Why Does Npr Make Me Fall Asleep

Does NPR irritate or enlighten you?

I'm a Democrat, and I hate National Public Radio. It is mostly knee-jerk liberalism of the tired, old variety. It is far more intelligent than Limbaugh & company, but it bugs me that so many self-described liberals listen faithfully to NPR like it's gospel. And I can't stand that one guy- whatever his name is- who sounds like he is sucking on his saliva whenever he speaks. Swallow, dude, swallow!

Do you feel nervous when you see expressionless Muslims on your plane flight?

Juan Williams was FIRED by FOX Wednesday for his comments to Bill O'Reilly.

O'Reilly asked Williams if there is a "Muslim dilemma" in the United States. The NPR analyst and longtime Fox News contributor agreed with O'Reilly that such a thing exists, and added that "political correctness can lead to some kind of paralysis where you don't address reality. "I'm not a bigot," Williams continued. "You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."

It is a known fact that opinions are rampant on news stations also that many times networks mandate liberal as well as conservative views stated and are even scripted. This includes Msnbc, CBS, NBC as well as FOX, etc. Viacom and other heavy hitters have political why can't Juan Williams be frank and state what many of us also think?

Dof you think this is going too far with the Liberal religious affiliation card or not far enough? What's your opinion?

How much sleep should I have to get rid of the bags underneath my eyes?

1. of them now if I controlled my sleep and got into a routine?
Unless theyre inherited (check out your parents and see if they have them as well) it is possible to get rid of bags under your eyes.
2. If so how many hours sleep should i get each night.
It is recommended that you get 8 hours of sleep a night but going to sleep at 1 am and getting up at 9am one night and then 11pm and waking up at 7am isnt going to benefit you. You must be consistent.
3. When should I get up when should I go to sleep?
The hours before 12am are more beneficial to you than afterwards and will recharge your body more extensively. I would say try to be in bed by 10:30-11:00 at least on the week days.
4. How long would it take for my bags to go?
I'm not completely sure about this but most likely not too long after getting into a schedule.
5. will they ever fully go?
again, i cant be sure.
6. Also is there any other way to get rid of my bags underneath my eyes? Im a guy so please don't say make up lol
haha cold compresses should help to constrict the blood vessels underneath your eyes which cause black circles- a cold can of soda, cucumber slice or cold cream that has been in the refrigerator could help, but be very careful and gentle as the skin underneath your eye is thin and easily damaged. Visine may also help as it is not a medical eye drop but a cosmetic one- it restricts blood vessels to get rid of redness in the eyes, so putting a drop or two under your eyes may show results. Also HYDRATE!!! The bags could simply be water retention from eating too much salty foods and not drinking enough water.

If the bags dont go away you could simply have thin under eye skin or your brow bone may be casting a shadow. You could also have an iron deficiency so just to be sure you may want to get blood work done.

hope this helped =]