Why Does My Foot Swell Up And Hurt After I Eat Crab

Why does my vagina smell?

Vaginal odor is a common scenario amongst women of all ages and it can be caused by a number of reasons.In most cases .vaginal odor varies in relation to your menstrual cycle but it also happens due to unprotected sex.One thing you should remember is the vagina has its own natural smell that shouldn't be altered with because you might get infections if you try to tamper with it.Common causes of abnormal vaginal odor include:1.HygieneThe way you take care of your vagina matters, if you do not shower well or clean well your vagina,If you do not shower after exercises, you are on a high chance of getting the infection or having a smelling vagina.2.ClothingThe type of clothing we put on contributes to how our vagina can smell, the more you put on tight clothes, your vagina is more likely to smell since it won't be receiving enough moisture.It's always best you dress up something that won't make your vagina smell.3.Menstrual productsA number of women tend to use a number of menstrual products that are even dangerous to your own vagina Its best to use products with no chemicals or perfumes.4.DietSugary foods trigger the growth of yeast infections since they provide a convenient environment for the growth of yeast that causes your vagina to sting and smell bad.There is also some evidence that foods like onions, coffee etc contribute to the altering the smell of your vagina by changing the smell of the body sweat and fluids.Read about the best foods that will make your vagina happy here5. You had unprotected sex.This is the major cause of vaginal odor among women When you have unprotected sex, you have a high chance of getting BV and many other infections hence causing the abad vaginal smell.You will notice that your vagina smells a little different after you have had live sex and this is due to the mixture of fluids for another person and this smell clears up into 2–5days.READ more detailed information about vaginal odor here.

Why does my foot stay swollen when the gout symptoms are gone?

i have gout and just had a bad atttack cause i started allopurinol during the attaack and now know not too do i started taking some baking soda and the pain went away within a day or two but now it is sore around the area and i still cant walk ccause my ankle hurts real bad if i put weight on it and its range of movement is limited...also i still have the big knot on my toe and my ankle and my foot is still swollen but with no weight i can move them freely..also the attack lasted about 4 weeks this time and its been about five weeks total

What type of food should I eat when I have a toothache?

There are a number of possible causes of a "toothache."  Perhaps the most common of these are:Bacterial penetration of the enamel or other damage to the tooth.Bacterial infection of the gum around or under the root of the tooth.Pressure against the nerve from sinus inflammation.As Lawrence Lane wrote, none of these can be cured by eating or avoiding any particular kind of food.  It MAY be possible to reduce the discomfort temporarily, but nothing in your diet can prevent permanent damage or loss of the tooth, or even life-threatening infection in the case of gum infection.  You probably are instinctively trying not to bite or chew with the sensitive tooth.  This interferes with normal breakdown of your food, and can lead to digestive upset or nutritional problems.  For the near term, you may wish to avoid hot or cold foods and foods that are hard or sticky.  Sugary or starchy foods feed the bacteria, and will be unhelpful.  Of the folk remedies that I have heard, the only one that I find at all logical is an acidic juice or vinegar rinse that is unfavorable to bacterial growth, but this will not repair the damage.For damaged enamel or a gum infection, there is no substitute for prompt, proper dental treatment. A sinus inflammation may require treatment if the body's defenses do not clear up the possible infection.

What does it feel like if you eat something that you're allergic to?

Well, when I eat something I'm allergic to I get hives all over my body, but some people actually have their throats close up. I guess it depends on how allergic you are to something.

To find out what you're allergic to you can go to your doctor for allergy testing. I had the skin test done when I was about 9. Once you figure out what your allergic to, your doctor can start giving you allergy shots to help reduce your sensitivity to whatever your allergic to.

Stepped on something. Foot hurts majorly bad. Whats wrong?

