Why Is My Canary Angry At Me

Why does my mom get so angry at me all the time?

IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! You should never feel that you are the cause of the problem!! Remember that.She is possibly frustrated and angry because her life isn't going as she imaginated, or your life for that matter. That is her problem.She is possibly tired because she works too hard and doesn't get in return as much she thinks she deserves. That is her problem.She got into situation that turned out to be a problem and she cannot handle it appropriately. That is her problem.She doesn't understand you are unique individual and you do things your own way which she cannot comprehend. That is her problem.She might suffer from a variety of mental issues that affect her and you. That is her problem.She brought all of this on herself, that is called getting feedback from life for taken actions. Unless there is valid medicinal explanation for her state.The best thing you can do is talk to her, try to figure out what is bothering her, even if she treats you bad, be supportive. Try to come up with a solution to problem together. If nothing helps and she continues to treat you the same, ask other family members to give you a hand or get her some professional help.If she is truly a dictator I am afraid it would be best that you go on your own way. SHE DECIDED TO BE STUCK IN PROBLEM!You cannot sacrifice you're own well being to do as she pleases. I sincerely hope you will find a solution and work this out. ☮️

Canary pecking finger...?

Some reasons a canary may become more aggressive would be molting (many canaries get irritated easily at this stressful time), a cage being too small (24"width x 14" length x 18"height is the minimum size cage for canaries), hormonal problems, and possibly illness. In addition, he might be acting territorial over his cage. If this is the problem, I would get a hand-held perch and get your canary to hop on it. Take your canary away from its cage and then interact with it. A neutral area may be what your canary needs to get it more tame and less aggressive.

My canary is trying to bite me!!?

Sounds to me like you don't have the bond you should with your bird but that is okay.

One way is to get your bird used to being handled don't show fear. You can do this by using something like a small piece of pvc pipe or stick maybe even a small pencil and put it in the cage next to the bird and tell the bird step up and if he/she attacks the object that is fine don't yell or hit or get mad in any way cause it shows attention and that is what he/she wants and that will just make the situation worse. Instead just keep trying and like I said don't get frustrated can take a while to get done.
Once you get the bird to step up on this object make a huge deal of it saying good bird (clickers work well) get it a nice treat (The treat being the birds favorite food you can figure this out by watching him/her eat and seeing what they pick out first when eating) and keep doing this eventually he/she will see you are not a threat and just keep working with him/her.
Once you get him/her to be able to step up on you start working with some hands on touching routines the same way first with an object touching the birds beak or head and then once he/she gets to the point the let it happen give a treat then start it with your finger. before long he/she will be your best feathered friend.

Remember to do this to the wings and feet and beak as they are needing to be touched by your avian vet for checkups. Also work with a towel you can do this by putting a small towel next to the bird for a while (SUPERVISED) and let the bird get used to it to see its not a threat. eventually start just touching your bird with it (dont rush it and just cover your bird or anything just light touches) maybe even start with the birds feet or make it a game of peek a boo by covering your face so they see it doesnt hurt you. dont scare him/her though so do it calmly. Then when the bird isnt affraid of it touching him/her on the feet maybe touch a wing or the neck with it and get them used to that etc eventually you will be able to cover your bird with he towel this will help a lot with vet visits as well.

Before long he/she will be your best feathered friend.

I hope this information helped. :)

What human foods can i feed my canary?

Blood orange
Cantaloupe melon
Dried dates
Figs (fresh)
Honeydew melon
Lychee (Litchi)
Red Currants
Yellow Plum
Make sure that all apple, orange and other seeds are removed before letting your birds eat the fresh foods. And make sure you wash all fruits and vegetable thoroughly. It's always best to go organic for your parrots to stay away from pesticides.

Beans, cooked only
Bell Peppers
Brussels sprouts
Celery stalks
Chinese Cabbage
Corn (milky & soft)
Eggplant (fruit only)
Green Beans
Hot Peppers
Potato (cooked)
Pumpkin (and seeds)
Radish Red Beet (fresh)
Romain Lettuce
Sweet Potato

Avoid anything high in salt, sugar, and fat content.
Apple seeds
Apricot pits
Avocado (entire plant and fruit)
Beans - Kidney, Lima
Beans, any dried
Carbonated beverages
Cherry pits
Cigarette tobacco
Dried fruits (containing sulfides or sulphates)
Egg Plant
Milk/cream in large quantities
Nectarine pits
Onions (raw or cooked)
Peach pits
Pear pips
Plum pits
Raw Peanuts
Tomato (entire plant and fruit)
Houseplants (most are toxic, not all)

Is our canary mad at her mirror?

Well we've had her for about 3 days and yesterday my mom bought her a mirror since we know female canaries enjoy those. She's been admiring herself in it, not whistling as much back to me since she absorbs herself in that. Well my dad mentioned playing a audio of another canary singing. So I went on youtube and played it just to see what would happen, hopeful on her picking it up. She did whistle a lot and hop around on the perches. After a while she started pecking at her mirror and continued it for a while even after I stopped it. My mom thinks she's mad from the singing and might even break her beak on mirror. In my opinion I think she liked it and is just excited. Any ideas?

When canaries chirp..?

It must interest him either way! My canary used to be quiet in the morning but the minute I came into sight he would start singing and chirping excitedly. Watch your bird and note his reactions then try another song and see what his reactions are to that, if there is something he really likes try that and watch his reactions then compare what he has done during that particular song and see if it is in line with the thing he likes a lot. I don't know if this will help you but I've found you can determine a lot by paying close attention to your bird in a variety of situations I can tell the difference between a contented chirp an excited chirp and a mad chirp. Observation was the key. Good luck

I want my canary to stand on my hand help me omg 10pts?

Today i put here in corner so she step up on my hand walked 1 sec and fly away cuz she was trapped and now she mad from me and shes biting me but i fixed the problem with a letuce :P but i want it to stand any tips 10 pts

I clipped my canary's toenails and now he is just sitting on the bottom of the cage, not eating or moving...??

the best thing to do is to take it to a vet because birds have a single veign in their claws just like dogs. Im sure it cant be that much damage but he cuold be in pain or the clippers could have had some dirt which got into a little cut or something or could have an ingrown nail.

How to hand tame an adult red canary? PLEASE answer for 10 points!?

I regret to inform you that the taming process will be difficult. Canaries are hard to tame even as chicks and being an adult severely diminishes your chances. Canaries are, in essence, huge finches. They are fast, talkative, and not really the hands-on type birds. But do not give up hope. Buy some treats and cross your fingers. Getting wings clipped will save you time, and possibly even your birds life. Remember two things: Patience and Perseverance. Go very, very, very, slow in the taming process. Try keeping your hands out side the cage. Move through steps a week or two at a time. Try not to stick your hands in that much except for changing food and water. Then put your hand on the cage, week/2 passes(chorus), hand in the cage (not threatening), chorus, put your hand closer and closer(resist temptations to touch, time is your best friend and your worst enemy), chorus, try treats in your hands, chorus, then try step ups and exploring outside the cage. Don't give up hope midway. From this you build trust with your pet and learn self-control and discipline. Good luck!
