Why Everyone Prefers American Women So Much

Why does everyone hate America ?? and Americans so much ??

They don't hate us because they are jealous.
They don't hate us because we are free.
They don't hate us because we are strong.
They hate us because we are hypocrites.
We are supposed to be a Democracy, yet we sometimes act worse then a third rate dictatorship.
We supposedly fight for freedom and the little guy, but we really fight for economic control of other countries natural resources.
Our politicians say one thing and do the opposite.
This is also why Liberals "hate" America.
Liberals know what America is supposed to stand for and what good America is capable of doing, and when America does the wrong thing Liberals get angry and complain.
This 4th of July every American should read and re-read their Constitution and Bill of Rights then vow to carry out that promise that was made 231 years ago.

Why does everyone hate American?

I have also wondered about it. I live in Hungary and people don't like Americans here (nor in other parts of Central/Eastern Europe by the way), they prefer the British but I don't know why. Otherwise most Central European countries (esp. Hungary and Poland) are 'Britmaniac' and 'America-phobiac at the same time! It is so strange because I have no problem with Americans, American flicks, etc. still everybody around me despises American 'culture' (some don't even consider it to be a culture at all!). I am so sorry about that because Americans are way more opened and nicer than the British and they respect our culture more than the English and I have a completely different point of view regarding Americans because I have lots of penpals from the US. This is my general impression, though there are exceptions of course.
On the other hand, American foreign policy also influences a great deal the way people here look at Americans. Most Europeans are opposed to the war in Iraq and they think that every American is as dull and arrogant as George Bush, so they create a stereotype. They think they are pushy, fat and that they can't even show Hungary on the map.

Why do American women wear so much makeup?

Because of the Media and Advertising. We are bombarded with a lot of those we can't even distinguish what we need and what we want anymore. I'm not opposed to the idea of wearing makeup but a lot of women go overboard with it.

Why does everyone hate america so much?

For me, it's the self-important attitude and overblown national pride that Americans convey. It really is true that Americans are louder, on average, than people with other backgrounds. I've done a lot of traveling in Europe and you can usually spot the Americans right away. I've also encountered many Americans who are shocked when people can't speak English to them. It's not a universal language, you know. I work in a café in Quebec and actually had one American customer tell me it was illegal for me to not accept his money -- what country did he think he was in??

I think a lot of it may have to do with the size of the United States. It's fairly easy to grow up there and only be exposed to American history, American points of view, and American culture. I don't hate Americans - the ones I know are great people. But I do "strongly dislike" what their culture and power has done to the rest of the world. And let's be honest, some Americans really are just plain ignorant. But buying into the stereotype that all Americans are ignorant is just as ignorant...

Access to images of beautiful people have only become widely disseminated since the late 20th to present day. From an evolutionary standpoint… in the past, people would only grow up in their neighborhood and choose from a relatively small number of women… so in their community of 5o to 5,000 people they might well be considered beautiful even though they might not meet present day standards of beauty. This period of our history went on for millennia compared to the era of mass media which is only several decades long. In other words, the era during which we have crowd sourced a more universal objective standard of beauty is only in its infancy while evolution to adapt to this new standard takes centuries.I think because of this, people now have been driven to have unrealistic expectations of what type of person they should date, so I think many people end up without a mate because of the disconnect between what the media tells them is a normal standard of beauty versus what is actually available to them in the real world. Obviously in poorer areas where people don’t obsess over first world problems, birth rates continue as they always have… in wealthier areas the birth rate is flat or even declining.If you look at old portraits of women who were described as beautiful during their era… you would find many to be plain by today’s standards. During an era where simply having clear skin and straight white teeth was exceptional… beauty would have to be at lower standard than the present day where we have access to dermatologists, orthodontists, and plastic surgeons. So while beauty has evolved and improved, it simply hasn’t adjusted at the same speed as our abilities to identify it.

One of my colleague is married to an American. They have been married for last 25 years. They have two kids , a boy 20 years old and a girl 14years old.One day i was talking to him about the cultural difference and how did he actually fall for my colleague. He said following things~When i met her first, i like her accent, that sing song voice.It was really difficult to get a date with her. I mean we went out a lot but dating was a big no no word in the beginning.When i showed my interest in having a relationship, she made it clear that she would be available for only a long term relationship, the result of which should be a marriage.When i introduced her to my parents, she adopted them as her own. At present my old parent mom n dad, talk to her on daily basis and me once in a month.She is amazingly close to my parents and take care of them as her own. None of my uncle or aunt has such luck.5. She is so spiritual. First i thought she was naively religious, later i understood her kindness.6. Family on her side is so large. First cousin, second cousin. Almost a thousand people came to our marriage in Lucknow. She knew almost everyone. Everyone was nice to me.7. The first 3–4 years were difficult for us. But she was so dedicated to our relationship that we eventually worked out everything.I don't know about Americans but know one who is totally in love with his wife of Indian origin.

Why does everyone hate black women?

Wow, bad attitudes? Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, 96% of the girls on Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant (notice how most of those girls are white on that show?), need I say more? You know, race has nothing to do with how someone acts or how beautiful they are. I am part black. I have full lips that don't drag anywhere. As a matter of fact, I naturally have the lips many white women pay for. Our hair? Don't white women pay for our volume? Our hips, lips, noses, hair, breasts, skin (tanning), etc. Now you tell me, who is insecure here? I am Mexican, Black, Native American, and Creole. I am intelligent enough to go off and create a career for myself along with my beautiful ethnic sisters and while we do so, you can keep making racist questions hating on the internet.

There are many black women (I know personally) who would not go near a white man. Same too of Asian women. A lot of non-white women are not interested in white men, and the ones that are also like non-white men as well. So if you are a white guy that thinks non-white women will love you because you are white, sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s 2016 dude. Get over yourself.But having said that I do believe if you are comparing white men with other races of men then I do think they have the broadest range of women to choose from. Meaning it’s far easier for a white man to date out and have consistent success than it is for non-white man to date out and have consistent success.The parents of non-white women generally find it at minimum acceptable for their daughters to bring a white guy home. If it were a black guy, doubters and haters of all kinds would make their opinions known IMMEDIATELY before they even met the guy.I have rarely if ever have witnessed a woman of another race threatened to be cut off entirely just for being with a white guy.White men will have positive stereotypes associated with them, making it easier to "cross over" and their positive stereotypes makes it such that most white women prefer them along side the shaming that comes with white women wanting to date outside their race.The same thing occurs when white men apply for jobs, housing in certain neighbourhoods, loans etc. I think favouritism is pretty consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.I’m particularly reminded of the film The Last King of Scotland for instance, wherein James McAvoy's character (the 'good guy' of course) engages in a very explicit sexual encounter with the wife of the Ugandan dictator, played by a stunning Kerry Washington.Monster's Ball is another good example. A scruffy Billy Bob can have hot, no-holds barred steamy sex scene with Halle Berry.The very same scene with the races reversed, outside of downright pornography, would simply be unheard of. It would be the equivalent of Lil Wayne or Rick Ross getting it on with Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox on screen.Happen. Not. Gonna.But pairing a white woman up with even someone as dashing as Will Smith or Denzel is somehow "problematic.