Why Is My 8 Month Old Puppy Still Peeing In His Crate

8-month Old Puppy Pees In Crate?

I adopted this Sharpei/shepherd mix from the shelter 2 months ago. She has learned to go outside, however she still pees in her crate if I leave her there for more than 4 hours. (A trainer told me dogs are supp to be able to hold it "a month an hour - 8 months - 8 hrs) . And, she started to take longer to go outside all of a sudden. What should I do? :)

How do I stop my 9 month old puppy from peeing in her cage?

I have an 9 month old boxer puppy that will not stop peeing in her cage. I have taken her out all hours of the night, I had picked up her food/water around 6:00 pm or 7:00 pm (est) and she still pees in her cage. I had put a sheet in her cage with my sent on it and that didn't work. So I tried putting a radio on for her and it didn't work. I am getting tried of having to bath her every day. Please someone help me on this

How do I house train a 9 month old puppy?

Up to 25 percent of dogs relinquished to animal shelters by their owners end up there due to housebreaking problems. The same statistic applies to dogs seen by veterinarians — 25 percent of behavior-related visits to vets concern toileting.Guide: Dog Training 101: How to Completely Train Your Dog – Millie Hensworth – MediumI think one of the main reasons attempts to potty train fail is because pet owners tend to look at their dogs as four-legged humans, and if a human in your household were to use the floor instead of a bathroom to relieve himself, it would be quite upsetting.Your pup has done something natural for her by relieving herself when the urge struck. You have reacted in a way that’s natural for you, which is to be offended that a furry family member has just made a stinky mess on your carpet, tile or hardwood floor.I was driving to work about six months ago and thought I saw a fox off to the side of the road in a ditch. I pulled over to take a closer look and realized the fox was actually a small, fuzzy dog that was up in years she looked to be about 10. I spent the next half hour trying to catch her because she was one very frightened pup.When I got her to Natural Pet, my animal clinic, we checked her over thoroughly. The poor girl was a mess. She had mange. She had bad hips, bad eyesight, and her nails were grown into the pads of her little feet. It was obvious she’d been homeless for quite some time.Instilling good potty habits from the start in a puppy is much easier than re-training an adult dog. But if your furry friend is older, do not despair.Never leave your un-housebroken dog unattended. Not even for a minute. If you aren’t actively engaged with your dog, having her in the same room doesn’t count.Some dog parents believe crates are a bad thing. Not true! The fact is a crate is actually a very natural, normal habitat for a dog, as long as your pup doesn’t associate it with punishment.Dogs are den dwellers by nature. Under normal circumstances, they enjoy and will seek out small, safe, warm “bedrooms” in which to rest. If you provide your pup with his own little den (crate) and there’s nothing forceful or punishing about his association with it, he’ll make it his own.I’ll discuss more about crate training in part 2 of this series next week.If you’re dead set against crate-training your un-housebroken dog, then your only other option is to tether your pup to you so that no matter where you go, she’s right there with you.

5 month old puppy still peeing in house, even after he was just let out! Why and how can i fix it?

Males will mark their territory, especially if they are not neutered. The first thing you need to do is have him fixed. Thoroughly clean and deodorize the areas where he has been going. You need to use an enzyme remover/neutralizer. Then be consistent on your training techniques - NEVER hitting him or rubbing his nose in his mess. Positive reinforcement will get better and faster results. Keep him on a feeding schedule.

I don't know what size your puppy is, but small dogs tend to take longer to housebreak than larger dogs.

My 9 months old dog pees in his cage, why it's happening and how to stop it?

A bulldog 9 months old, i take him sometimes 3 times a day to do his business, but he still pees in his cage. I tried a divider to leave him a small space and I did limit giving him water on specific times to control him peeing but he's still doing it, sometimes even just after i put him in the cage. If you know why and how to stop that I'd appreciate it.

8 month old puppy still not potty trained...HELP!!!?

I have an 8 month old pitbull mixed with bull terrier. She still pees and poops in the house and nothing we do seems to be working. Whenever she goes outside and pees or poops we praise her so that she knows shes done a good job. When she pees or poops in the house we tell her "Molly no", show her what shes done and put her outside (we live in an apartment). She knows shes done something wrong, but still continues to do it. We have a 2 1/2 year old pitbull who she loves but if he barks when they play she pees, if she's excited she pees, if someone comes to the house she pees. It's getting ridiculous the amount of scott towel were going through!!!! We've tried puppy pads but we also have a cat who finds these amazing to play with and ends up shredding them to pieces when were not looking. Does anyone have any ideas for me, or any stories of their own to share with me?!?!