bonks you with his/her nose. Translation: "Pay attention to me. Pet me. Get out of my way."

Does my bunny know that i am sick?

Hi cookie

Yes, your bunny definitely knows you are ill. He cannot catch your cold so go ahead and love on him. If it is the flu or something else you may want to wait until you are better just to be safe. Wash your hands before handling your little guy and make sure he doesn't munch on some soiled kleenix.

I have to tell you about our late bunny Lady. When one of us was ill she would park herself in the doorway of that person's room and would lunge and nip at anyone that tried to enter. She was so vigilant that we had to toss the medicine or kleenix over her to get it to the person unless we wanted a chunk taken out of us or our clothes. She was normally the most meek and gentle little soul until one of us was sick, then watch out!

It was cute really here this little tiny 5 lb Holland mini lop was defending my doorway against my husband and my 6+ foot son. This was one of the occasions that if someone did make it past her that person had better remember to put their shoes up where she couldn't get to them! She would pee and poop in their shoes to show her disapproval of their actions!

Our youngest son went through a period after we moved where he was 'sick' all the time and wouldn't go to school. We could tell when it was a real illness by how Lady was acting. So we know that she KNEW.

I imagine your little guy wants to be protective of you as well!
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(=' x')
(,('')('') Don't worry mommy! I'll take care of you until you are better!

Why does my bunny squeak? Am i doing something wrong?

Ok so my 3 month old bunny just made a very soft squeak,but even though it was soft and quiet i got a little worried.I was picking her up to take her out of the cage because i had to clean her cage and i gave it to my mom who was sitting on the couch reading.I placed my bunny on my moms stomach and my mom just petted her nothing else.It was just for a minute,she seemed very happy and not scared at all.I picked her up of course the right way n i hugged her,while i was putting her down,she was close to my chest and i heard a little squeak.I got nervous but i let her down very slowly.After that nothing happened,she was just running around,like nothing just happened.She is now fine,eating,drinking and playing.But im still alittle worried.Did i scare her?Am i doing something wrong?Why did she squeak?Thank you very much for the help!I love her, and i dont want her to feel bad or scared, i want her to feel like part of my family,because shes my baby..Thanks

My rabbit nudges me with its nose. What does this mean?

He/she is trying to say that they love you and like it when you pay attention to them.

My bunny sleeps with me?

So the first night i got my bunny (1 week ago) i let him sleep with me so he wouldnt feel lonely.

Now he wont sleep unless he is in bed with me. he nudges blankets right up next to me and plops himself on my face.

Iv tried to put him in his kennel put he is restless. it seems like he is only comfortable with me. is this a bad habit for him? i don't squish him in my sleep. haha. he moves if i start to switch positions.