Why Does The World Like Meat

Why do Koreans and Chinese eat dog meat?

I can imagine in a parallel universe where Chinese culture first conquers the world, children will ask their parents: “Why do Europeans eat cattle meat? Cattle are family!”Different cultures have different traditions, that’s all.Many Chinese people in Qing Dynasty were shocked when they learned about Westerners eating half-raw beef. It was one of the reasons that Europeans were demonized in the time. After all, cattle were like family even father and brother to Chinese peasants after “co-evolving” thousands of years with them, and slaughtering and eating cattle without government permission was a crime in the Qing laws.However, the Chinese were defeated and slayed and humiliated by Western conquerors. Their descendants were forced to accept that Western values are the good values and their own values are to be abandoned, including regarding cattle as family and eating dogs.

Donkey meat, how does it taste like and where in the world they eat it?

!!! Let me know, so I don't want to go there and in the event I visit that country, I would order only vegetables.

What would the world be like if no human ever ate meat again?

It would be good.Since people wouldn’t eat meat, we would see a decrease of the numbers of obese and overweight people, so less critical health issues such as heart disease and cancer, meaning less ressources spent in healthcare.In the US, 80% of the total antibiotics output is spent on livestock, making the apparition of antibiotics resistant bacteria a big problem currently. It will ease the scientists work in finding efficient cures for bacteria diseases.The government would have more money, as there is less need to subsidize healthcare and none to subsidize livestock industry. They would be able to cope with the current souvereign debt crisis, and spend more on education.The planet will be better off too. Livestock represent 15.5% of total greenhouses gas emissions, as much as the entire transport sector. It would give us time to cope with the rise of ocean level.It is highly inefficient to eat meat, as 33% of total grain production is dedicated to livestock feed. If all decided to stop eating meat, we would have more food and water available to sustain a larger population.We would have more stable societies, for intelligence and fitness are positively correlated with vegetarianism. Lower crime rate too: children will be told that it is not good to harm a living being, in a society where killing living beings is the norm no more.There would be some issues though.B12 is a vital vitamin that humans before got drinking water from the well or from the rivers. If all humans went vegan, they’d have to get in forms of pills.Protein in plant does not contain the 8 amino acids in equal proportions. Athletes and bodybuilders would have to eat plant of several sources… However it is unlikely that vegans get their proteins from only one source anyway.The animals supposed to be slaughtered will have to spend their lives in animal santuaries. We’ll have to build more I guess.OR we could keep the world as it is, because as some said, “BACON THOUGH”.I’ve seen the other answers, which are basically jokes about veganism. But these arguments are real ! Do you really think you can react with sarcasm ?

Why does the USA not have lamb mean readily available in the stores like they do elsewhere in world?

It's just something they haven't really got into. Less demand = stores won't stock it so much. There could be all kinds of reasons for this - just for one, the Pilgrim Fathers only brought the idea of mutton with them, and that gets tough.

Another thought is that lamb is seasonal. If you're going to have nice young lamb (and I DO love it!), you need to slaughter the lambs at a few months old, and sheep are seasonal breeders. I'm British and I know how this goes - they get jiggy when the days get shorter around September, and all the lambs are born in January-March. Give them a few months to grow and when you can get lovely tasty British lamb is in autumn/winter. We can get it all year round because when you can't get British lamb, we import it from New Zealand. Their seasons are exactly opposite so when our lamb is turning into hogget or mutton, we get it from the Kiwis! They have more sheep than people as it's such a good country for sheep farming.

So there's a thing - when we didn't have our Commonwealth cousins "down under" to supply lamb in spring and summer, mutton was the thing, and that really needs to be stewed to make it nice.

Price is another thing. It tends not to be cheap. Maybe because lambs are smaller and seasonal so farmers need to charge more to make a profit.

Yes, lambs are not as big, so a whole leg makes a good family roast. But preparing it is exactly the same as with cattle, there's all the same body parts, so butchering a lamb into pieces isn't much quicker than with a cow, but you need more of the animal to make one dinner. You need two lamb chops from around the ribs to make a decent dinner, so for a group of people you might make rack of lamb or a crown roast - that's a whole half a ribcage! I can imagine you get more "economies of scale" with beef just because the animal is bigger.

But it IS tasty. The Queen often serves Welsh lamb at state banquets because it shows off British produce, and possibly more importantly to her, no religions object to it so she only needs to provide an alternative for vegetarians. Her Majesty doesn't like fancy food so what a visiting president, king or queen and all the other guests are likely to get is a roast lamb dinner. And that fits in with modern cheffy cooking too - something simple but cooked well is what people really like.

Is it legal (anywhere in the world) to eat kangaroo meat?

It's available all over, including United States. I don't think it's available in California because you can't even buy goods made from kangaroo leather there. Also, it is not farm-raised. It is entirely a hunt-the-roo-in-the-wild production, with limits on how many can be hunted.

Why do men like meat so much?

Well, I'm a lady and I love meat too. My favorite food in the world is raw beef. But men, in general, may be conditioned by society to like meat more than women because eating meat is manly. Also, women are more sensitive to feelings of "heaviness" in the stomach after they eat meats, so they may be more inclined to eating veggies because it makes them feel lighter(I'm not talking about weight, just the feeling of lightness in the digestive tract). Men seem to be able to eat all kinds of junk and not care how heavy it makes them feel. Also, I think some women think meat is gross, and are also worried about getting fat, whereas men don't seem to really care.

Lol, I know what you mean though. My boyfriend is so funny, he loves me to cook him pork chops, burgers,sausages, steaks...He is in heaven when I cook this sort of stuff,he tells me what a good woman I am to him,lol! Then the farting ensues...

Why do guys always treat me like a piece of meat?

I'm sorry that you have had so many bad experiences with guys. It seems to me that you need to surround yourself with better people. Not every guy acts like a complete tool. Are these high school guys? Do you tend to meet guys at parties or clubs, etc. Choose better places to meet people. Maybe get involved in some volunteer work, or take up a team sport, or classes, etc. You may not be open to this suggestion, but have you ever thought of online dating? I would avoid free sites if I were you, but sites like eHarmony tend to attract people who are a little more sincere about finding a real relationship and have things in common with you.

Also, don't be so quick to write off guys who you think are beneath you or not good enough for you. If you tend to go for the slick, bad boy type all the time, you get everything that goes along with a bad boy too. Sometimes the nice guys who maybe aren't the most popular or cool make the best boyfriends, but they always get overlooked by the pretty girls like you who continually get mis-treated by the "cool" jerks.

It's all about who you surround yourself with. If you hang around a bunch of fools who are going nowhere with their lives, you can't expect anything better than what you've found already. You sound like a decent girl, and you deserve a decent guy who loves you for who you are.