Okay, SO yesterday I was walking around outside barefoot in the grass (Yes, I know I shouldn't have done that) when all a sudden I stepped on something and it brought incredible pain in my toe. (my middle toe)
IT HURT like heck! I could barely walk on it with out feeling a sting! So I found my dad and he saw two red spots on my toe, They looked like just splinter spots. We tryed to see and remove whatever was in there if there was anything at all in there. We couldn't find anything.
So l8r on in the day I started to feel better. But with a small sting in my toe still. I woke up this morning and my toe was itching like CRAZY! I got up out of bed to realize it was slightly swollen and I couldn't stand on it because of the pain from it! Its slightly red at the top and looking paler at the bottom. I cant bend it and it feel numb and stiff. Hurt like heck still! Also the skin near the bottom of the tow is becoming like blister texture.
I have no idea if that has anything to do with it.
I just REALLY need some help.
I have no idea if a splinter can cause this much pain! It felt better when I broke my foot!

Please help! Thanks :)

What are you allergic to? How does it feel?

Wow, what am I not allergic to?? The last time I did a scratch test to measure my allergies I was allergic to 48 out of the 60-something allergens tested for. I'm allergic to animal dander (dogs, cats, horses, rodents, etc), grasses, tree and flower pollens, dust mites, moulds, cockroaches (yuck), and I can't even remember what else.What does it feel like? When I am suffering from allergies, my skin sort of burns/itches (especially my eyelids). I sometimes break out in hives/welts (especially after animal or pollen contact). I suffer from chronic post nasal drip and inflammation in my sinuses. Sneezing, runny nose, the roof of my mouth and back of my throat are itchy. I wake up many mornings with swollen eyes since histamine levels naturally rise in our sleep. Allergy meds help for a bit. My go-to is Aerius, which I find works best to control the severity of my reaction. I take it daily during pollen season, and then as-needed the rest of the year.Staying away from high-histamine foods also helps to keep the histamine levels in the body as low as possible.

What can I eat after a root canal?

· Eat on the opposite side of the treatment, that is, the side that is not numb. This is to prevent a bite or burn to yourself.· Eat only soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing.· Eat slowly.· Avoid very hot food and drinks, such as hot soup, or hot tea or coffee.What to eat and drink after your root canal surgeryFruits, including bananas, mangos, pears, peaches, applesauce, and fruit smoothies· Soft cereals· Yogurt, milkshakes, and ice cream, free from chunks and nuts· Pudding· Eggs· Tofu· Soup· Tuna salad· Humus· Mashed vegetables, like potatoes and cauliflower· Pancakes· Sushi· Oatmeal and cream of wheat· Pasta and noodlesSome of these foods, such as fruit smoothies, yogurt and soft cereal you can eat immediately after your surgery, while there is still a swelling. They will not only satisfy your hunger but will also soothe the area of your mouth where the root canal has been done.What NOT to eat and drink after your root canal surgery The following are some foods that you should not eat after your root canal surgery.· Crunchy foods such as carrots, corn on the cob or apples, as they could damage the tooth or cause undue pain. · Chewy foods such as gum, most breads or candy, like taffy, as it could pull out the temporary filling. · Hard foods such as ice or nuts as they could damage the tooth or cause unnecessary pain and potentially damage the surgical site. · Avoid alcohol as it could increase bleeding. · Avoid food that is excessively hot as it could increase sensitivity. · Also avoid spicy food could cause unnecessary discomfort or sensitivity.

Can apple cider vinegar cause an increase in swelling?

I've been taking acv because of its supposed health benefits and for pain in my lower back (supposed to help with arthritis or something). I've also been taking it for this "swelling" sensation I get in my head, around the frontal lobes, it doesn't hurt, but I feel it and I can see that my eyes even look tired and red because of it. Can apple cider vinegar cause an increase in this "swelling" sensation, it seems like it has gotten worse since I have been taking the acv.

I just ate some pecans and now I'm itching and swelling rapidly, what could be wrong?

sounds like you have developed an allergy to medical attention can stop breathing because the inside of you body swells just like the outside.