Why Is My Brother Mean To Me In Front Of His Friends

Why is he mean to me around his friends?

He's hanging out with the wrong kind of people and needs to show that "he's the man". Imo you should move on cause the chances of him changing are quite slim and you'll just end up with a broken heart.

Why is he mean to me when his friends are around?

He likes you but he isn't mature enough to tell his friends he likes you because he think they may get on his case about it and tease him. Either that or he is down playing your awesomeness so they won't start to like you. The best way to handle it is to challenge him. Tell him flat out infront of them if you can't treat me how you do when your friends are not around don't talk to me at all. And mean have to mean it. If he cares he will appologize and if he doesn't leave him alone.

My older sister is mean to me in front of her friends?

its not true and im very hurt by what she does to me.
>> She is not the problem - it's your inadequate PARENTS! She is just doing what your parents have either allowed or even encouraged! You parents were supposed to teach and train you kids to be loving, respectful, loyal good friends and your parents let both of you DOWN! YOU ARE BOTH VICTIMS OF LOUSY PARENTING!

what can i do about it?
>> You can attempt to UNDO the rotten parenting you both got by treating her as respectfully as possible and hope she comes to see how your parents DAMAGED both of you and treat you good in return. Show your sister this message!

and why does she do this to me?
>> She simply does not know any better since her parents FAILED to teach her better!

is it jealousy?
>> Yes and more! She is like a programmed robot who was not trained to act better or respect her self!

My brother is mean to me around his Friends?

I'm sorry to hear that Your brother treats you this way in front of his friends. You should know that it is typical and hurtful. Being the youngest of four children, I know how you feel and went through the same issues. Just remember that he is not really trying to hurt your feelings, he's trying to be "cool" and fit in with his friends. I'm not sure why we do the things we do but, I do know that you shouldn't waste your time worrying about it. Since he told his friends when of your secrets, you know that in the future you can't trust him to keep it to himself. Find someone closer that you trust to confide in.
Good Luck,
Counselor EA
Boys Twon National Hotline
1(800) 448-3000

Why is my brother so mean to me?

My brother is my twin, I'm a girl and he's a boy, and we're 17. We've never been that close because my brother's always been mean but we used to sort of get along when we were younger...but when we started high school a couple of years ago my brother got even meaner than before. He's really really popular and I'm not (I'm not a complete loser but I'm just not popular) and he never wants anything to do with me at school which is understandable, but it doesn't stop there. He's supposed to drive me home after school but he never does, he always runs to his car and drives away before I have a chance to catch up with him because my last class is on the other side of the school. I have bad anxiety and sometimes have panic attacks at school but he doesn't care or ever check up on me to make sure I'm fact he just laughs at me. He makes fun of me and embarrasses me in public and in front of his friends. If he sees me in the hall at school sometimes he'll shout really mean things to me so everyone can hear. Once he even purposefully knocked me over in front of everyone. He's screamed at me in front of his friends and called me a "little s***" just because I dated one of his ex friends. I'm borderline anorexic and he always makes fun of me for that by shoving food in my face or sitting next to me to eat and saying stuff like "this food is SO GOOD, don't you wish you could eat it like a normal person?" Why is he like this?

Why is my brother so mean to me?

Okay so I'm 12 years old and my brother is 14 (turning 15 in like 2 months) anyways he's really rude to me. He is a good big brother like he will stand up for me but he is really over protective. Then he can be a bad brother and call me names. He called me a bi*ch in front of all of his friends and they started laughing. None of his friends like me because of all the stuff he says about me. Anyways so today I was wearing this really cute shirt and it was one of those over-sized ones and it kept on falling off my shoulder and so I would pick it up. Well I had stuff in my hands and it fell off and he goes " whys only one shoulder down??" and my mom comes in and is like " why would you wear that to church?" and i was wearing jeans and she saw my shirt off my shoulder anyways and i pull it up and i'm like i'm sorry it fell off but I always pulled it back up. Then my brother comes into the conversation and says " all i know is that she is wearing a shirt that falls off her shoulder, she wasn't taking it up, and you could see her bra strap." and then he calls me stupid and retard and everything. I don't like the way he treats me and like his testosterone level is ridiculous and he is huge so i can't fight back or anything. Then he has kind of a short fuse and when he loses a baseball or football game he will be in a really bad mood and i'll try to compliment him but he goes like shut up or just won't respond... what should I do??? I want go to boarding school for academics this is one of the main reasons why I want to go because of my brother. How should I deal with this?

