Why Hermes Is A Good/bad God

Why were these these symbols important to Hermes?

The association of the Rooster with Hermes may stem from Hermes' role as the Herald of the Olympians. Much as the rooster crows before dawn or with the dawn, Hermes announced the arrival of the Olympians,

The tortoise was associated with Hermes because the god used the shell of a tortoise to make the first lyre, a kind of ancient harp.

Why is Kratos killing good guys in God Of War?

He is killing them because Zeus kills Kratos then he comes back to life and stops Zeus from killing him then Zeus runs and asks his brothers Hermes,Hercules,and many more to help him kill Kratos so Kratos had to kill all of his brothers in order to get to Zeus.

Why hermes is a good/bad god?

im doing a speech thing in Myth class, i dont really know what to right about because he dident really talk about him. what are the good things about him and the bad things about him

Was Hermes the Greek god respected by mortals?

Yes, he was a god so that gave him respect already. But he was the god of messangers and travelers, so people on long trips or traveling asked him to protect them. And he was the one who took their souls to the underworld to be judged and sent to one of the three afterlives, so that also helped.

Hope I answered your question!

Loki VS Hermes: who is the better trickster god?

Nearly every mythology has a trickster deity. Loki is perhaps more evil than the rest, but basically, they all enjoy causing mischief.

Out of Hermes and Loki, who is the better trickster? I'd say Loki, because I AM Loki. I beat everyone, all the time.

Are nymphs bad or good, I can't tell?

Personifications of the more pleasant aspects of nature, nymphs were a kind of middle being between gods and men, communicating with both, loved and respected by both.
They were gifted with the power to make themselves visible or invisible at will, they could perform many feats normally only possible to the gods, and they were always young, beautiful and happy, carefree and loving, and other good things. When they were entrusted with the care of a thing or person, as in the case of Ida and Althaea, who were charged with looking after the infant Zeus, they took this responsibility very seriously, also showing the practical, able side of female nature.

There were many different classes of nymphs -- different ones for rivers, mountains, trees, and so on -- but they were universally female and beautiful. They lived, like the gods, on ambrosia, but seldom visited Olympus, preferring instead to remain in their secluded grottoes and forests, mountains and rivers, trees and lakes, etc. They accompanied many of the gods when the deities walked the Earth, in particular Apollo, Hermes, Artemis and Dionysos, but they were always hostile to the wanton Satyrs.

The twelve main classes of nymphs were:
Dryads or Hamadryads (nymphs of woods and trees)
Oreads (nymphs of mountains)
Limoniads (nymphs of meadows and flowers)
Napaeae or Auloniads (nymphs of mountain vales)
Okeanids(nymphs of fountains and streams)
Nereides (nymphs of the sea)
Naiads (nymphs of the liquid element)
Potamids (nymphs of rivers)
Limnads (nymphs of lakes,marshes and swamps---these were the only evil nymphs)
Pleiads (seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione)
Atlantids (daughters of Atlas)
Hyads (daughters of Atlas and Aethra).

Duality in the nature of Hermes? Apollo?

I know that Apollo is the god of prophecy, yet he falls right into the prophecy told by the Oracle of Delphi. I think an example of this is his son driving his chariot and got stroke down in the end by Zeus.

Well, for Hermes, he's the god of medicine, which is a good thing because that heals people. However, he's also the god of thieves, which is a BAD thing since that's taking someone's belongings.