Why is my brother so mean to me?!?

my brother is 17 and im 12.. ill just tell one story for now, but stuff like this happens all the time.
So i went downstairs in my new dress(with shorts underneath cause its a little short) and i put popcorn in the microwave and went back upstairs.. i went down after he was yelling that it was done. and i sat on the stairs cause i was thinking about Christmas.. so he walks up and starts yelling at me to go get my popcorn but i told him ill get it in a minute. then he starts calling me a skank and that i look like a s l u t in my dress! i told him to leave me alone and he starts laughing at me for being 12 and i cant help how old i am.. so then he runs into the kitchen, takes my popcorn, and runs into the basement and i went to call my mom at work and he runs, turns the phone off, elbows me really hard, chucks my popcorn, and pushes me down. wow. so i take my popcorn and run to my room and lock the door.. then he comes and practically brakes the door down (good thing i put a chair under the handle so even though he broke the lock, it wouldn't open) and the top of the door corner started coming in!! so i called mom again and she called him and yelled, now im still locked in my room but im worried to go out there.. he is really mean and always hits me and stuff and he doesn't listen when my mom tells him to stop.. sorry this is sooo long but i just wanted to see if anyone has big brother problems like this.. thanks

My brother's friend is mean to me and wont leave me alone?

I made a new account so friends on here dont know its me :(

I live with my brother and his friends always come over. I'm out of the closet but I keep to myself. Ive never had a problem like this so I dont know what to do. His best friend is always mean to me and they all think its funny. He says stuff like f*g and tells me I belong in the kitchen because he says I'm a girl just because Im gay. He gets bad about it when my brother isnt home like when he goes to the store or has to go to work.

I dont worry about it too much and just stay in my room because I know hes just being annoying and stupid. But I don't know what to do now because last night he slept here on the couch and then my brother had to go work late shift at his job. I didnt know he was there and I went to kitchen to get orange juice and he came up behind me and scared me. I dont know what happened and he got a funny look on his face and started touching me. I'm so guilty because I didnt stop him and then things happened and it makes me feel icky because i hate him. Then this morning he told my brother he has to stay again because of some stupid excuse I know is a lie but I think he wants to do things again.

He called me a homo again in front of everybody but when they left a little while ago he walked to my room to ask for a towel for a shower and kissed me like nothings wrong!!!! I dont know what to do so I let him but now I feel bad again like its all wrong!

Bad thing is I dont want him to stop but at the same time I do because hes mean to me and the whole thing makes me feel like dirt or a traitor.

WHAT IS GOING ON? I need advice asap please!

How to embarrass and older brother in front of his friends?

go through the old family albums and find emberassing pics of him. then email them to all his friends. get a photo of him and shop it to make it look like he is wearing makeup and a dress. LOLwhile he is asleep put on of your dolls in bed with him and take a pic of it. show him and tell him if he ever teases you again all his friends and everyone at school will see he is a sissy boy that sleeps with dollbabies LOL

Why do guys act different in front of their friends.?

Yesterday, my brother had his friends over and he was acting all macho around them. i understand that he wants to show off in front of them but he was acting like a real jack ***. he was so mean to me and my friend, he told her to shut the hell up. so i yelled at him and then he told mind my own business. why is he being such a jerk? he doesn't act like this when his friends aren't around, he is the sweetest thing, but now he's such an *** around his friends.